small farmer

Chapter 393

Chapter 393
Freshly fallen pine branches are not small
The thickest one is as thick as an arm and is four or five meters long.

Zhang Feng dragged the branch over, cut it into two pieces with two clicks of the hatchet, and placed them neatly on the ground.

The woods of Zhang Feng’s house are almost all pine trees, and the ground is covered with thick pine needles. In the past, these pine needles were also good things. They can not only be used as fire starters at home, but also can be piled up in the cattle pen and made into fertilizer. Fertile crops and fields.

However, now that materials are plentiful and the market is full of chemical fertilizers, everyone is no longer willing to go through such troubles. If they have the time for retting, everyone might as well go to work for two days, and the money they earn is enough to buy a few bags of chemical fertilizers.

Of course, what I just mentioned are the most common functions of pine needles. In fact, pine needles are also a kind of medicinal material, which can not only treat colds and diabetes, but also be edible.

According to Zhang Feng's understanding, pine needles can not only be used to make wine, but also can be made into pine needle tea.
Pine needles are the tender leaves of pinus pine or masson pine, green pine, red pine, and other pine trees.The smell of pine needles is fragrant, and it contains various elements such as volatile oil, sugar, carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, and amino acids.

Among them, carotene, vitamin C, and vitamin E have anti-aging effects.Drinking pine needle water can prevent colds and treat chronic bronchitis and rheumatic joint pain.

In ancient China, there was a record of eating pine needles and drinking pine needle tea to enjoy a long life.

But these have nothing to do with Zhang Feng. It is not so easy to use pine needles, and it can even be said to be extremely difficult.
Everyone knows that rare things are valuable, but pine trees are distributed all over the country, from Mohe, the northernmost part of China, to the ends of the South China Sea, almost all of which can be seen. Disaster.

Because pine trees are oil-bearing plants, they contain a lot of oil and are very easy to burn, so they are very popular among villagers.


There were a lot of dead branches in the pine forest, but in less than half an hour, Zhang Feng picked up two large bundles, each weighing about [-] catties, and they were at least big firewood as thick as a child's arm, so that they could be burnt and durable.


"Huh! Didn't expect to meet a pheasant?" Zhang Feng was about to carry dry firewood down the mountain when he suddenly heard the call of a pheasant from the grass not far away.
Zhang Feng's eyes lit up immediately, he quietly picked up a stone, and walked lightly to the place where the pheasant crowed.

The pheasant under the tree didn't know the danger was coming. At this time, it was digging the soil with its five paws, and its pointed beak and shell kept pecking at the ground.

"Wow..." Suddenly finding Zhang Feng's trail, the pheasant flapped its wings and fled away quickly.

It's a pity that Zhang Feng's reaction was unexpectedly fast, and he was well prepared. As soon as he saw the pheasant take off, he immediately threw the stone in his hand.

With a creak, the pheasant fell down and fell under a big tree a few steps away.

Zhang Feng ran over quickly and happily picked up the prey. The pheasant tastes better in winter. After eating for a whole year, the meat is extremely delicious.

"Hehe, not bad! It should be about three catties!!" Zhang Feng said cheerfully while carrying the pheasant, with a satisfied smile on his face.

I haven't caught a pheasant for a long time, and the few pheasants raised at home are also eating about the same. Maybe God knows that the pheasants at home are about to be eaten, so he kindly gave this pheasant to himself.

He pulled a few pieces of thatch from the ground and twisted them into straw ropes. Zhang Feng pulled it with his hands, and it felt solid. He tied the feet of the pheasant with grass ropes and hung them on the bundled dry firewood.

Carrying dry firewood and pheasants, Zhang Feng happily walked down the mountain.

"Good guy, Xiaofeng, are you going to move the firewood from the mountain home at once?" Seeing that Zhang Feng was carrying two large bundles of dry firewood, almost completely covering Zhang Feng, Erniu uncle was watching Dumbfounded and surprised.

"Hey, how is it possible, how much is there!" Putting the firewood on the ground, taking a breath, Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Your strength is so strong, I really don't know what you have eaten. You used to be weak, but now you are like a monster with infinite strength!!" I am very familiar with Zhang Feng's Erniu Uncle, who used to be handless. The otaku with the power to bind a chicken, although his appearance has not changed much now, he looks like he can be blown down by the wind, but his thin body contains such powerful power.

"Hehe, I told you earlier that I took the Dali Pill, but you just didn't believe it!" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"You guy..." Uncle Er Niu took a puff of cigarette, shook his head, and didn't know what to say. Suddenly, Uncle Er Niu saw the pheasant hanging on the dry wood, and said in surprise: "Hey, you really left It's shit luck, and I actually hit another pheasant??"

"Hey, character, it's all about character!!" Zhang Feng said with a proud smile.

"You guy is really..." Seeing Zhang Feng's expression of beating, Uncle Er Niu shook his head, threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, and then carried his own dry firewood to the third wheel, ignoring Zhang Feng's embarrassment guy.

"Let's go, Uncle Erniu!!" Zhang Feng moved the dry firewood into the carriage in twos and twos. The pheasant was hung on the front of the car, waiting for Uncle Erniu to join him. The two drove the car and rushed to the village quickly.


"Brother, you didn't call me when you went to pick up firewood!!" Seeing Zhang Feng's car pulling firewood passing by the door, Zhang Yi immediately chased after him. When Zhang Feng parked the car at the door of the old man's house, the cousin was full of resentment Said.

"Calling you?? You must have just woken up?" Zhang Feng said disdainfully. This guy recently suffered from difficulty getting up. He played King Pesticide tirelessly at night, and he couldn't get up before eight or nine in the morning.

"Hey, brother, are you still going to collect firewood?" Hearing what Zhang Feng said, Zhang Yi scratched his head in embarrassment, and then asked.

"Go, let's not go. This cart is for Grandpa Liu's house. Why don't you go to my house to burn it?" Zhang Feng rolled his eyes, and then walked towards the yard of the old man's house with a large bundle of firewood. Zhang Yi Pidianpidian followed up.

"Hey! Xiaofeng brought firewood again, thank you so much!!" The old man was playing with the birds in the yard, when he saw Zhang Feng walking in with firewood, he immediately smiled and thanked him.

"It's okay, old man, I put it under the eaves for you?" Zhang Feng only asked the old man, and then put the firewood under the eaves in front of the door.

"Okay, just put it here!! Hey, be careful, be careful..." The old man put down the birdcage, and hurried over to direct Zhang Feng to put down the dry wood.

With a bang, Zhang Feng threw the dry firewood on the ground.

"The old man still has a bundle, where should I put it?? Should I put it in the pigsty of the house??" The eaves of the gate are already piled up, but the original pigsty in the yard is still empty, because the two elders don’t feed them. Pig, the inside is clean, and there are roof tiles to cover the rain, so you don't have to worry about getting wet by the rain.

"Well, it's fine to put it in the pigsty!" The old man nodded with a smile.

 Thank you book friend Han Zhonghao for your reward, and thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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