small farmer

Chapter 395 Exciting Competition

Chapter 395 Exciting Competition
Soon, the horse racing officially began.

The horses and riders of the first race have already prepared at the starting point. Everyone began to check their equipment, and some were communicating with their horses to cultivate a tacit understanding;

"How about it? Do you want to take a gamble too? The first game will start in more than ten minutes." The well-dressed young man smiled and said to Zhang Feng and the two;
"I don't know how to bet on the horses here?" Although Brother Niu has been here once, he has never gambled in person, so he asked eagerly,

Zhang Feng, who met horse betting for the first time, was also a little interested, and listened attentively;

"Hehe, the horse betting here is not official, it's just jointly held by nearby horse racing enthusiasts, so the rules are very simple, there are five horses in each game, you can buy any horse you fancy, as long as you buy it If the horse wins the race, then you've won the lottery."

"It's that simple?" After Zhang Feng heard it, he felt that the rules were extremely crude, but thinking that this was just a game for the nearby horse racing enthusiasts to entertain themselves, Zhang Feng quickly felt relieved;

"That's right! The final winner gets the prize according to the odds, but the odds of each horse are different. You can see the odds of each horse on this leaflet." The buddy I just met passed the leaflet in his hand to Zhang Feng two people.

After talking, Zhang Feng finally knew that the young man in front of him was surnamed Wang, named Wang Bin, and he liked horse riding and racing. He was already a frequent visitor here, so he was very familiar with this place;
Then the three began to observe this round of horse racing,

Prepare to choose a horse that is most likely to win from five racehorses;

"Are these horses fast?" Looking at the Guizhou horses in front of him, Zhang Feng asked curiously.

"Hehe, it's just a country horse race. As long as you can run and jump, you don't have to pay too much attention." Wang Bin understood the meaning of Zhang Feng's words and explained with a smile;

"Indeed, professional horse racing costs at least 10,000+, or even tens of millions, which is beyond the reach of ordinary people." Niu nodded emphatically;

Hearing what the two said, Zhang Feng nodded in relief. This was just an ordinary country horse race, purely for amateur self-entertainment, so Zhang Feng stopped being entangled and began to observe the five horses in the field carefully. Guizhou horse;

The five Guizhou horses didn't look tall, but they were short and dainty, with a stout body, strong limbs, well-developed joints and tendons, and their coat colors were almost all chestnut and bay, with some white occasionally mixed in.

Although Qianma's explosive power is not strong and their sprint speed is not fast, they have good endurance, are good at climbing mountains and wading, have tenacious vitality, and can adapt to extremely harsh living environments;
It's a pity that few people raise them now, because horses have no advantages at all compared to various transport vehicles;

However, with the improvement of everyone's living standards, the spring of Qianma is gradually coming.

Zhang Feng carefully observed every Guizhou horse on the field, but unfortunately he didn't know how to look at horses at all, and he didn't see why after watching for a long time;
"How is it? Have you taken a fancy to any one?" Just as Zhang Feng was staring blankly at the several racehorses, Brother Niu turned Zhang Feng with his arm and asked in a low voice;
"Not yet, I have no clue at all!" Zhang Feng shook his head with a wry smile on his face, and then asked, "Brother Niu, what about you?"

"Me? I have seven senses and six skills about this thing, and I don't know anything about it!" Viagra shook his head and said helplessly.

"Hehe, look at No. [-] in the arena. His eyes are bright, his limbs are strong and his coat is shiny. I think No. [-] has the greatest chance of winning." Hearing the whispered conversation between Zhang Feng and Zhang Feng, Wang Bin smiled slightly and pointed to the hanger. Said the racehorse with the number five;
"No. [-]?" Hearing what Wang Jianjun said, the two hurriedly looked at No. [-]. After a closer look, it seemed that No. [-] was stronger than other racehorses and had a greater chance of winning, as Wang Jianjun said;

"Okay, let's just buy No. [-]." After reading No. [-], the two looked at each other and felt that Wang Jianjun really had two brushes, so they made a decision;

The betting rule here is that one bet is one hundred yuan, and each horse can place a maximum of ten bets, which is 1000 yuan. Of course, it is also possible to bet on multiple horses at the same time, but there are not many people like this, because winning the prize in the end is also very difficult. But double or double, if you buy five numbers at the same time, even if you win the prize, you are doomed to lose money;
"Brother, hurry up, give me ten bets..."

