small farmer

Chapter 436 Yiyi leaves

Chapter 436 Yiyi leaves
December 28

This morning, the villagers downloaded the Internet five times in a row, and each time they returned with a full load. I have to say that Moon Lake is really a treasure trove of resources.

It is said that at the time of the Communist Party of China, the villagers survived the cruel disaster by relying on the fish and shrimps in the lake. It can be said that Moon Lake is the lifeblood of the villagers, and the Tapang River in front of the gate is the mother river of the village. , that is, it waters the fertile land on both sides of the bank, and selflessly feeds the people on the bank.

Closer to home, today's harvest was really beyond everyone's expectations. I fished five times, and each time I caught no less than 2000 catties. This is only two boats. The whole village dispatched a total of eight boats, divided into four groups , Each group harvested more than [-] catties.

Those four groups add up to at least eight or nine thousand catties, which is a very astonishing figure, breaking the highest record in the history of winter fishing in Moon Lake in one fell swoop.
It has been decades at least since the winter harvest, and there has never been a year when the harvest has surpassed this year. With such a large harvest, the villagers are very happy, and their faces are full of joy.


At noon, the tourists finally dispersed slowly.

"Ah!! I almost died of exhaustion today!!" Uncle Seven sat down on the pier by the shore, with his hands on the ground, and said weakly, but the expression on his face was very excited.

"I really didn't expect there are so many tourists today..." Zhang Feng also shook his head with a smile, feeling very incredible,
You have to know how many tourists came to the village to buy fish during the winter fishing last year?There are no more than 300 people at most, but what about this year? ?

Zhang Feng is sure that there must be more than 3000 people. This is terrifying, and it has exceeded ten times that of last year. You must know that the permanent residents of the county are only more than [-].

"Hehe, that's great, it shows that our village is becoming more and more attractive!" Old Uncle Yu took a puff on his cigarette and said slowly, with a gratified smile on his face.

"Haha, if you want me to say that Xiaofeng is really the lucky star of our village, since this kid has prospered, life in our village has become easier!" Uncle Seven looked at Zhang Feng and said with a smile.

"Indeed, if it wasn't for Xiaofeng, our village wouldn't be so prosperous..." Old Uncle Yu also nodded in agreement, looking at this peak, a smile of approval appeared on his face.

Zhang Feng smiled modestly and did not speak. In his heart, he also hoped that everyone's life would be better and better. After all, this is the hometown where he was born and raised, and he has his own family, relatives and friends. Of course, Zhang Feng hopes that everyone's life will be better. be happier.

As the saying goes, the poor are good for themselves, and the good will benefit the world. If you have the ability to help everyone, why not do it.


"Brother, brother...Sister Yiyi and the others are leaving, go and see them off..." After a short rest, the little girl hurried to the lake, shouting like Zhang Feng.

"Oh! I almost forgot," Zhang Feng was a little annoyed. Two days ago, Yiyi told herself that she was going to the provincial capital at 28 to celebrate the New Year with her parents.

"Old Uncle Yu, Little Seventh Uncle, I'll go first..."

"It's okay, you go..."

Zhang Feng got up immediately, talked to the two of them, and hurried home.


"Yiyi wait..."

"Crazy!" Yiyi turned her head and was overwhelmed with surprise, thinking that Zhang Feng was busy with winter hunting and forgot about herself.

"Yiyi, this is the Baihua honey I prepared for you. Grandpa and grandma also have it. And this is tea for uncle. Don't let the old man see it. I hid it secretly. By the way, these few pictures have not had time yet. The framed painting is the landscape painting I usually draw, and it is a gift for my aunt..."

"Hee hee, I got it, I got it..." Seeing Zhang Feng take out a bunch of them from the bag like a robot cat and leave, Yiyi felt very warm and happy, as if eating honey in her heart, feeling sweet .

"Remember to say hello to my uncle and aunt...and remember to take care of yourself and come back early..."

"Don't worry, I'll be back after the new year!" Yiyi nodded, closed the car door reluctantly, and waved to Zhang Feng outside the window.

"Crazy, remember to miss me every day!" Yiyi said tenderly.

"Yeah, let's start the video again tonight." Zhang Feng nodded with a smile. He has to say that it is good to have the Internet now. It is a blessing to be able to listen to each other's voices.

"Grandpa Liu, goodbye Grandma Liu..."

"Goodbye Xiaofeng..."

Seeing Yiyi driving slowly towards the outside of the village, Zhang Feng's eyes remained motionless until the car of the three of them disappeared into the distance.


"Hey, Xiaofeng, I'm going to find you!" Zhang Feng met his uncle as soon as he returned to the village.

"What is uncle looking for from me?" Zhang Feng exhaled, and Yiyi's depression after leaving was swept away, and he asked the uncle with a smile.

"Hehe, let's go!! Let's go to the village committee to talk about it!" Said the uncle and walked to the office first.

Zhang Feng followed closely behind his uncle. As soon as he walked into the office, there were already seven or eight people in the office. In addition to a few cadres in the village, there were also a few respected old men. It seemed that everyone was going to have a small meeting to discuss something. .

"The village chief is here..."

"Xiaofeng is here..."

Everyone greeted each other, and the uncle said with a happy face:

"I called everyone here today mainly because of the winter catch. Guess, how much money did the winter catch make this year?"

"How many??"

"It should be [-] to [-]."

"So much??" Everyone chattered.

"Ahem!! Xiaofeng's guess is right. This year's winter catch is really a bumper harvest. We have sold more than 8000 catties of fish. We haven't finished the statistics yet, but it should be no problem to earn seventy to eighty thousand!" Uncle smiled Said.

Whoa! !

Hearing the uncle's words, everyone was in an uproar, and they were all pleasantly surprised. They didn't expect to earn so much in just half a day. In previous years, they were able to earn a thousand or eight hundred, and everyone was very satisfied. What a surprise!Big surprise.

"It seems that everyone is very happy, and I am also very happy, but the money belongs to the village according to the usual practice, so I called everyone here, just want to ask everyone's opinion, how should the money be spent? Let's discuss it... "

"Why don't the village chief give everyone a red envelope for the money?"

"No! No! If you want me to say that we should improve the infrastructure of our village!"

"That's right!! Many tourists have commented that the public toilets in our village are too backward. I think the money can just build a bigger and better public toilet!!"

Speaking of the scenery of Moon Lake, tourists all admire it, but when it comes to the public toilets in Moon Lake, everyone shakes their heads.

It was a simple hut built more than ten years ago. There were only two asbestos tiles on it, and there were only two pits. There were no flushing facilities. It was completely a latrine in the countryside.

Therefore, not only the tourists have great opinions, but even the villagers are a little bit reluctant. If the village really has no money, it would have been pushed to the expansion.

(End of this chapter)

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