small farmer

Chapter 437 Discuss on rebuilding the mountain temple

Chapter 437 Discuss on rebuilding the mountain temple

public toilet in the village

It was a simple hut built more than ten years ago.
There are only two asbestos tiles on the top, and there are two pits on the bottom. Men are on the left and women are on the right. There are no flushing facilities. It is completely a rural latrine.

Therefore, not only the tourists have great opinions, but even the villagers are a little bit reluctant. If the village really has no money, it would have been pushed to the expansion.

"Okay, the second uncle's suggestion is good! I think our village really should build a beautiful public toilet. Look at other tourist areas, their public toilets are so well built. Although our public toilets don't need to be gorgeous, at least they should be beautiful. To ensure cleanliness and sanitation, of course flushing toilets are indispensable!" Seeing that everyone agreed to build public toilets, the uncle made a final decision and finally made a decision, and the official implementation will start after the Chinese New Year.

"It shouldn't cost much to repair a public toilet. Dashan, do you estimate how much labor is needed for the construction?"

Uncle Dashan has worked as a mason, so he should be familiar with this line of work.

"A large public toilet can be repaired for about 1 yuan. For example, the public toilet near the gas station was built by us. Five years ago, it only cost more than 1 yuan. If everyone repairs the public toilets in our village, only the material cost is counted. It's only about [-] yuan!" Uncle Dashan thought for a while, then smiled and told everyone.

"Okay, let's build it ourselves in the village. How about you being in charge when the time comes? Dashan?" Hearing what Uncle Dashan said, the uncle patted the table and finally made a decision.

The villagers have a lot of strength. In previous years, everyone would have to go out to do coolies, so it shouldn't take long for everyone to repair a toilet.

"No problem, leave it to me, but you need to find a few people to help."

"Okay, I'll help you find someone when the time comes!" The village chief was also very happy to see that Uncle Dashan agreed.


"So, with a budget of [-] yuan to repair the public toilet, what should I do with the remaining tens of thousands of yuan?" The village chief looked at everyone and asked again.

"Village Chief, why don't you build some gazebos by the lake??"

"Well, this can have..."

Everyone thinks this is a reliable suggestion, so that even if it rains, tourists not only have a place to hide from the rain, but also enjoy the lake and mountains in the village from the gazebo.

"Xiao Feng, what are you thinking about?" Seeing that Zhang Feng's expression was a little uncertain, the uncle asked with a smile.

"Uncle, I think there are still too few scenic spots in our village. There is only one Moon Lake, which is a bit monotonous. Is it possible to rebuild the mountain temple? The scenery there is actually very good!" Zhang Feng expressed his thoughts after thinking about it.

"Rebuild the mountain temple??" The uncle was a little surprised, he didn't expect Zhang Feng to make such a suggestion.

Everyone in the meeting also frowned. It wasn't that everyone thought it was bad to rebuild the mountain temple. On the contrary, they all thought it was a good thing. The mountain temple is located at the peak of Qinglong Mountain. Many scenery.

But rebuilding the mountain temple is not so easy. Even if the villagers contribute for free, the material cost will cost 20 million yuan. The remaining tens of thousands yuan are not enough. hole.

"Dashan, how much do you think it will cost to rebuild the mountain temple?" the uncle asked seriously.

Uncle Dashan took a puff of cigarette, and then said: "The Mountain God Temple has a main hall and two wing rooms, covering an area of ​​about [-] square meters. The restoration of the main hall alone will cost at least two hundred thousand yuan. Adding two wing rooms, it will cost at least [-] yuan..."

"It's just the cost of the house, and the other things in the mountain temple are not counted..." Uncle Dashan shook his head, he was not very optimistic about rebuilding the mountain temple. If he wanted to rebuild the entire mountain temple, he didn't have 50 million yuan to think about it. Do not think.

"Really want so much??" Uncle was surprised.

"Well, it's still less!" Uncle Dashan nodded and said with a helpless look.

"No way, the houses built in our village are not much smaller than the Temple of the Mountain God? Wouldn't it be possible to fix them for a hundred thousand?" The second uncle was also very surprised, and then asked curiously.

"How can the houses built in the village be the same? The main hall of the mountain temple is said to be five or six meters high, and the cost of carved beams and painted buildings, various Taoist murals, and statues is no less than that of the architectural paintings outside." Dashan Uncle Yao Shaking his head, he introduced it to everyone in detail.

Hearing Uncle Dashan's explanation, everyone was silent. Thinking about it, it is indeed like what Dashan said. The outer shell of the mountain temple is not worth much, but the various decorations inside are the big ones. Now just hire a painter. Helping to paint the murals in the mountain temple will cost at least [-] to [-] yuan.

What about all kinds of statue sculptures?What about the various carvings on the doors and windows?Think about what doesn't cost money in the mountain temple?Even the stone slabs on the ground have to be moved to the top of the mountain piece by piece.

"Moreover, the mountain temple is an ancient building, and ordinary people can't do it at all, unless they find professional people to build it." Uncle Dashan knows his own skills very well. The average rural buildings are fine, but he has never done anything like ancient buildings. did.

"What if there are architectural drawings?" Zhang Feng asked expectantly.

Zhang Feng really wants to rebuild the mountain temple, not only to increase the sights of Moon Lake, but also to repay a share of karma, after all, he has obtained the treasure of the mountain temple.

That treasure is worth hundreds of millions, and it's nothing to spend 50 million to rebuild the mountain temple, it's just a drop in the bucket.

"Oh! Xiaofeng, do you still have the architectural blueprint? It was left by your grandfather!" Uncle Dashan asked in surprise.

The old people in the village knew that Zhang Feng's grandfather had a good relationship with the Taoist priests of the mountain temple, and Zhang Feng had the blueprint of the mountain temple in his hand, which is also reasonable.

"That's right, among my grandfather's relics are many books about the Temple of the Mountain. Not long ago, I found the architectural drawings of the Temple of the Mountain in a book." Zhang Feng explained with a smile.

"Although we have architectural drawings, we still have no money?" Uncle Dashan said sharply.

"Or, let's talk about it later, the money in the village is not enough now!" The other villagers shook their heads, disagreeing to rebuild the mountain temple now.

"It's okay, I'll pay for the reconstruction of the mountain temple, as long as the village can support it!" Zhang Feng smiled lightly, 50 is not much to him, compared to the treasure he dug out from the mountain temple, this amount of money is worthless. It's just a drop in the bucket.

"You paid for it?" Everyone was very surprised. They didn't expect that Zhang Feng planned to pay for it himself to rebuild the mountain temple.

"No, no, how can you pay for it yourself? Besides, can your mother agree?" Uncle shook his head quickly and said.

"It's okay, I'll tell my mother, it's only 50 yuan, just treat it as my donation to the village." Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"This..." Everyone didn't know what to do?It seems that it is inappropriate to just ask Zhang Feng to donate money, but everyone is not as big as Zhang Feng, let alone donate hundreds of thousands, even hundreds of dollars.

 There will be another chapter later, making up for the previous two days!
(End of this chapter)

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