small farmer

Chapter 47

Chapter 47

The new book list is about to go down, the top ten new urban books are in sight, everyone recommends and assists, thank you everyone, and thank 'Yanjin' for the great reward.

Zhang Feng picked out two catties of rice field eels and prepared to make a stir-fried rice field eels for everyone.

Then Zhang Feng called to inform Mr. Wang and other regular customers. Everyone ordered one after another, and half of them were sold out quickly.
The remaining [-] catties were sold out by the tourists who came after hearing the news as soon as the mother and eldest sister carried them out. It can be seen that the reputation of Zhang Feng’s rice field eel has gradually spread, and it is popular among tourists. Good word of mouth.

At noon, Zhang Feng fried a spicy crab, a stir-fried eel, a fish with pickled cabbage, and finally made a stir-fried mushroom with green peppers with the fresh mushrooms picked this morning, and then made a few light side dishes with vegetables. In this way, a table of delicious dishes with complete color, fragrance and taste is completed.

"Come on, everyone is coming to eat."

"Well, it's so fragrant, I really have an appetite after seeing these dishes..."

"Come on!! Let's have a toast, I wish you all a good time..."



Soon everyone started eating lively, and Zhang Feng's cooking had completely conquered them. Although it was only a day and a half, they had gradually become numb to Zhang Feng's superb cooking skills.

It's just that they don't know how they will live in the future after eating such a delicious meal.

"Hey, it's such a delicious meal again, madman, how will we live after we go back?" Xiaopang sighed and said with a helpless wry smile.

"That's right, if only I could eat such delicious food every day..." Liu Yiyi also sighed.

"Madman, I have eaten the food you cooked, but I don't even know how to swallow the food in the canteen of my unit..."

"It's a lunatic, you have caused us misery, and you have to compensate us..."

"That's right, that's right!! You should compensate us, it's best if we come here once a week, and you will be completely poor..."

"Haha, is it as if I'm a heinous sinner? You are always welcome here, as long as you are willing, you can come every day..." Zhang Feng said with a laugh.

"Oh, it's a pity, after dinner, I'm leaving in the afternoon..."

"Yeah, it feels like you haven't played enough yet?"

"Hehe, if you want to have enough fun, why don't you just buy a house and live here permanently." Monkey said with a smile.

Although everyone was very reluctant, but when it was time to leave, they still had to leave. After lunch and a short rest, Zhang Feng sent a few classmates away.

"Everyone is welcome to come and play often..." Zhang Feng waved his hand and shouted to everyone in the car.

"Don't worry, we'll come back next week..."

"Hahaha, you guys really want to eat poor lunatics..."

"Hey, who made him a landlord, if the big eaters don't look for him..."

Several people in the car were chatting and laughing as they drifted away. Seeing everyone's cars slowly disappearing, Zhang Feng turned around and walked home.

After everyone left, the house was empty, and my mother and eldest sister also went uphill to pick honeysuckle. This is the time when honeysuckle blooms.

The flowering period of honeysuckle is very short, but in just one or two days, if it is not picked in time, the honeysuckle will wither and wither, so it must be picked as soon as possible while the flowering period is in full swing.

Honeysuckle is a common Chinese herbal medicine. It can not only clear away heat and detoxify, treat colds and coughs, but also enhance immunity, so every household in the village planted it a few years ago.

It's a pity that some bullshit organization later identified all the honeysuckle in the southwest as mountain silver flowers, so the farmers who planted honeysuckle suddenly suffered bad luck, and the income of every family dropped sharply. In the past, a catty of flowers could sell for 30 yuan, but now a catty of them is dried Only so much honeysuckle can be sold?The price difference is at least five or six times.

After sighing for a while, Zhang Feng took a snakeskin bag and a trap for catching pheasants, closed the door and followed up the slope, ready to pick honeysuckle on the mountain with his mother.

"Baa baa..." As soon as Zhang Feng walked into the field, the silly and cute Dabai and Xiaobai ran towards Zhang Feng bouncing around.

"Xiaofeng, are all your classmates gone?" Hearing the movement, the mother turned around and saw that it was her son who came, and asked.

"Let's go, I just left." He stroked the two fools, then waved them away.

"Mom, this honeysuckle is not worth much. If you want me to say, don't forget it. It's so troublesome to pick such a little bit..." Zhang Feng felt that the honeysuckle was so small that it was troublesome to pick it. One person could pick at most one a day. Twenty catties, after drying, it can't be sold for 100 yuan.

"You child, you don't know how to save just after earning two dollars. It's okay to sit at home, come here to pick a little bit, and there will be more places to spend money in the future..." The mother frowned and educated her son arrive.

"Got it, mom..." Zhang Feng smiled helplessly, just hoping that his mother wouldn't be too tired.

Then Zhang Feng found a place where pheasants might frequent, set up the traps he brought, and started picking honeysuckle with everyone.

There are not many honeysuckle in the Zhang family, only one or two acres of sloping land. There were originally about a hundred plants, but unfortunately, the price dropped sharply and they were not taken care of, so many died, and now there are only twenty or thirty plants left. , It is estimated that they can all be picked this afternoon.

Opening the pocket, Zhang Feng kept waving his ten fingers, picking honeysuckle flowers as quickly as a butterfly piercing through flowers. Zhang Feng's speed made the mother and elder sister stunned. I didn't expect my son (brother) to pick honeysuckle so beautifully. , So artistic.

"Xiaofeng, why are you so fast? Why do you look like you have practiced the Sunflower Book?" Seeing his younger brother waving his fingers continuously, as flexible and changeable as the Oriental Bubai embroidery on TV, it is amazing.

"Eldest sister, do you describe it like that?" Zhang Feng said dumbfounded, he didn't expect that he moved a little faster, and he could be compared with Dongfang Bubai.

"Hehe, it's my sister's fault. Hurry up and pick them. Let's go home early after picking them." The elder sister said with a smile.

With Zhang Feng's help, the three of them only took an hour to pick all the honeysuckle. Zhang Feng went to see the trap he had set up. There was not a hair in the empty chicken coop, so he continued to put the trap Here, then pack up and head home.

Zhang Feng walked in front with the picked honeysuckle, and his mother and sister led Dabai and Xiaobai to the back. The two silly and cute gnawed on the weeds on the ground from time to time, and the family walked slowly towards the house.

Back home, the mother and eldest sister quickly poured out the honeysuckle in the bag to dry, and Zhang Feng took a sip of water and walked to the backyard with a hoe on his shoulder.

This morning, a small plot of cabbage was plucked, and Zhang Feng hurriedly replanted it, so that the vegetables in the yard would not decrease, so that they could be produced continuously and supplied to Niu Zhong's restaurant.

Now his backyard has become a huge treasury. After preliminary calculations, Zhang Feng can earn about [-] yuan a day just by selling eels and vegetables.
You can earn [-] to [-] yuan a month, which is a huge amount. It doesn't take much effort or effort every day, and you can easily earn so much income. It can be said that the backyard has become a continuous flow of income Jinshan.

(End of this chapter)

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