small farmer

Chapter 388

Chapter 388
Suddenly a mysterious animal flew over the dark cave, only one or two meters away from the heads of everyone.

"Ah, what?" The timid Ding Xiang was startled and screamed in horror.

The others were also panicked, and the girls were even more panicked. Zhang Feng hurriedly followed the sound with a flashlight, and finally found the mysterious animal in the cave. Its dark body looked like a mouse, with a pair of A thin meaty wing, what else could this be if it wasn't a bat.

When the bat on the top of the cave was illuminated by the light, it suddenly became uneasy, squeaked, flapped its wings and flew deep into the cave in the blink of an eye.

"It's okay, this is the bat in the cave." Zhang Feng smiled and comforted everyone.

"I'm going, there are bats in the cave, madman, do you think they can suck blood?" The fat man asked in surprise.

"Crap, do you think this is watching a movie, and there are vampires?" Zhang Feng rolled his eyes, and then continued to explain to everyone: "The bats here are just ordinary bats, they usually eat some small insects , Huaxia doesn’t have any vampire bats at all, so you don’t have to worry.”

Hearing Zhang Feng's explanation, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, especially the girls, who were finally relieved. However, after experiencing the encounter with the bat, everyone was still a little nervous and kept looking around.

The water source in the cave has long been exhausted, so the Yunwu Cave has become a dry cave, and the stalactites inside have stopped growing.

The stalactites hanging upside down in the cave are like winter ice in front of the house, like sharp swords, exuding icy cold light, full of shocking momentum.

"Why do I feel like I've entered the Zhuxian Sword Formation!!" Seeing so many upside-down stalactites above his head, the monkey suddenly felt as if he had entered a super formation in the list of gods. Coupled with the dark environment, it was really the same as in the TV series. The scenarios are very similar.

"It's really similar, but I think it's more like the sword array in Shushan..."

"Tch, this is obviously the nameless Wan Jian returning to the clan, okay? Look at this unsheathed sharp sword hanging above the head, and the sword is ready to be released. With this kind of momentum, gods block and kill gods, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas. It's shocking and weeping ghosts and gods..." Huazi Fengyun Mi said with a smile.

Then a few second-handers still posed under the hanging stalactites, and launched a big move-Wan Jian Guizong.

Seeing that Huazi and the others were playing with great interest, Zhang Feng shook his head with a smile, turned around and saw that the beautiful girl not far away was not idle, and was posing for pictures in front of the Guanyin statue. The most outrageous thing was Sister Ding Xiang, resolutely hugged Master Avalokitesvara tightly, and did not ask Lord Bodhisattva for his opinion. Aren't you afraid that Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara will put a magic spell on her?

If the first floor of Yunwu Cave can be described as broad and flat in one word, then the second floor is rugged and magnificent. There are not only five or six-meter-high Feiliu waterfall stalactites, but also a three-zhang exquisite pagoda standing in the center. ,

In addition, there are the most miraculous masterpieces of nature - the vivid Buddha statues and stalactite groups. Among them are not only the Tathagata Buddha statues as high as four or five meters, but also the benevolent Avalokitesvara. Incomparably majestic momentum.

In the second layer, there are many stalactites and the terrain is complex. The whole cave is like a long and narrow tunnel, about 20 meters long, with a winding look towards the inside of the mountain.

"Madman, have you ever thought about developing this cave?" After everyone finished for a while, the monkey asked Zhang Feng with a smile.

"I have thought about it, but this cave is too small to be scaled, and its development value is not great." Zhang Feng shook his head. Not only did he think about it, but the village and the county also thought about it. There are too few landscapes in this cave, which is a bit tasteless.

And the most important thing is that not only the cost of renovation here is high, but also the development will not form much tourism effect. If tickets are collected as a scenic spot alone, there will definitely not be many tourists.

If tickets are not charged and there is no money for management, the maintenance of scenic spots will become a problem, and safety accidents will easily occur. Who will be responsible at that time.

Therefore, this karst cave is extremely tasteless. Unless the county allocates funds, if it is developed privately, the possibility of profit is extremely low.

Although the scenery in Yunwu Cave is good, not only the spectacular Feiliu waterfall and exquisite pagoda, but also the lifelike stalactites of Buddha statues, but there are so many karst caves in Guizhou Province, there is one every ten miles and eight townships, and almost every county has its own caves. Therefore, it is difficult to attract tourists with these stalactite landscapes.

"Ah yo!" Ding Xiang tripped over a stone and almost fell to the ground. Ding Xiang pouted and angrily took a photo with her mobile phone. The next moment she was very pleasantly surprised that there was actually a beautiful stalactite on the ground.

"Sister Lilac, is everything okay?" Qiu Shui asked quickly.

"Hee hee, I'm fine, sister Qiushui, look at this stalactite, does it look like a small exquisite pagoda!" Lilac picked up the stalactite on the ground and said to Qiushui happily.

"Wow! What a beautiful stalactite! Dingxiang, you are so lucky!" Qiushui saw the shiny stalactite in Dingxiang's hand, his eyes were shining, and he ran over immediately, took the pagoda-shaped stalactite, and kept gently stroking it , I like it very much.

After admiring it for a while, Qiushui looked at the stalactite in his hand, and then at Dingxiang. He hesitated to speak, and really wanted to ask Dingxiang for this stone. Finally, Dingxiang shook his head. Cloves.

"Sister Qiushui, how about I give this stone to you?" Ding Xiang saw Qiushui's eyes. Although she liked the stone very much, the kind-hearted little girl decided to give this stone to Qiushui. .

"Thank you Ding Xiang, but I still want to find a stone that I like." Although Qiu Shui liked it very much, she finally rejected Ding Xiang's offer because she knew that Ding Xiang liked it too. The same goes for beautiful women.

Seeing that Lilac found a beautiful stalactite, the others were still free there, turned on the light of the mobile phone, and searched carefully on the ground.

Seeing everyone's serious looks, as if they were hunting for treasure, Zhang Feng couldn't help laughing. The villagers have searched for the stones here many times. Generations of little kids from Moon Lake have left their treasures here. footprint, so it is almost impossible to find a good-looking stone here.

However, Zhang Feng did not dampen everyone's interest, and joined in the fun with everyone. After searching for a while, everyone more or less gained something. Although none of them were as beautiful as the stalactite that Lilac found, everyone was very happy and very precious. Treat it as the harvest of this expedition, as long as you are happy.

 There is another chapter in the evening. Book friends who like it will give a monthly ticket. I hope everyone will subscribe more. Thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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