small farmer

Chapter 410

Chapter 410

The cooperative is managed by Zhang Hua, the second cousin of the uncle’s family.

Zhang Feng once again became the hands-off shopkeeper. Under their management, the members of each village planted vegetables or managed the orchard in an orderly manner. Everyone was full of energy, and the cooperative was thriving.

Getting up in the morning, watering, admiring the flowers, teasing the big black and little black at home, life is also full of fun.

"Crazy brother, we are here!!" The winter vacation finally came, and there were more kids in the village again. Not only did they come together, they ran to Zhang Feng's yard to play.

There are not only beautiful wild flowers here, but also cute animals such as kittens and dogs, especially the talkative Xiaoba, who is the object of children's eagerness to strike up a conversation.

"Why did you finish your winter vacation homework??"

"Hee hee, it's still early for school! Let's do it tomorrow." The little duck squatted on the ground, stroked the big black and smooth hair, and said with a smile, not paying attention to the homework at all.

Zhang Feng smiled and shook his head. As long as these little guys are on holiday, they are like birds out of the cage. The adults can't control them at all. They run all over the mountains and plains all day long, just like monkeys.

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu to be incomparably comfortable being scratched by the duckling.

The little ones were like playing with toys, touching and patting Dahei Xiaohe here and there, having a great time playing.

"Hee hee, Xiao Hei, let's shake hands!!" Da Mao happily grabbed Xiao Hei's paw and said with a smile.

"Haha, should you hold your claws?" The little duck bent over and laughed loudly after seeing it.

Da Mao glared at the duckling, then continued to play with Xiao Hei with a smile on his face.


"Xiaofeng, when are you going to pick up Xiaoyue?" Wang Guilan walked to the gate of the courtyard, stretched her head to look at Zhang Feng in the courtyard and asked, Zhang Yue and the others had finished their exams yesterday and started their official holiday, because they had to bring There are a lot of books and clothes, so Zhang Feng needs to pick them up.

"Little sister has already packed it?" Zhang Feng turned around and asked with a smile.

"Well, the little girl just called and asked you to pick her up quickly!" Knowing that her daughter is on vacation today, Wang Guilan was also very happy. The second daughter, Zhang Lin, also bought a train ticket, and she will be back home in two days. People are about to be reunited again.

"Okay, I'll change my shoes and I'll go right away!" Zhang Feng smiled, went back to the house, took off the slippers on his feet, put on a pair of leather shoes, took the car keys and walked to the parking lot at the entrance of the village.

On the way to the No. [-] Middle School, Zhang Feng had gone through it countless times. In this semester alone, he would give something to his little sister almost every week.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ow!" suddenly a siren sounded, and rows of police cars came out in front of him. It feels like watching a movie.

"Did something big happen??" Zhang Feng was very surprised. The public security in Qingshan was very good, and usually there were some petty thefts, but the battle at this time was unusual, and there should be a big accident.

"I'm going, is this a big car accident???" After driving for another 2 minutes, the front has been blocked by the police, and more than a dozen police cars are parked on the road.

Zhang Feng's eyes are very good. The spacious road in front of him is in a mess at this moment. Seven or eight cars have been hit beyond recognition. The most serious ones have been completely turned into parts. Under the sunlight, it reflected a tragic light.

What is even more frightening is that there are puddles of blood on the ground. It is obvious that the car accident caused a lot of casualties. Seeing the tragic scene of the car accident on the road, Zhang Feng also felt a little terrified.
Zhang Feng took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. It seems that the car accident in front must be dealt with for a long time. It should be impossible to pass here in a short time. Before there is any traffic behind, Zhang Feng quickly reversed the car and bypassed this place to continue. Drive to Yizhong.

Zhang Feng shook his head, and quickly went around, but soon Zhang Feng found out that the road was wrong, the whole street was in a mess, as if there was a riot.

"It's so scary, the police and gangsters are chasing and fighting, this is not a movie..."

"Making a movie?? How is it possible, I guess I really met a super gangster!!"

"Damn it, it can't be the legendary murderer who came to us, right?"

Due to the mess on the road, many small stalls on the street were knocked over in the accident, so Zhang Feng stopped and stopped, hearing everyone's discussions along the way, and soon got a general idea of ​​what happened here.

It is estimated that a fugitive escaped to Qingshan, and the police started to arrest them after learning about it, but there was a mistake in the arrest, which made such a big commotion.

I don't know if today's fugitive is the legendary murderer. He was a gangster who killed more than a dozen people, traveled to several southern provinces, and killed two or three policemen.

According to recent news reports, this gangster is Zhou Hua, a native of Hunan Province. He was found in Guizhou Province two days ago. It is estimated that this person is Zhou Hua today.

Zhang Feng frowned slightly. Encountering such a dangerous gangster, the whole Qingshan would definitely not be at peace. He only hoped that the police's action just now would be successful. If he was allowed to escape again, it would be dangerous.

Speeding up, Zhang Feng rushed towards the school.

When Zhang Feng came to the gate of the school, there were people coming and going, but everyone was in a hurry, and some people were panic-stricken. It is estimated that everyone knew about the chase by the police and robbers.

Because the school police were guarding the gate, parents couldn't get in, so Zhang Feng quickly called the little girl and told her that he had arrived here.

"Brother, did you see it when you came? Something happened in the county. I heard that a murderous monster has come to our Qingshan..." As soon as she saw Zhang Feng, the girl Zhang Yue chirped to him, with a smirk on her face. A little excited expression, obviously watching the excitement is not a big deal, she is really an ignorant and fearless little girl.

"Okay, okay, I know everything, let's go back quickly, otherwise Mom and eldest sister should be worried." Zhang Feng smiled wryly and shook his head, this girl is really, is this kind of excitement so beautiful?
"Brother, wait a minute, Xiaoyu is going back with us too, she will be here soon!!" Zhang Yue put the suitcase in the trunk, and then said to Zhang Feng,

Zhang Xiaoyu is also from Moon Lake. She is Zhang Feng's distant cousin. The little girl is in the first grade of junior high school. She was going to take the bus home today, but Zhang Yue would not let her go after such a big thing happened. He went home alone, so he asked her to go back together in his elder brother's car.

"Xiao Yu is here, let me help you!" After a while, Zhang Xiaoyu pushed the suitcase and ran out in a hurry. Zhang Feng walked over with a smile, took her suitcase, and put it in the trunk.

"Thank you madman!" Zhang Xiaoyu smiled politely.

"Hehe, no thanks, have you sat down, fasten your seat belt!!"

"Understood bro!!"

Today, the streets are full of police officers. If they are found not wearing seat belts, they will be in trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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