small farmer

Chapter 409

Chapter 409
"What? Five thousand a month??" Hearing the treatment given by Zhang Feng, the fifth uncle was startled, knowing that his eldest granddaughter only earns more than 2000 a month now.

Job hopping! !She must be asked to change jobs. Where can I find such a good thing? If I miss it, I will regret it for the rest of my life.

"Xiaojing, Xiaojing, come out, your Brother Feng is looking for you..." Fifth Uncle put down his pipe and shouted excitedly into the room.

"Ah, Brother Feng is looking for me? Good! Good, I'll come out right away!!" Zhang Feng has now become the idol of young people in the village and the envy of everyone. Zhang Jing hurried out with her mobile phone .

"Brother Feng, are you looking for me??"

"Yes, that's right. Now the cooperative needs an accountant with a monthly salary of 5000 yuan. Would you like to do it?"

"Yes! Yes! Of course I would!!" Hearing that the monthly salary was 5000 yuan, Zhang Jing burst into smiles, and quickly agreed.

"Okay, the cooperative has expanded recently, and there are many things to do. You have to resign as soon as possible and take up the post." Zhang Feng said with a smile.

Zhang Jing quickly agreed. Although she would lose more than 1000 yuan if she resigned now, for the sake of the work of the cooperative, what is the loss? That small workshop did not sign a formal contract, so it could leave whenever it wanted.

Speaking of which, the current rural area is also very sad. It can be said that there are no successors, and the younger generation in the village are very few who are willing to farm.

This is especially true for those who went to school when they were young. They are not very clear about all kinds of farm work in the field. Therefore, even though joining a cooperative is very profitable, there are still a small number of people who do not know how to grow vegetables in the field.

For example, Zhang Hua from my uncle’s family and Zhang Jing, my cousin, are both college students. Even if the salary is lower, they are willing to stay in the office instead of planting vegetables.

This is also a kind of social ethos. Although the 360-line industry is the best, and the teachers also teach the plan not to have industry discrimination, this is often not the case in reality. Some jobs that do dirty work are not favored by people.

Therefore, if you want more talents to stay in the countryside, you must develop a new type of agriculture, so that farmers can earn more money. After all, all prosperity in the world is for profit. Only when you see real benefits will everyone pay. Various actions, enter the agricultural industry.


Zhang Feng shook his head and didn't think about these things any more, but there is definitely a shortage of people in the village now, every household wants to grow more vegetables,
Therefore, Zhang Feng had to find new employees for his vegetable and eel bases. Although Old Yushu and the others did not come to him, Zhang Feng knew that they must be worried about him and afraid that others would gossip, so they did not resign to him. .

But with a salary of five to six thousand a month, I can't find anyone anywhere, so Zhang Feng doesn't want to embarrass them. He will go to Old Yushu and them tomorrow to make it clear that when he finds new employees, he will let them go back to grow their own vegetables. .


"Xiaofeng is here!"

"Hey, Old Yu, are you all busy recently?"

"Hehe, it's okay, it's okay!!" Old Uncle Yu said unnaturally.

"Old Yu, everyone wants to go back and grow their own vegetables now, right?"

"Xiaofeng, don't worry, everyone will definitely not delay the matters in the farm..." Old Yushu quickly explained.

Zhang Feng didn't mean to blame them, he knew it was human nature, everyone is not a fool if they have money but don't make money, and it is not necessary for them to stay in their farm.

"Uncle Yu, you misunderstood. It's normal for everyone to want to leave, but I have to wait until I find a new employee. By the way, Uncle Yu, do you have any suitable people to recommend?" Zhang Feng smiled and asked Uncle Yu explained.

"Okay, but it's definitely not good to recruit people from the village. I'll ask you later. There are quite a few fishermen in the nearby villages. They must be very happy with your salary here." Fish should not be too difficult, and they can be trained as skilled workers in no time.

"Thank you, Uncle Yu, please help me to ask quickly, but even if newcomers come, you have to help me with them for a few days, so that they can get familiar with the work of the farm as soon as possible."

"Xiaofeng, don't worry, I will definitely help you take them well. If you don't mind, I still want to work here until the day I can't do it anymore!!" Old Uncle Yu said with a smile,
He now has a monthly salary of [-] yuan, plus bonuses for holidays, and a yearly income of [-] to [-] yuan. Now that he is old, even if he grows vegetables, he can't grow much. It's better to be honest. Help Zhang Feng raise eels.

"It's great that you can stay!!" Hearing what Old Yushu said, Zhang Feng was very pleasantly surprised. He is currently having a headache for the person in charge of the farm, but he didn't expect that Old Yushu didn't have the idea of ​​leaving. not happy,

Zhang Feng has always been the hands-off shopkeeper. Uncle Yu is taking care of the farm's affairs, and the management is well-organized. He doesn't have to worry about things here. It would be great if Uncle Yu could stay.

Through communication with Uncle Yu, I learned that other employees have the idea of ​​resigning, because other employees are still young and want to go back to grow more vegetables and increase family income.

Zhang Feng also discussed with the old fish uncle, since everyone wants to leave, there is no need to force them to stay, as long as the new employees take up their posts and become familiar with the work of the farm, they can let everyone go.

As for his own vegetable planting base, Zhang Feng plans to return the field to Sister Ying and the others after the vegetables are harvested, instead of leasing everyone's land.

The employees in charge of planting vegetables also let them go. It is estimated that they also have the intention of resigning. Anyway, the vegetables on this ten-acre land are only a profit of one hundred thousand a month, which is insignificant to me.
Therefore, it is better to disband the planting base, return the fields to others, and let them all grow their own vegetables.

In an instant

a few days have passed

The matter of the cooperative was finally cleared up.

Zhang Hua, the second son of the uncle’s family, also returned to the village and became the vice president of the Moon Lake Vegetable Planting Cooperative. He is responsible for the daily management of the cooperative. Four of them were recruited from the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau.

With the participation of these people, the cooperative has finally taken shape, and every village has its office.

Villagers in Sanjiazhai, Huangniwa, and Shitou villages joined the cooperative enthusiastically after they knew the benefits of the cooperative. Fortunately, each village has an employee to manage it. Otherwise, Zhang Feng would not know how long he would be busy alone.


"Is Xiaofeng finished with his work?" Seeing Zhang Feng lying leisurely in the yard, Grandpa Liu asked with a smile after he walked into the yard.

"Yes, old man, come and drink tea!" Zhang Feng looked back and said with a smile.

"You boy, why are you still drinking this kind of broken tea!!" The old man sniffed, frowned, and shook his head.

"Hehe, wouldn't it be a waste if you don't drink it? It costs 15 yuan a catty!"

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, the master himself was speechless. What the hell is 15 yuan a catty of tea?Can this be drunk too?

(End of this chapter)

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