small farmer

Chapter 389 The Brilliant Starry Sky

Chapter 389 The Brilliant Starry Sky
as night falls

I don't know when the moon came out quietly.

The silver-white moonlight swayed on the ground, and the mountains, lakes, and small mountain villages in the distance were covered with thin white gauze, like a dream world, full of fantasy.

"I didn't expect Moon Lake to be so beautiful at night!" The stars in the sky, the willows in the sky, the mirror-like lake, the towering mountains in the distance, the dense forests, everything is so beautiful, In the hazy night, it looks more charming, dizzying and refreshing.

Moon Lake at night is extraordinarily quiet,
The boat rowed across the lake, making a gurgling sound. At this time, Zhang Feng stood at the bow of the boat, paddling the oars, and took his friends on the lake, roaming freely.

"The breeze is coming slowly, and the water is calm. The wine belongs to the guests, and the poems of the bright moon are recited, and the songs are graceful and graceful."

"Madman, it would be even better if I could get two bottles of wine on the boat." The monkey stood on a boat behind and recited Suzi's Fu on the Red Cliff loudly. , what a joy it was.

"It's a lunatic, if you want me to say, just buy a bigger yacht, we can not only enjoy the scenery, but also drink and have fun, that would be great!" Leizi also joked with a smile.

"There is no yacht, but there is a small wooden boat. If you don't want to sit on it, you can swim back by yourself!" Zhang Feng rolled his eyes. These guys have a lot of demands. Are yachts affordable by ordinary people?

"Hee hee, Brother Feng, you can actually buy one. You can see that you can not only use it for yourself, but also rent it out to tourists. Isn't that great!" Sitting in the cabin, Ding Xiang encouraged Zhang Feng with a smile. arrive.

Zhang Feng smiled wryly and shook his head. A small two-person yacht costs hundreds of thousands. If it can accommodate a dozen people and drink and watch the moon on it, then several million must be indispensable.

Although he has earned tens of millions in the past few months, Zhang Feng is really reluctant to spend millions to buy a yacht, and it is impossible for his family to agree.

"Don't embarrass the lunatics, a slightly larger yacht costs two to three million!" Yiyi shook her head and said to her girlfriends.

"Oh, Yiyi, you haven't married a lunatic yet, so you're starting to take care of his account!" Hearing Yiyi's words, the best friend immediately teased.

"So what? If you want to take a yacht, find a wealthy husband to buy it for you!" Yiyi showed her feminine side, and immediately turned back.

"Come on, Ding Xiang, you should hurry up and find a good husband..."

"Oh, sister Qiushui..."

Several girls started laughing and playing on Zhang Feng's boat. Fortunately, Zhang Feng had good control skills, otherwise the boat would have capsized.

Under the bright starlight, Zhang Feng and his cousin rowed a boat each, and the two boats walked side by side, slowly advancing along the shore of the lake.

"The night here is so beautiful, the sky is so pure and ethereal!!" Looking at the clear night sky, every star is so clear and bright, this beautiful scenery has disappeared in the city at some point, and only Moon Lake is like this Such a beautiful night can only be seen in a remote mountain village.

Willow head on the moon, after dusk.

A group of more than ten people sat on the bow of the boat, leisurely admiring the beautiful night and the charming starry sky in Moon Lake.

Everyone was silent, looking up at the starry sky silently. It seemed that the whole soul had been purified, and the daily troubles were all washed away by the pure starry sky. It seemed that the whole body and mind were integrated into this world.

Cuckoo!Cuckoo! !

The birds in the woods by the lake cooed loudly in the silent night.

Suddenly, two green eyes appeared on the treetops by the lake, so creepy and eerie in the dark night.

"Ah, look over there... What is it? It's so scary??" Suddenly Qiushui saw the eyes on the treetops and couldn't help but exclaim.

"Could it be a wolf or a leopard?" The monkey asked with an open mind.

"I'll go, why don't you say this is Avatar?? This is always an owl, okay?" Zhang Feng said angrily.

Zhang Feng heard the prestige and looked over. When he saw the scene on the tree, he immediately rolled his eyes. Isn't this just an owl?Although the surrounding light was dim and only a pair of eyes could be seen, Zhang Feng knew it was an owl at a glance.

We usually say that owls are night owls. Owls also have the habit of hunting at night. Night is their home field and when they show their talents. Therefore, it is normal to see owls now.

"Hey, it really seems to be an owl!" Zhang Feng rowed the boat close to the shore, everyone looked more carefully, and the outline of the owl was faintly visible.

Cuckoo! !Cuckoo! !
Hearing the hooting of the owl, Zhang Feng became more certain, but seeing everyone approaching, the owl hooted twice, then flapped its wings, flew deep into the woods, and disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Oops, the owl flew away before I had time to take a picture!!"

"Hee hee, monkey who made you move so slowly, I took two pictures." Ding Xiang moved very fast, and secretly photographed the majestic owl.

"Lilac, let's add WeChat, how about you send me the photo later?" Monkey rolled his eyes and said with a smile.

"Okay..." Ding Xiang was tricked unconsciously.

The other boys cursed in their hearts, the monkey is really an old driver, and he got the girl's WeChat account without making a sound, which made everyone envious.

Before you know it, it's late at night, and the happy time always flies so fast, so it's so sad.

"Crazy, let's go back, it's almost twelve o'clock!" Yiyi worried that her grandparents were still waiting for everyone, so she said to Zhang Feng.

"Okay, let's go home! Everyone, hurry up and take pictures, it will be very difficult to see such a pure night sky in the future!!"

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, everyone took out their mobile phones and saved the stars in the sky in their photo albums. After returning home, they could take them out to share with family and friends.

In the middle of the night, Moon Lake was completely silent, except for the sound of oars paddling. Two small boats rowed across the center of the lake and headed straight for the small pier in front of the house. After about five or six minutes, the boats docked on the shore.

"Okay, let's get off the boat, everyone hurry back to rest, we will continue to act tomorrow!" Zhang Feng laughed and tied the boat to the pier, bid farewell to the girls led by Yiyi, and walked home with a group of boys.

Pushing open the door, the light in the main room was still on. Hearing the sound outside the door, the door creaked open, and the elder sister came out wearing a coat.

"Xiaofeng, are you back??" The eldest sister asked Zhang Feng with a smile.

"Come back, everyone, please rest early, and leave the rest to me."

Seeing that the eldest sister was still waiting for him at such a late hour, Zhang Feng felt a warm current flow through his heart, feeling extremely warm and happy in his heart, maybe this is the feeling of home.

(End of this chapter)

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