small farmer

Chapter 448

Chapter 448

"Xiaoyue, I've cooked the pumpkin on the induction cooker, watch it, I'll go out for a while."

"Oh, I got it, I got it!!" The little girl was watching TV enthusiastically, when she heard Zhang Feng's words, she said impatiently.

"Watch carefully, I won't settle accounts with you if it's overcooked in a while." Zhang Feng shook his head and threatened, then walked out of the house.

The little girl didn't turn her head back, and continued to watch the variety show with relish, completely ignoring Zhang Feng's advice.


"Xiaofeng, you came just in time. Help me bring out ten catties of crispy fish." The crispy fish on the stall was about to be sold out, and just as Wang Guilan was about to go home, she saw Zhang Feng coming out.

"Okay, I'll go back and get it right away!" Zhang Feng smiled, went back to the house again, and took out a bag of ten catties of crispy fish that had been prepared.

"Mom, let me go to the lake for a stroll!"

"Okay, you go..." Seeing his mother and Zhang Lin coming over completely busy, Zhang Feng was ready to go for a stroll by the lake, and take a look at where the little duck took Big Black and Little Black.

Moon Lake during the Spring Festival is crowded with tourists.

Residents from almost the entire county have come here for outings.

At the same time, small vendors from all over the world also gathered here, selling all kinds of snacks and toys, and the business was booming.

Walking by the lake, there are backpackers from other places everywhere. These people are usually not allowed to enter the village to set up stalls, but every year during the Spring Festival, everyone turns a blind eye and closes their eyes. They are all goods that are not available in the village, so they cannot compete with the villagers, so the villagers acquiesce in their existence.

"Toys! Toys! Two dollars are the same, two dollars are the same......"

"Choose whatever you want, choose whatever you want, only two yuan for each..."

Walking by the lake, I kept hearing roadside vendors selling various items, especially tourists with children, who are the target of everyone's selling.


Suddenly there was a commotion ahead.

Zhang Feng walked forward curiously, and somehow the front was surrounded by tourists, and he didn't know what happened.

"Congratulations on getting the rich red envelope!!"

"Congratulations on getting the rich red envelope!"

Suddenly Zhang Feng's eyes moved, "I'm going, isn't this Xiao Ba's voice? Is this little guy doing a show here again?"

It's a pity that Xiaoba was surrounded by tourists, and Zhang Feng squeezed in after passing through the 81 level.

Seeing the scene inside, Zhang Feng smiled slightly. It turned out that it was Xiao Yazi and Xiao Ba, this old partner. Taking advantage of the large number of tourists during the Spring Festival, they went out to the mountain again to take the opportunity to make some money.

At this time, the little eight-toed was standing proudly on the little duck's shoulders, and there were two majestic big wolfhounds beside him. Zhang Feng took a closer look, who else could it be if it wasn't the two stupid and cute big black and little black.

In addition, Da Mao, Xiao Shitou and the others found a few broken baskets from nowhere, and they were carrying the baskets to ask tourists for rewards.

"Xiaoba, you sing a song and our family rewards you with ten dollars..."

"That's right, Xiao Ba, I heard that you sing very well, come and listen to one..."

"Give me the money! Give me the money!" Xiao Ba is a money addict, and he doesn't seem to sing unless he doesn't have money.

"That's right, you give me the money first, and I'll let Xiaoba sing for you!" Duckling looked at the tourists with a smile and said, it seems that this person and one bird cooperated well.

"Hehe, okay, this is ten yuan, kids, let Xiaoba sing a song for us!"

"Little Ba, hurry up and sing a song for everyone..." After receiving the reward, the little duck smiled and said to Xiao Ba.

"Cough cough!!"

Xiaoba coughed twice, cleared his throat, and then sang "Happy New Year" with his hoarse voice

"Happy New Year, Happy New Year, I wish you all a Happy New Year..."

"it is good"

"Xiaoba sings really well!"

After the song was sung, the tourists cheered enthusiastically, and the applause lasted for a long time. Everyone felt that it was incredible. I didn't expect that a starling could sing a complete song. The most important thing is that it didn't run away. It really shocked everyone.

"Haha, it's actually a new song. It's such a surprise." Tourists who are familiar with Xiaoba feel extremely pleasantly surprised. You must know that "I'm a Little Bird" is Xiaoba's famous song. It will be such a song, who knows that Xiao Ba actually gave everyone such a surprise, it is really surprising.

"How come Xiaoba can sing other songs?" The tourist who just met Xiaoba asked curiously.

"Of course, Xiaoba can also sing "I'm a Little Bird"..."

"Wow! I didn't expect Xiao Ba to be so versatile!!"

"Of course, Xiao Ba is a big star in Moon Lake!"

After Xiaobayi sang, the excited tourists offered rewards generously. There were one or two yuan less, and there were a few local tyrants, who directly gave the red Mao grandpas one by one.

Seeing everyone's non-stop rewards, the little guys were all smiling. Although most of the money will go to Xiao Ba's appearance fee, even if there is only a small part, the little guys are very excited. After all, this is Everyone's own pocket money.

"Da Mao, hurry up and pack all the money!" The little duck was the owner of the troupe at this time, and directed the little guys to put the money into the bag.

Whoa!Not a lot.

Zhang Feng glanced at it, and found that a snakeskin bag was half filled, even if it was all in change of one yuan, it would be one or two hundred!

It seems that the little guys are not small.

"Xiao Ba has another song..."

"How about another song by Xiaoba??"

In response to the requests of the tourists, Xiaoba, like a singer, tried the sound test first, cleared his throat, and then began to sing his famous song "I am a little bird".

I am a little bird
I want to fly, but I can't fly high enough


I'm looking, looking, looking, looking for a warm embrace

Is this requirement too high?
Is this requirement too high?
Xiao Ba's high-spirited singing echoed for a long time on the shore of the lake. Such a natural singing voice kept shaking the hearts of the tourists.

The tourists at the scene were all silent, everything was quiet, Xiao Ba's beautiful singing resounded throughout the world, and spread to the distance quickly.

After Xiaoba finished singing for a while, the tourists still hadn't realized it, and were still immersed in the melodious singing.

"Oh, why is no one applauding? Is it because Xiao Ba sings badly??" Seeing no response from the tourists, the little guys who were about to carry baskets to ask for rewards were anxious, so they hurriedly asked the little duck arrive.

The little duck was also confused, thinking that the tourists didn't like the performance just now.

However, just when the little ones were worried, there was finally deafening cheers from the crowd, which immediately startled the little ones.

"Okay, Xiaoba sings really well!"

"Xiao Ba has really become a master!! She sings really well!!"

Hearing the overwhelming applause and cheers from the tourists, Da Mao and Xiao Shitou couldn't help but laugh from ear to ear. They walked towards the tourists with their baskets in their hands, begging for a reward.

One piece, two pieces... After a while, the baskets of the little guys were full of rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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