small farmer

Chapter 49 Buying a Puppy

Chapter 49 Buying a Puppy (Please recommend for collection)
There are not too many recommendations for new book collections, and some book friends support a lot. At the same time, I would like to thank the book friends "Heizi, you are black enough" and "Bored to watch the rain" for their big rewards, thank you everyone.

early morning
The birds outside the window were chirping, looking for food back and forth on the trees.

Due to the influence of the biological clock, Zhang Feng soon woke up.Opening his eyes and looking at the bright sunshine outside the window, and the fragrance of flowers in two words, he immediately felt refreshed.

Zhang Feng didn't continue to stay on the bed, he got up immediately, and started his daily exercise after washing up. Just after practicing, he was doing gymnastics, and his mother and eldest sister also got up.

So Zhang Feng and them went to the backyard to pick today's vegetables. Looking at Zhang Feng's lush vegetables in the backyard, Zhang Feng immediately felt a strong sense of accomplishment. These are the fruits of his recent labor.

After the continuous watering of the auxin, the Chinese cabbage in the field grows green and juicy, just like emerald greens, crystal clear and radiant.

The fiery red tomatoes and emerald green peppers shone like jewels, and those who didn't know it thought they were exquisite works of art.

There are also those purple eggplants, exuding a bewitching light, full of countless charms, making people confused.

It can be said that my own yard is like a huge natural art museum, all kinds of artworks are exquisite and lifelike, it is simply a huge treasure house.

Soon, the three of them picked the vegetables they needed today, simply cleaned off the dirt on them, and put them into plastic baskets, waiting for the buyer to arrive.

At 07:30, Xiao Wang still arrived on time, weighed the vegetables and paid the bill, took the ingredients and left in a hurry.

One morning, another 700 yuan was credited to the account. My mother collected the money with a smile all over her face. As the situation at home got better and better, my mother's smiles became more and more, as if people were not as old as before and became younger. Quite a lot.


"Big brother, big brother..." Zhang Feng had just rested on the chair for a while when Zhang Yi ran in.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Zhang Yi's happy face, Zhang Feng asked curiously.

"Hehe, good news, Master Pao Shan is going to sell their wolfhound..." Zhang Yi said excitedly.

"What?" Zhang Feng was shocked, "Why is he willing to sell it?"

Speaking of the wolf dog of Master Pao's family, it is not easy, because his dog has the blood of wild wolves. Three years ago, Master Pao brought back a wolf cub from the mountains. When he grew up, he grew up with his hunting dog. After mating, three wolfhounds were born. Master Paoshan regards them all as treasures, even rarer than his own son, and often quarrels with his family for this reason.

So Zhang Feng was not surprised when he heard that Master Pao Shan wanted to sell wolf dogs.

"It's not the three big wolfhounds, it's the puppies that were born just last month." Hearing Zhang Yi's explanation, Zhang Feng suddenly realized that this is the case, otherwise Master Paoshan would not be willing to sell it.

"Then let's go quickly..."

Because there are quite a few people who have taken a fancy to Pao Shanye's wolfdog, Zhang Feng and the two quickly ran to Pao Shanye's house, hoping that they would not be bought by others before it was too late.

When the two felt that they were running to Master Shan's house, there were already many people around his yard. Although some of them came to watch the fun, many of them really wanted to buy.

For some reason, Master Paoshan did not show up, and it was her wife who sold the puppies instead: "Everyone is here to buy puppies, this time there are a total of six puppies, let's take a look first, let's talk about the price after you are satisfied. "

"Auntie, it won't be a problem if Master Pao Shan is not here?" Everyone murmured when they saw that Master Pao Shan was not here. These dogs are the old man's sweetheart. If they are bought now, what will the old man do if he comes back to make trouble? .

"It's okay, the old man is in the house. We have already discussed it, so you don't have to worry." Apparently the two old men had really discussed it. Master Pa Shan probably couldn't bear to part with these puppies, so he didn't want to come out.

"That's fine, let's take a look first." Everyone knew that these wolfhounds were not cheap, so they all wanted to pick the best one.

It's a pity that more and more people came later, and even the city people who heard the news came here in a hurry. These big dog owners like to collect all kinds of strange dogs. Of course, they should not miss the purebred wolfhounds.