"I want five bets, I want five bets... Everyone, don't squeeze, squeeze some wool!" The big man was so squeezed that his whole body was sweating, he shouted helplessly;

However, there are too many people to bet, and the five or six betting booths are crowded with people. The words of the big man have no effect at all, and the betting people are still the same, pushing forward non-stop. mess;
"Xiaofeng, Binzi, how many bets do you want to buy?"

"Just buy three or five bets to play..." Wang Bin just likes horse racing, not so keen on horse racing, so he usually only buys a few bets for fun.

"Okay! Why don't we buy five bets each..." Zhang Feng just wanted to experience the fun of betting on horses, and he wasn't too greedy for the bonuses here. As the saying goes, nine out of ten bets lose. Nine metropolises went bankrupt, and the ending was extremely miserable, so Zhang Feng has always kept his distance from gambling;
"Hey! Brother, this is 500 yuan. Bet on this glorious mission, and I will hand it over to you on behalf of the organization..." Seeing the surging crowd, Brother Niu said wretchedly.

"I'll go, should I still thank the party and the organization for their trust..." Zhang Feng said helplessly after taking the money from Brother Niu;
"Hey! Who told you that among the three of us, you are the thinnest and the strongest..." Brother Niu said with a cheerful smile;

"Hehe, then I will trouble you, Brother Feng." Wang Bin also quickly took out five Grandpa Mao cards and handed them to Zhang Feng;
So Zhang Feng smiled wryly and shook his head, his scalp was numb and he went into the crowded crowd;
After going through three stages and cutting five generals, after ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties, Zhang Feng finally squeezed into the betting place. Fortunately, Zhang Feng practiced gymnastics and his physical fitness is far beyond ordinary people. Otherwise, he might have already squeezed in before he squeezed in Squeezed into patties.

"Haha! Brother, it's hard work, come here! Drink some water!" Seeing Zhang Feng squeeze out with a betting list, Brother Niu hurried up to meet him, handed him a bottle of mineral water, and said with a smile on his face;

Zhang Feng rolled his eyes, took the mineral water, and gulped it down;


After more than ten minutes of preparation, today's first horse race has entered the countdown;
"Welcome everyone to come to participate in the eighth horse race in Qingshan County. Today's first race is about to start. Our event is a 100-meter race. The first horse to cross the finish line will win the final championship. The owner will also receive a championship prize of 1 yuan..." On the stage set up by the organizer, the organizer gave a brief introduction, and the horse race officially began;
As the final moment approached, the audience stopped discussing one after another, staring at the horse racing at the starting point with piercing eyes, waiting for the fierce competition that is about to begin;
"Three two one... the race begins!" Following the host's voice, the five racehorses galloped forward like arrows leaving the string.

number five!No. [-], Yiqi Juechen, was in the leading position at the very beginning, and firmly stood in the first place. Although the horses behind were also very fast, no matter how hard the riders tried, they still couldn't surpass No. [-];
"Come on, No. [-]! Come on, No. [-]!" Fatty Niu was very excited when he saw how powerful No. [-] was, and cheered loudly.

"No. [-]! Hold on to No. [-]! Come on, come on..." The racehorses behind were chasing closely, and Brother Niu clenched his fists, nervously cheering for No. [-].

Fortunately, No. 30 lived up to expectations. When he was about [-] meters away from the finish line, he accelerated again and started sprinting, consolidating his precarious first position and winning the championship.

"Ah! Number five, number five won, number five crossed the finish line!"

"Hahaha!! Number five, number five is really good..."

Seeing No. [-] crossing the finish line first, Zhang Feng waved his fists excitedly; Fatty Niu was even more insane. He grabbed Wang Bin's hand excitedly and kept shaking it. Although Lao Wang was not the first In the second election, but also flushed with excitement, full of joy of victory;
After the excitement, the three happily redeemed the prize. The principal of 500 yuan, and finally got back 300 yuan, a small profit of 800 yuan. Bin Guang, who won the first bet on a horse, was very happy in his heart;
(End of this chapter)

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