small farmer

Chapter 392 Termites

Chapter 392 Termites
As the weather gets colder,
Zhang Feng lay on the bed and slept even more soundly;
At dawn, the sound of cocks crowing in the village came one after another.

Zhang Feng also woke up slightly, opened his eyes, got up and looked, a little furry thing was lying beside him and sleeping soundly, who else could it be if it wasn't the little cat at home.

When the cold wave hits, even the little meow can’t stand the cold, but cats are afraid of the cold by nature. When winter comes, they will nest in a warm place and refuse to move. Sometimes they will run to the fire pit to keep warm. Winter spirit!
I remember when I was a child, there was a kitten at home because it hid in the fire pit to avoid the cold, but I didn’t see it. So when Zhang Feng lit the fire, the cat in the fire pit screamed and fled in embarrassment. A piece was burned.

It's very interesting to think about it, people often say Maodong!It is estimated that this is related to the cat's fear of cold.

Seemingly feeling the movement of Zhang Feng getting up, he groaned twice, turned over and continued curling up, sleeping soundly in the warm blanket.

Zhang Feng shook his head and ignored this little thing. The animals in the house were very clean and there were no fleas on them, so let him sleep here for the time being.

At this time, the sky was just getting bright, and the sky outside the window was a bit gloomy. Even the trees and birds outside the house seemed a little bleak, as if they had lost the spirit of the past, and the power of the cold wave was evident.

With the arrival of this round of cold wave, Moon Lake has finally entered the cold winter, and every household has also started to stockpile firewood for the winter.

Just half an hour after getting up, Zhang Feng saw five or six villagers coming into the mountain to cut firewood, because in winter, every household has to light a fire to keep warm, which consumes a lot of firewood.

Relying on mountains to eat mountains, relying on water to drink water, backed by Qinglong Mountain with a radius of hundreds of miles, there are luxuriant trees and rich products, and there are many kinds of dead branches and firewood in the forest, so the villagers of Moon Lake never lack firewood for winter.

Every winter, the villagers go up the mountain to collect firewood with poles instead of hatchets, but this year is a bit different, because the road behind the mountain is connected, and almost all the villagers who enter the mountain drive electric tricycles, which is much more convenient than in previous years. few.

"Mom, I went up to the mountain to collect firewood!!!" There was not much firewood at home, and it must not be enough for the winter, and the old man and his family also needed a lot, so Zhang Feng prepared to go into the mountain after breakfast.

"Okay, let's go! Pay attention to safety!" Mother Zhang nodded, and then urged with concern.

"Understood Mom!!" Zhang Feng nodded with a smile, took out the hatchet and rope from the utility room, drove out of the yard with three wheels, and galloped quickly towards the back mountain.

A few minutes later, Zhang Feng arrived at the mountain pass. Seven, eight, two or three rounds had already stopped by the side of the road, but there was no one in sight. They probably had already entered the mountain.

Zhang Feng also parked his car in the open space on the side of the road, took a hatchet and a rope and walked towards the dense forest deep in the mountain.

Although the mountain road is rugged, Zhang Feng cannot be troubled. As a master of martial arts, even if Zhang Feng does not use his true energy, he still walks on the uneven mountain road as if walking on flat ground.

Roaming in the green pine forest, listening to the white birds contending in the forest, I feel so relaxed and happy, the whole person is relaxed, free, without any restraint, as if integrated into the whole world and nature


Suddenly a huge branch fell from the dry trunk and fell heavily on the ground with a loud noise. Zhang Feng was also startled by the sudden sound, and quickly jumped away from the big tree hiding next to him. Down.

"Your sister! I almost missed me!" Zhang Feng patted his chest to rejoice.

"Huh!" Zhang Feng suddenly realized that there was something wrong with the branch that had just fallen.

"So that's it." After careful observation, Zhang Feng finally found a clue, a few termites appeared on the roots of the dead tree, so it was certain that the tree was destroyed by termites;

"Eggy, use the system to detect and see how many trees have suffered from termites." Zhang Feng looked around, and many trees in the forest showed signs of withering. It seems that there are not only these trees suffering from termites, and it is likely that the entire Qinglong Mountain foot The forests were severely infested with ants.

"Okay, master, Eggy will scan now." Speaking of the scanning energy wave in the system, it spreads rapidly to the surroundings, the speed is unspeakable, in the blink of an eye, all the places in the square garden are scanned;
"Master, according to Dandan's scan, there are traces of termites found in hundreds of acres of surrounding forests. There are also trees in other areas that have suffered from termites, but fortunately it is not serious, but if no measures are taken, the situation will deteriorate rapidly. "Soon Eggy told Zhang Feng the result of the scan, made an image of the affected area, and passed it into Zhang Feng's mind, so that Zhang Feng could observe it;

"Dandan, is there any termite extermination item in the system?" Zhang Feng had never encountered such a thing before, so he asked the omnipotent butler Dandan;

"Of course I have. What are the items for exterminating termites? Master, you see that this is Mirex. You only need to exchange it for one coin to exterminate termites in a radius of hundreds of miles."

"I'm going, why does this look like a bomb???" Seeing Mirex in the system, Zhang Feng was speechless for a moment. He didn't expect this thing to shoot at a shell. The shape is really strange. Could it be that this thing is shooting at a bomb? Will it explode? ?
"Hehe, in fact, Mirex is really a kind of energy wave bomb. Once it is detonated, it can release energy substances that specifically target the genes of termites and wipe out the ants without affecting other living things. Therefore, Mirex is also an energy bomb. The best-selling ant-killing product in the universe." Eggy smiled and introduced the principle of Mirex to Zhang Feng.

"Really? Then you will work hard and get rid of these nasty termites." Zhang Feng still believes in Dandan's words. Although Dandan seems a little unreliable, she is true to her orders execution.

"Hee hee, master, look after you." After Dandan finished speaking, he immediately detonated the special bomb on the ground. Zhang Feng felt a huge burst of energy instantly, and it spread rapidly in all directions. These energy waves are almost pervasive, even Termites buried tens of meters deep in the ground have not escaped their attack.

At this moment, a miracle happened! !

All the termites that entered the body with energy lost their vitality and turned into a pile of lifeless protein. One... two... termites with a radius of hundreds of miles all died in an instant, without one exception. In the last moment, They are still devouring the life of the trees, and the next moment they have gone to heaven;
"Hee hee... Master, how are you? Eggy wiped them all out, not even one." Eggy clapped her hands triumphantly. She did it neatly. Not a single termite was left behind. Will the termites become extinct because of this;
Seeing Eggy's triumphant expression, Zhang Feng smiled slightly and exited the system.

(End of this chapter)

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