"Okay, since everyone is optimistic about it, let's sell one by one."

"Is there anyone who wants this one?" Although Grandma Paoshan is just a peasant woman, she is also very shrewd. She caught a puppy with a shiny black coat and piercing eyes, and wanted to provoke everyone's competition.

"Yes" "Yes"

"Why not?" Immediately, five or six people raised their hands.

"Everyone wants it, and it's not good for me to sell it to anyone, so let's pay the highest price. Now everyone can bid..." Paoshan grandma looked at several people and said with a smile.

Several people looked at each other vigilantly, but none of them wanted to be the first to bid. After waiting for a few seconds, someone finally lost their temper and called out the price.

"five hundred……"

"I pay eight hundred..."

"one thousand……"

"Three thousand......"

"It's three thousand. The boss offered three thousand. Is there any bidder? Is there really no more? Well, this wolfhound will be sold to the boss." Grandma Paoshan acted naturally. The role of the auctioneer.

Seeing that the first one was enough, I bought it at a high price of [-]. The crowd of onlookers burst into laughter. Most of them shook their heads and gave up the idea of ​​buying it. For ordinary people, it was simply unaffordable.

"I'll go, a dog sold for 3000 yuan, tsk tsk..." Zhang Yi said in disbelief.

"I didn't expect it to be so popular." Zhang Feng also shook his head helplessly. Although he was not short of 3000 yuan, if he really wanted to buy it back, his mother probably wouldn't want her son.

Putting out the idea of ​​buying, Zhang Feng and Zhang Yi held hands and watched the excitement from the sidelines, watching the fierce competition between the rich people in the city.

Soon, the six dogs were auctioned off. The lowest one was sold for 500 yuan, and the best one was auctioned for a sky-high price of 5000 yuan. It is said that the man was an upstart coal boss.

Zhang Feng secretly estimated that the six dogs were auctioned for a total of 8000 yuan. After the auction, he was obviously very happy to see the smile on Paoshan's grandma's face.

Zhang Feng and the two had gained a lot of knowledge. They had never met such an expensive dog before. After the auction, everyone gradually dispersed. Zhang Feng and the onlookers were about to leave when they were stopped by Grandma Paoshan.

"Xiaofeng, are you planning to buy puppies too?"

"No, let's take a look, we can't afford such an expensive dog." Zhang Feng waved his hand quickly.

"Hehe! Who doesn't know that Xiaofeng is promising now, and I actually have two puppies at home. If you want to buy them, you can come in and have a look."

Zhang Feng and Zhang Feng looked at each other, then followed Grandma Paoshan and walked into her house curiously.

"Look, these are the two. If you want them, I'll sell them to you for 1000 yuan. They're from folks in my hometown..." Grandma Paoshan pointed to the two dying puppies and said to them.

"Is this going to die?" Zhang Yi muttered dissatisfied.

"This... huh, no, how can it be, this is just when I was grabbing food two days ago, I was accidentally stepped on by other puppies..." Grandma Paoshan said embarrassingly.

Looking at the two puppies who were about to die in front of him, Zhang Feng couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. This grandma who runs the mountain is really unkind. Do you think that the two of you are just stupid, stunned young people who have been taken advantage of?
"It turns out that Xiaofeng and you guys are here, you old woman is really covered up to cover your eyes, why don't you hurry up and feed the pigs..." Master Pashan came out when he heard the movement, and said with a straight face.

"Hmph, it's up to you. If it weren't for the old lady, I would have made so much money if I insisted on selling these pups?" Grandma Paoshan snorted, gave Zhang Feng and the two sheepish glances, and left.

"Take these two dogs away if you like them. I just saw them, but I suffered some minor injuries to my internal organs. They will be fine after a few days of care." Master Paoshan shook his head and sighed. I continued to feed them, but unfortunately my family members disagreed, so I had no choice but to sell them all.

"How can this work? Look at how much we bought it." Zhang Feng didn't want to be greedy for such a small gain. Seeing the "smartness" of his wife, if he didn't spend money, he didn't know what trouble would happen.

"Whatever money you want, just take it if you like it..."

In the end, Zhang Feng insisted on keeping 1000 yuan, and he and Zhang Yi went home with a puppy in their arms.

(End of this chapter)

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