small farmer

Chapter 46 The Last Holiday

Chapter 46 The Last Holiday (recommended for collection)

It's about to be released on the new book list, but I haven't been able to enter the top ten new books in the city. Book friends who like it can help recommend it for collection, thank you everyone, and thank you 'Pure Lorimas' for the reward.

Due to a downpour at noon

The mushrooms in the mountain forest are like mushrooms after rain, popping up.

The next day, before dawn, the villagers in Zhangjiawan got up early, packed up their equipment, and hurried into the forest.

Picking mushrooms has become a major source of income for everyone besides farming. Although it has only been a short period of 5000 days, almost every household has earned [-] yuan, which is equivalent to half of everyone's income from farming, so everyone Very active in picking mushrooms.

Zhang Feng still got up early and finished the gymnastics. Just as his mother and sister had finished washing, the family of three came to the backyard and started picking today's vegetables.

Zhang’s vegetables are very popular. If it wasn’t for Fatty Niu’s limited supply, the supply would definitely be in short supply. In order to maximize the benefits, Niu Zhong used Zhang’s vegetables exclusively for high-end private dishes.
Because it is a high-end private kitchen, it costs thousands of yuan per table, and only four tables are served every day, but it is still very popular. Although it is not popular in the whole county, it has successfully opened up the high-end market in Qingshan and the county.

Therefore, Zhang Feng's family prepares [-] to [-] catties of vegetables every day, and can earn six to seven hundred yuan each time. According to this estimate, he can earn about [-] yuan a month just by selling vegetables.

This was unimaginable in the past. In the past, everyone got up early and worked late, facing the loess and back to the sky, but the gross income was only about 1 yuan a year, and the best time was only [-] to [-] yuan. With [-] catties of vegetables, you can have a monthly income of over [-].

Therefore, the mother and elder sister felt a little uneasy, but after Zhang Feng's explanation, they finally understood why their vegetables became so delicious. It turned out that the son (brother) used new technology.
Moreover, Zhang Feng also told them that in Fatty Niu's restaurant, his own vegetables cost thousands of yuan per table, and a stir-fried cabbage alone cost 88 yuan.

Hearing this news, the two were extremely shocked, thinking that the fatty looked like a profiteer, but fortunately his own vegetables were selling well and the price was very high, and the two finally felt at ease.

When the three of them picked the vegetables, Xiao Wang, who happened to be pulling the vegetables, came in his car and weighed today's vegetables. After paying the bill, the busy Xiao Wang left immediately.

"Xiao Wang, walk slowly..." Xiao Wang, who quickly sent away the laksa, earned more than 600 yuan again today, and got off to a good start.

"Yiyi is up, why don't you sleep a little longer?" Seeing the only girl, Wang Guilan asked softly, thinking, if only her son had such a good girlfriend.

"Thank you, Auntie, I slept very well last night, and my head will fall asleep again..." Liu Yiyi responded with a gentle and polite smile.


"Crazy, what did that person come for?" Liu Yiyi asked curiously.

"That's a buyer from a restaurant, who came here to pick up vegetables." Zhang Feng replied directly.

"The quality of your vegetables is really undeniable. They are the best ingredients I have ever encountered. By the way, madman, why don't you send me some vegetables when you go back today?"

"No problem, it's all grown by myself, you can pick whatever you want..." Zhang Feng waved his hand indifferently and said, just some vegetables.

"Really? That's great. My grandpa likes such high-quality vegetables. He will be very happy this time..." Liu Yiyi said happily.

"It's okay, as long as your grandpa likes it, you can come and pick it often, anyway, your home is not far from here." Because the urban area is only fifty or sixty kilometers away from Zhangjiawan, only half an hour's drive away.


Soon the team of picking mushrooms from the mountain came back one after another. Because it rained at noon yesterday, there were not many mushrooms today.

"Uncle Er Niu, how are the mushrooms in the mountains today?" Seeing Er Niu Uncle Zhang Feng asked.

"Hey, yesterday's rain was too long, most of the mushrooms came, and there were not many suitable for picking. You can see that they were picked by everyone in just over an hour. I went to the mountain early, so I picked more than 20 catties. Others didn't gain so much, only about five or six catties."

