small farmer

Chapter 390 Hometown Interests

Chapter 390 Hometown Interests
Early morning mist in the mountains

As the red sun rose eastward and the temperature became higher and higher, the thick fog covering the entire Moon Lake quickly dissipated, and the high mountains in the distance became clearly visible.

Today everyone’s breakfast is mutton rice noodles, fragrant red braised mutton, plus fresh shallots and coriander, um!The taste is indescribably delicious.

"Ah, madman, the mutton powder you made is really delicious!" the monkey said in amazement after taking a bite.

"It's really great, I think the taste is better than the ones sold on the street!" Xu Yang was also full of praise after eating, and he really admired Zhang Feng's cooking skills.

"Hehe, everyone should eat more if it's delicious, there's still in the bowl." Hearing everyone's praise, Zhang Feng felt a little complacent, and said to his classmates with a smile.


According to the agreement, everyone will go to the entrance of the village this morning to pick wild vegetables, dig loaches, and catch eels. Everyone is envious of these interesting activities when they see them on online TV. Now of course, they must experience them in the village.

After breakfast, everyone brought fish baskets, vegetable baskets and hoes, gathered a few girls, and walked straight to the entrance of the village.

The village entrance of Moon Lake Village is a flat field, where the thousand acres of paddy fields in the entire village are concentrated. At this time, except for more than 100 acres of vegetables, the others are in a state of barrenness.

There are even good fields that have been deserted for more than ten years, so there are quite a lot of loaches and eels in these paddy fields. Occasionally, villagers come here to dig loaches to catch eels, and beat their teeth for sacrifice.

"Wow! What a beautiful field!!"

Moon Lake is like spring all year round. At this time, the fields are full of golden wild flowers, including not only wild rape flowers, but also wild chrysanthemums and dandelions. painting.

"I didn't expect it to be winter, and the fields here are still so beautiful!!" Everyone couldn't believe it. At this time, the northern land was already covered with ice and snow, but the Moon Lake, far in the southwest of the motherland, was still as beautiful as spring, and the temperature remained the same. One or twenty degrees, really amazing.

Everyone looked at Zhang Feng and Yiyi with envy. Thinking about the two living in such a beautiful village, it is like a paradise. You can see this beautiful scenery every day, green mountains and green waters, beautiful landscapes and countryside, picturesque , It really makes people linger and forget to return.

"Of course, Moon Lake is like spring all the year round. There is no severe cold in winter and no severe heat in summer. You can see that it is winter now, but the temperature is still over 20 degrees." Zhang Feng nodded with a smile, feeling proud of the unique climate and environment in his hometown. pride.

"Everyone be careful, there is dew on the ridge of the field!"

Following Zhang Feng and Yiyi, all the girls were carrying vegetable baskets, and Yingying and Yanyan followed behind, looking at the scenery in the field, with cheerful smiles on their faces.

"Sister Qiushui, sister Dingxiang, do you see that the yellow flowers over there are wild rapeseed!" Zhang Yue grew up in the countryside and was very familiar with the wild vegetables in the fields. Several sisters introduced all kinds of wild vegetables in the field.

"Then what are we waiting for, hurry up and pick it!!!" Wild rapeseed is everyone's favorite for eating hot pot, and a few girls chattered and ran to the empty field ahead with their vegetable baskets.

"Hee hee, sister Qiushui, wild rapeseed is not picked like this. We only need to pinch the upper half of the tender part. You can just pinch gently like this, and don't want the old roots and leaves below!" Zhang Yue saw Qiushui uprooting the wild rapeseed and demonstrated it with a smile.

Qiu Shui, who had never done farm work before, blushed pretty, and looked around shyly, only to be relieved when she found that no one else had noticed her mistake.

Men and women match, work is not tired

In about ten minutes, everyone picked two baskets of wild vegetables, including not only wild rapeseed, but also dandelion shepherd's purse and so on! !

"Let's go, let's go dig loaches and eels!!"

Hearing Zhang Feng's reminder, everyone stopped wanting to put all the wild vegetables in baskets, Xiaopang and Houzi hurried up to show their courtesy, helping the beautiful girl to carry vegetables, a few boys who were half a beat behind He immediately rolled his eyes, feeling very annoyed in his heart, and believed that next time, these two guys must not let these two guys focus on their beauty.

Walking on the straight field ridge, the small stream beside the field is gurgling, and the lake water flowing out of Moon Lake is constantly diverted, dividing into two, and dividing into four, watering the thousands of acres of fields at the entrance of the village.

"There are the most wild loaches and eels in these two rotten fields. Today is the time for everyone to show their talents!!"

"Hey! Come and take a look..." Luckily, there is a cave right in front of you. Zhang Feng, who is familiar with the habits of rice field eels and loaches, knows that it is most likely the nest of rice field eels or mud loaches below.

Seeing Zhang Feng's surprised expression, everyone ran over one after another.

"Seeing that there should be eels or loaches here, let's dig them out with a hoe...Xu Yang give me the hoe!"

Xu Yang quickly handed the hoe to Zhang Feng. Zhang Feng smiled, and dug the hole in front of him with the hoe three or two times. Everyone was motionless, staring at the ground tightly.

"Wow! There are ricefield eels!! There are really ricefield eels!!" Just as Zhang Feng dug down about a foot, a trace of ricefield eels finally appeared in the soil. Even more excited, people who didn't know thought he had dug a rice field eel.

But other people are not surprised, everyone was as excited as Xu Yang when they experienced it for the first time.

With Zhang Feng's demonstration and explanation, everyone learned the skills of digging eels and loaches. Each of them carried a hoe and dug wildly in the field.

Not to mention, everyone's luck is good, and they have harvested one after another in a short while. The girls are also smiling and standing on the sidelines, carrying fish baskets, ready to welcome the harvest at any time.

There were unexpectedly many eels and loaches in the rotten fields. Seeing everyone's smiling faces, you knew that the harvest was good. In just half an hour, everyone caught [-] or [-] eels, weighing about three to four catties.

This morning, everyone not only picked wild vegetables, but also dug so many loaches. It can be said that they returned with a full load. The way back was full of laughter and laughter. With the fruits of their own labor, they walked much more briskly.

"Yiyi, wash all the wild vegetables, let's eat hot pot later!!" After returning home, he arranged for everyone to put the Huangshan loach by the pool, and said to Yiyi with a smile.

Yiyi nodded, took out a few spare vegetable baskets, and sat at the stone table with a few girls, choosing vegetables while chatting and laughing about the beautiful scenery encountered in the past two days.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, the three-day holiday of New Year's Day has passed like this.

On the morning of the third day, everyone reluctantly left after breakfast. This trip to Moon Lake allowed everyone to experience a different rural style and appreciate the beautiful scenery here.

(End of this chapter)

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