small farmer

Chapter 394 Qianma

Chapter 394 Qianma
As the Siberian cold wave sweeps across the entire East Asian continent
The temperature in Moon Lake also dropped by 25 or [-] degrees. It was still sunny yesterday, and the temperature was as high as [-] degrees. Everyone was wearing short-sleeved shirts. Today, they are fully armed, and the old people and children have even put on cotton hats.

Many villagers who set up stalls outside used a fire cage, which is a basket made of bamboo that looks like a flower basket, and a clay pot is wrapped inside.

Every winter, almost everyone in the village has one. Just put some charcoal in it and put the fire cage under your feet. It will be very warm and very popular among the villagers.

"Mom, I've made a fire cage for you, so you'll be warmed up!!" After returning home from the old man's house, Zhang Feng saw his mother rubbing her hands in the cold, so he immediately took out the fire cage from the utility room. Cage, burn charcoal for mother.

"Hey! It will be much warmer with this thing!" The mother put out the fire cage with a smile, and she was extremely happy for her son's filial piety.

"Mom, the temperature has dropped so much today, you need to wear more clothes!" Zhang Feng reminded with a smile.

"Got it, look, I'm wearing three pieces." Mother Zhang replied to her son with a smile.

Wait for Zhang Yi to wash up

The brothers set off again into the mountains.

In order to store firewood for the winter, the two went back and forth three times, not only pulling two carts full of dry firewood, but also loading a cart of corn stalks. Although these corn stalks are not resistant to burning, they are indispensable fire starters.

After a busy morning, I finally piled firewood under the eaves of the house. These firewood is estimated to be able to burn until March and April, and there is plenty of firewood for winter.


"Hey! Why did Brother Niu think of calling me?" At noon, Zhang Feng was digging the soil in the flower garden when he suddenly received a call from Fatty Niu.

"Hehe! I recently traveled abroad with your sister-in-law. Didn't you just come back?" Fatty Niu said with a smile, "By the way, brother, are you free tomorrow? I'll take you to an interesting place."

"Where are you going?" Zhang Feng asked curiously, wondering what else could be interesting about Qingshan? ?
"Hey! You will know when you go tomorrow." Brother Niu grinned, so he said;
"Wow! Brother Niu, you want to go to the health care center behind your sister-in-law's back, right? I'm such a pure person, don't lead me into trouble." Zhang Feng said with a smirk.

"I'll go, brother, you're thinking too much! How could such a pure brother take you to such a place." Brother Niu was not annoyed, and continued with a smile.

"Really! Seriously, where are you going tomorrow?" Zhang Feng asked again with a smile;

"Why are you in a hurry, I'll pick you up tomorrow morning, don't forget..." Afterwards, the two chatted for a few words before ending the call.


the next morning
Niu Zhong drove the car to the village, and the two got into the car and drove out of the village quickly.

In about ten minutes, the two came to Qingfeng Town, which is a town under Qingshan County. The town is not big, with a permanent population of only ten to twenty thousand.

"Okay, here we are! See, our destination is right there." Along the direction Niu Zhong pointed, a huge piece of yellow land appeared in front of Zhang Feng. It was a flat land slightly larger than a standard football field. ,

At this time, it seems that there is a horse race on the flat ground. Several riders are riding horses in the sand, rushing towards the finish line. Both sides are crowded with crowds of onlookers. It seemed very lively.

"Is this a horse race?" Soon the two arrived there, and Zhang Feng asked in surprise,

If this is in the prairie, Zhang Feng would not be surprised at all, but what kind of place is this?A typical mountainous area of ​​the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, this small place is neither a famous horse-producing area, nor a big city with well-developed horse racing. Seeing that there are horse racing competitions here, Zhang Feng was extremely surprised.

"That's right, brother, I only recently discovered that there are such exciting activities here, let's go in and have a look." Brother Niu proudly led Zhang Feng to go inside;

At this time, the field was dusty, and several petite horses were running fast on the flat ground. It may be that the event has not started yet, so the riders are not running very fast, and they should be inspecting the field in advance.

"Brother Niu, aren't these horses racehorses?" Zhang Feng saw the horses in front of him, and felt that he didn't want to be as majestic and mighty as he saw on TV, but more like the local Guizhou horses.

"That is, a professional horse race costs 10,000+, or even tens of millions. How can we afford it?" Brother Niu shook his head and said with a wry smile.

Hearing Brother Niu's words, Zhang Feng also nodded. Professional horse racing is indeed too expensive, let alone an underdeveloped area like Qingshan, even in China, there are not many professional horse racing.

Everyone knows that China did not even participate in many international competitions in the past. I remember that it was the first time that Chinese athletes participated in the 08 Olympics. It can be said that China's horse racing level is still far behind the international level, and domestic horse racing is not popular. , Only a few wealthy people like this kind of sports, so Zhang Feng was really surprised to see such a game outside his house at first.

"However, my brother, don't look down on these local Guizhou horses. Although they are short in stature, Guizhou horses are handsome in appearance, strong in physique, quick in action, gentle and mighty. They are mountain warriors in horse racing. It is very suitable for mountainous areas like Guizhou Province." Niu Zhong smiled and introduced the horses in the field to Zhang Feng.

Qianma is a local breed of horse in southwest my country. Since Qianzhou is located in the east of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, it is uplifted between the Tianfu Basin and the Guizhou Basin. The terrain is high in the west and slightly lower in the middle. , with many rocky cliffs,
Therefore, Qianma is more suitable for the local conditions. In the era of underdeveloped transportation, they played a vital role in the agriculture and commerce of Guizhou Province.

Qianma is small in size and has a nearly tall square body structure.The head is straight and square, the ears are small and erect, the collar is concave and wide, and the head and neck are well integrated.The coat color is mainly chestnut and bay.

Moreover, Qianma has the characteristics of being short and lean, strong in physique, quick in action, full of mighty power, gentle in temperament, and widely adaptable.

Its service ability is strong and long-lasting, and its service age can be as high as 25 years old. It used to be an important service force for transportation and agricultural production.

"It's a pity that there are fewer and fewer Qianmas now!" Niu Chongyu sighed earnestly. Due to the development of transportation and the popularity of various vehicles, the Qianmas that were often seen more than ten years ago have gradually disappeared in everyone's eyes. in sight.

"Yes, I remember that when we were young, almost every family had a horse, but now there is no one in the whole village!!" Zhang Feng also sighed silently. In the past, every household in the village had horses, which were necessary for everyone to carry crops. An indispensable good helper, but it's a pity that in just a short period of ten years, it disappeared quickly without a trace, and disappeared so completely.

(End of this chapter)

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