small farmer

Chapter 449

Chapter 449
In a blink of an eye, it is the third day of the new year
The tourism in Moon Lake is still booming. The little guys in the village arrived at Zhang Feng's house as soon as they came together.

"Brother Crazy, where's Xiaoba?" As soon as he walked into the yard, the little duck saw that Xiaoba's nest was empty, so he ran to Zhang Feng and asked.

"I don't know, were you still on the tree just now?" Zhang Feng spread his hands, Xiao Ba is an unruly master, running around all day.

"Hey! Where did Xiaoba go??" The little duck pursed his mouth and frowned to himself.

After that, the little brats searched inside and outside the house for a long time, but they couldn't find any trace of Xiao Ba.

"Xiao Ba should go to the woods to look for food, you can go there and look for it."

Zhang Feng smiled, knowing that these little guys probably want to hold a 'concert' with Xiao Ba to earn pocket money, so Zhang Feng said so.

"Okay, let's go to the grove to find Xiao Ba!" Hearing Zhang Feng's words, the little guys ran towards the grove by the lake.

"Hehe, these greedy little guys!" Seeing the little kids leaving in a hurry, Zhang Feng couldn't help laughing. It seems that both adults and children are so active in order to make money.


"Xiaofeng, if you are free today, call Dabai Xiaobai to weed the orchard!"

One winter passed, and with the arrival of spring, weeds appeared again in the orchard, so Zhang's mother, Wang Guilan, walked into the yard and gave instructions to her son.

"Got it, Mom!" Throughout the winter, the two cute pets stayed at home obediently, especially during the coldest days, they also became Zhang's mother's natural electric heater, with fluffy hair, warm and soft , especially by Wang Guilan's favorite.

This is not today they will do their old job - weeding.

When they came to the backyard and opened the ring door, the two furry little creatures ran out when they saw their owner, with short legs and a cute face, and surrounded Zhang Feng happily, rubbing their cute heads against each other. Rubbed Zhang Feng's thigh.

Bringing Dabai and Xiaobai to the yard, Zhang Feng told them to wait in place, then went into the house, found a back basket, put the sickle and hoe in it, carried the back basket, called two goats, and walked slowly walked to the orchard.

"Wow, what a cute sheep! Mommy, let's take it back, shall we?"

The fluffy and round appearance of Dabai and Xiaobai has instantly killed countless tourists. After seeing them, the children couldn't help but want to hug them home.

"Hehe, this sheep doesn't belong to our family! Look, it belongs to the big brother's family. Can you ask him to let you take it home?" The little girl's mother said to her daughter with a smile.

"Oh!" The little girl pouted, her eyes full of disappointment, but she still followed her all the way until Zhang Feng took two sheep into the mountains, and the little girl left under her mother's persuasion.

Seeing the little tail left behind, Zhang Feng smiled slightly, thinking that his Dabai Xiaobai really has the potential to be a star, almost every time he goes out, he has his own charm halo, and he is sought after by tourists every time, even some There are few people, and they are forced to take selfies by holding them directly.


"Xiaofeng brought Dabai Xiaobai to weed??" The second uncle was busy in the orchard when he saw Zhang Feng walking slowly with two lambs, so he stood up and asked with a smile.

"Yes, second uncle, you are really diligent, and you have started weeding in the third year of junior high?" Zhang Feng responded with a smile.

"Hehe, what's the matter? Aren't all farmers like this?"

The second uncle didn't take it seriously at that time. It is the duty of farmers to work in the fields. He would still feel uncomfortable if he had to sit at home for a few more days.

"Second uncle, you are busy, I'll go first!" The two chatted a few more words, and Zhang Feng said goodbye and left.

"Okay, you go!" The second uncle waved his hand, then knelt down and continued weeding.

After saying goodbye to the second uncle, Zhang Feng took Dabai Xiaobai and walked slowly towards the orchard along the path on the mountain.

spring comes again
Everything began to recover, and the weeds in the field also sprouted buds, rejuvenated.

The fruit trees in the orchard are also hung with spores. As long as the spring breeze blows for a few days, the orchard will become a sea of ​​flowers all over the mountain. The white plum blossoms remind one of a poem: suddenly like a spring breeze overnight, there are thousands of trees and thousands of trees. The pear tree is blooming.

And the bewitching peach blossoms, under the blowing of the spring breeze, bloom in the most beautiful colors. Thinking of the blooming season, the entire mountain of Moon Lake will become a beautiful sea of ​​flowers.

The spring breeze is the best painter of nature, and it is they who paint Moon Lake into a colorful and beautiful picture scroll.

Therefore, every spring, Moon Lake has become a paradise for everyone to enjoy flowers, a paradise for tourism, and a sea of ​​flowers.

Although there was no trace of Huahai at this time, Zhang Feng could already imagine the shocking scene at that time.


Just when Zhang Feng looked at the fruit trees all over the mountain in a daze.

The two well-behaved lambs have already started working, with their heads down, gnawing on the fresh green grass on the ground.

"Where is Xiaofeng weeding in the field?" Uncle Yao came down from the mountain at some point and asked Zhang Feng with a smile.

"Ah, it's the old uncle Yao? You always go up the mountain to find medicinal materials??" Zhang Feng was stunned for a second, then asked with a smile.

"Hehe, I just dug some forsythias from the mountain." Old Yao uncle took out some forsythias from his back basket and said to Zhang Feng.

"Forsythia is the winter jasmine, right?" Zhang Feng felt a little familiar. He remembered that there were many on the high school campus. Every spring, golden flowers would bloom.

"Hehe, forsythia is not winter jasmine. They do look alike, but forsythia only has four petals, while winter jasmine has six petals..."

Many people may be as foolish as Zhang Feng and can't tell the difference, because the two flowers are so similar, not only in the same flowering period, but also with small yellow flowers, so it is easy for people to confuse them.

In fact, there is still a big difference between the two. In addition to their petals, their branches are also different. Forsythia branches are darker in color, usually light brown, and the branches are hollow.The branches of winter jasmine are light in color and green, and the inside of the branches is full.

In addition, the petals of the winter jasmine flower open upwards, while the forsythia is vertical to the ground, and the winter jasmine has no fruit, but the fruit of the forsythia can be used as medicine, which is a common Chinese medicinal material.

"It turns out that winter jasmine and forsythia are not the same!" Hearing the old uncle Yao's explanation, Zhang Feng suddenly realized that this time he finally learned the knowledge. He had always regarded jasmine and forsythia as the same plant before.

"Yes, Forsythia is a very good Chinese herbal medicine. It not only has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification, but also can treat sore throat..." Old Yao uncle sat on the stone by the roadside, smoking Zhang Feng into the mouth. Respecting the smoke, while introducing the role of forsythia to Zhang Feng.

It has to be said that Uncle Yao's understanding of medicinal materials is beyond imagination, and he knows all kinds of medicinal materials in the mountains like the back of his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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