However, this was also within Zhang Feng's expectation. After harvesting the mushrooms for so many days, Zhang Feng had a preliminary understanding of the growth habits of the mushrooms, so he was not too disappointed.

"It's more than 20 catties, and an income of more than three hundred yuan is not bad. How much more do you want." Zhang Feng said with a smile, handing some red Grandpa Mao to Uncle Erniu.

"Hehe, indeed, it's much easier than farming." Thinking of this, Uncle Er Niu also laughed in relief.

Afterwards, the villagers who entered the mountain came back sparsely. After a period of busy work, at 300 o'clock in the morning, they finally collected the mushrooms that everyone had picked. Afterwards, with the help of several classmates, Zhang Feng's family spent more than half an hour Over time, more than [-] kilograms of mushrooms were finally cleaned.

Soon, Xiao Wang from the Niu restaurant came to take away a hundred catties, and Zhang Feng was going to bake the remaining 200 catties into dried mushrooms, because Fatty Wang's restaurant couldn't consume that much.

The stove for roasting mushrooms was handed over to Uncle Dashan when the bathroom was remodeled the day before yesterday. Because the structure of the oven for baking is simple, it was completed yesterday morning.

Zhang Feng is very envious of the red mushrooms that cost hundreds or even thousands of pounds per catty online. Zhang Feng doesn’t expect to sell so many dried mushrooms at home. Roasted into a catty of dried mushrooms, then each catty of fresh mushrooms is equivalent to selling for 70 yuan, which is much more cost-effective than selling directly to Fatty Liu.

Of course, this kind of business is not easy to do. Selling to Fatty Liu is more stable and safer, and it is a large transaction. Selling mushrooms will not find such a big buyer for a while.


"Let's go! I'll take you to fish eels!" Everyone rested for about half an hour, and Zhang Feng remembered that the eels in the backyard should be caught too. If a batch is not sold every two or three days, the ditch will be too crowded. .

"Fishing eels? You can still catch eels here..." the monkey asked in surprise.

"Of course, anyone who wants to fish will come with me..." Zhang Feng smiled mysteriously, and walked towards the backyard with a bucket.

"Let's go! Let's go and have a look too..." Then everyone followed.

"Monkey, dig some earthworms here..."

"Okay" The monkey was also very excited about the new thing of fishing eels, and soon dug up a lot of earthworms.

"Okay, okay, that's enough..." Zhang Feng hurriedly stopped the monkeys, and then each of them gave them a hook and a thin rope.

"You hang the eel on the hook, and then put it in the ditch to catch it..."

"Crazy, you won't tease us, will you?" Seeing the child's appearance as a housekeeper, everyone looked at Zhang Fengdao in doubt.

"Hehe, I don't believe it, but it's really that simple." Then Zhang Feng ignored them and put his hook into the ditch on his own.

Sure enough, even earthworms contaminated with some Japanese auxin are quite attractive to rice field eels. As soon as Zhang Feng put down the hook, within five or six seconds, rice field eels bit the hook. Zhang Feng mentioned it lightly, A rice field eel as thick as a thumb was caught by Zhang Feng, and everyone was dumbfounded.

"Damn it, are these eels stupid? Why are they so easy to catch?" Everyone snorted, and quickly put their hooks into the water.

Soon everyone caught rice field eels one after another, and they were able to catch rice field eels with such simple equipment, which made everyone very excited and never tired of fishing.

"Okay, if you catch these eels again, you will die..." After fishing for more than half an hour, both buckets were full, and seeing that everyone was still in high spirits, Zhang Feng hurriedly stopped.

"Ah, so we've already caught so many?" Everyone couldn't believe their eyes when they saw the two large buckets of eels behind them.

"We really caught these?"

"No, no, I have to hurry up and take a picture, so that those who didn't come will be envious..."

"I want to take pictures too... I want to take pictures too..." Afterwards, everyone put down their hooks one after another, seeing that the eels were ravaged by everyone, and they probably couldn't rest in peace when they died.

(End of this chapter)

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