small farmer

Chapter 48 Lottery Draw

Chapter 48 Lottery Draw (Please recommend for collection)

I guess I won’t be able to make it into the top ten, so please do your best. Thank you for your support. I hope that book friends who like it can help recommend collections. At the same time, I would like to thank 'Leizhen Cangqiong', 'Yaoshen', 'Miyezhiyu', 'Perfect Lord', my dear My baby's tip from several book friends.

"Crazy brother, what are you doing?" The duckling came to the backyard at some point.

"I'm growing vegetables. If you don't go and herd the cows, your father won't beat you to death later." Zhang Feng said with a smile when he saw the duckling.

"No way, my father is not at home, how does he know..." Xiaojiahui is not easy to fool, he is shrewd.

"Crazy brother, let me dig the ground for you..."

"No need..." Zhang Feng waved his hand.

"Then how about I water it for you?" The duckling continued to lean over and said.

"You monkey, I think you want to eat my cucumbers, right?" Zhang Feng knew what this little guy wanted to do with just a guess.

"Hee hee, madman brother, how do you know?" Duckling asked shyly.

"You monkey, when did you not come here to pick cucumbers? If you want to eat it, pick it yourself, don't disturb me digging here." Zhang Feng smiled and shook his head.

"Hee hee, madman brother, you are so kind..." The little guy happily ran to the cucumber vine.

"Crazy brother, this cucumber is obviously green, why do you call him a cucumber?" Soon the little guy picked two juicy cucumbers, and then walked over and asked.

"Hehe, is this cucumber a new variety? Our local old variety is the one grown by the third wife on the top of Dongshan Mountain. It will be yellow when it is ripe." Zhang Feng explained with a smile that many adults in the city may Not sure about the question.

"Oh, no wonder I said it's different..."

"Crazy brother, I'm leaving..."


The little guy couldn't stay still at all, and soon ran out with two cucumbers in his arms.


After dinner, Zhang Feng accompanied his mother to watch TV for a while, then went back to his room, practiced gymnastics, then lay on the bed, and began to check his attribute panel:
Host: Zhang Feng

Strength 22 (+16+2)

Speed ​​19 (+13)

Reaction 19 (+10+1)

Stamina 18 (+14+1)

Flexibility 16 (+10+2)

Spirit 18 (+11)

(Note: The average level for adults is 10)

Skills Primary hunting skills, primary cooking skills, primary calligraphy and painting skills.

Points 10450 (Note: Points can be used to purchase various products in the system mall, and [-] points can be used for one lucky draw.)
Number of Draws 4
Unfinished tasks:
Side quest——become a millionaire, the mission is for one year, 500 points will be rewarded for completing the mission, a chance to draw a lottery, and [-] points will be deducted if the mission fails.

"Sub-quest - open a farmhouse of your own, reward 1000 points for completing the task, and deduct [-] points for failing the task."

(Systematic evaluation: The host's combat power is low, and the lazy cancer has been successfully cured. I hope the host will continue to work hard. It will become a strong, hardworking, and positive new farmer of the era as soon as possible.)
Zhang Feng was pleasantly surprised to find that in the past two days, his strength, response and flexibility had increased a little, and insisting on practicing gymnastics had indeed greatly improved his body, and he could make obvious progress almost every day.

Seeing that he still had four chances to draw a lottery, Zhang Feng thought he might as well use them up, since he still had so many points anyway.

So Zhang Feng immediately started to draw a lottery: "The system is preparing to draw a lottery..."

"Okay, host, please wait a moment..."


"Hey! This skill education card seems to be good..." The eldest sister has been learning how to cook with herself recently, but the effect is not very good.

If this card is drawn, then the eldest sister's learning efficiency will increase tenfold, and she can learn at least 50.00% of her skills. As long as she is talented and willing to work hard, she can learn [-]% of her skills. .

"Start the lottery draw..." As soon as Zhang Feng pressed the button for the lottery draw, the hands spun rapidly, and there was no pattern to be found.

"Stop!" Zhang Feng called to stop after a few seconds.

"Why a bottle of Rihua Auxin? Isn't this a loss?" Zhang Feng frowned and thought to himself, because a bottle of Rihua Auxin in the system mall is only 50 points.

The lottery items seemed to be better this time. Zhang Feng excitedly pressed the lottery button, and the pointer rotated rapidly. After a few seconds, Zhang Feng stopped again, and finally the lottery pointer slowly stopped on Yuehua Auxin.

Zhang Feng shook his head, and was not very satisfied with the result of this lottery draw, thinking that Yuehua Auxin only sold for 100 points in the system mall.

Then Zhang Feng drew twice again, the third time was even more unlucky, and he only got 50 points, and the last time he was lucky, he actually got a piece of Enlightenment Liquid.

"Unfortunately, I couldn't get a skill education card..." Zhang Feng frowned slightly, then clicked on the system mall, and it was exactly as he thought, as long as new items appeared in the lottery, they would appear in the system mall.

In the system mall, one serving of Spiritual Enlightenment requires 150 points, the skill education card requires 1000 points, and the primary brewing skill requires 1000 points.

"The system will exchange for a skill education card for me." Zhang Feng decided to quickly improve his eldest sister's cooking skills, so that after opening the farmhouse, he would not be too busy to do anything.

Finally, Zhang Feng checked his remaining points and items.

Points 9500 (Note: Points can be used to purchase various products in the system mall, and [-] points can be used for one lucky draw.)
Number of Draws 0
Possessed items: Rihua Auxin 2 (one bottle has been used.), Yuehua Auxin 1, Enlightenment Liquid 1, Skill Education Card 1.

Turning off the system, Zhang Feng came to the computer, ready to post the beautiful photos he took recently on the Internet, to advertise his soon-to-open farmhouse, and to promote the beautiful scenery of Moon Lake.

Afterwards, Zhang Feng sent photos with the theme of Phoenix Wonders, Butterfly Flower Sea, Rainbow Overpass, Moon Lake at night, etc. to local forums and post bars, together with a brief explanation,

After waiting for a few minutes, seeing that there were no comments, Zhang Feng got off the Internet and quietly looked at the small mountain village in the dim night under the bright moonlight outside the window.

However, he didn't know that the picture he posted was quickly discovered by the majority of netizens. After seeing it, everyone was amazed and forwarded it non-stop. In just one night, it spread all over the country, and instantly became popular on the Internet.

It caused countless reposts and comments from big Vs, as well as reposts by major websites, and Moon Lake became famous all over the country in just one night.

"Ah, this is the most beautiful mountain village I have ever seen..."

"How can there be such a beautiful place in the world, it almost made me cry..."

"Ah, it turns out that the Phoenix Wonders scene a few days ago was filmed here... At that time I thought it was P's..."

"Ah, such a beautiful sea of ​​butterflies and flowers and a rainbow overpass... No, I must go and see it this Dragon Boat Festival..."

"I really envy that the upstairs is in Guizhou Province. What should I do if I am thousands of miles away?"

"Hahahaha, for the silent mourning upstairs, I'm from the local area, and I'll go see it tomorrow..."

Countless netizens posted comments one after another. Under the bombardment of so many beautiful scenery, many tourists from inside and outside the province expressed their desire to travel to Moon Lake, which lived up to Zhang Feng's expectations.

(End of this chapter)

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