small farmer

Chapter 480 Uphill

Chapter 480 Uphill (23)

"Little Wang, are you here?"

The old man was sitting in the yard, and when he saw Professor Wang and the others coming, he asked with a full smile.

"Uncle Liu, long time no see, your old body is still so healthy!!" Professor Wang hurriedly walked over and asked the old man with a smile.

"Haha, the environment in the village is good. By the way, Xiao Wang, is your father in good health?"

"Well, now the old man is in love with walking birds, and whenever he is free, he will go to the park with three or five friends to communicate. This makes him feel better and his body is also better."

It turned out that the old man and Professor Wang's father were friends, and they had known each other since the last century. Because Lao Wang was also a foodie, he often went to the old man's restaurant to taste delicious food, and they became friends after coming and going.

However, as Lao Wang got older, he followed his son, Professor Wang, to the provincial capital, and the old man had always lived in the city, so the two rarely saw each other again.

"Xiaofeng, take them to put their luggage down!"

"Hey! Got it, old man!" Zhang Feng responded with a smile, and then walked the three of them into the house.

"Professor Wang, you will live in this room, Xiaolong and Liu Yong will live in this room."

"Xiaofeng, the paintings on the wall are really good. Whose works are they?" Professor Wang asked in surprise when he saw the watercolors on the wall after putting down his computer bag.

"Hahaha, Xiao Wang, guess what?" Just when Zhang Feng didn't know how to answer, the old man asked with a smile.

"Hey! Let me take a good look??" Professor Wang is also a university professor. College students in the 80s are much more valuable than they are now. Although he did not major in literature, he still has a certain understanding of calligraphy.

It didn't matter at first glance, but the next moment he was taken aback. He didn't expect Zhang Feng to be the deposit on the painting.

That's right, Zhang Feng didn't need to choose a name for himself, because he usually draws casually, and he didn't think of being famous forever, so he directly used his own name.

"Xiaofeng, did you really draw this?" Professor Wang was shocked. If he hadn't asked just now, he would have thought that Zhang Feng was a graduate of the resource and environment major.

No!Even Zhang Feng's level is not much lower than that of the experts of the Academy of Painting and Calligraphy, and even slightly better. If it is not for his lack of fame, he may have become the best young painter in China.

Zhang Feng smiled and nodded.

"Tsk tsk! I didn't expect you, Xiaofeng, to have such abilities." Seeing Zhang Feng nodding in recognition, Professor Wang was amazed at once, thinking that this student is really versatile, no wonder he can achieve the current results.

Zhang Xiaolong and Liu Yong also smiled and gave Zhang Feng a thumbs up. They didn't expect that Zhang Feng not only did such a good job, but also his painting was extraordinary, so they both admired Zhang Feng.

"Xiaofeng, it's still early, take us to the mountain temple to have a look!" Professor Wang said to Zhang Feng after washing his face and drinking a cup of tea.

"Ah! Let's go now, how about we go after lunch?" Zhang Feng was worried that everyone would be exhausted, after all, it would take three or four hours to get here from the provincial capital.

"Hehe, it's okay. We're not tired at all. We'll just go climbing and exercising." Professor Wang said with a smile. Of course, the two graduate students had no objections.

Seeing Professor Wang's insistence, Zhang Feng had no choice but to nod, and led everyone to the mountain temple.

It is said that the Qinglong Mountain Temple was built in the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, and it has a history of more than [-] years. Unfortunately, the mountain temple, which was once prosperous and famous for hundreds of miles, was completely destroyed in a special era. There are broken eaves and walls, and a pile of broken bricks and tiles.

"There are so many peach blossoms and plum blossoms!!"

Walking on the mountain road, the hillsides on both sides are full of blooming flowers, and the orchard is full of tourists, people come and go, it is really very lively.

"This place is really blessed with great potential for tourism. If it is well publicized, it will definitely be a 4A or even 5A scenic spot."

Professor Wang has traveled far and wide in his projects, and has never seen any scenic spots, but it is really rare to see a place like Moon Lake, surrounded by green mountains and shaded by trees.

The mountains and rivers are connected, and the flowers bloom into the sea. It would be really strange if such a beautiful place is not famous.

Therefore, Professor Wang is full of confidence in the future of Moon Lake. As long as the local government can make up its mind, within three to five years, it will definitely become a famous scenic spot in the country.

Zhang Feng nodded with a smile, and agreed with Professor Wang's point of view. The tourism resources here are indeed unique, surrounded by mountains and rivers, not only the beautiful Moon Lake and the Tapang River, but also a primitive deep forest with a radius of hundreds of miles - Qinglong Mountain Primitive deep forest.

Moreover, it is also the main producing area of ​​Moon Lake vegetables, which is well-known throughout the country. All kinds of high-end agricultural products here will surely be presented to everyone in the near future.

In the future, Moon Lake will not only be as simple as traveling, but will also become the place where China's high-end agriculture gathers together. This remote village in the southwestern part of China will surely become the most dazzling star in China.

Everyone walks and enjoys the beautiful scenery on the side of the road.

Before we knew it, we came to the main peak of Qinglong Mountain, where the ruins of the mountain temple are located.

It will be the top of the list, and the mountains are small.

Standing on the top of Qinglong Mountain, overlooking the land in the distance, the moon lake as smooth as a mirror, and the small mountain village with smoke curling up, it is a natural and simple rural scenery.

The spring breeze is blowing, the sky is sunny, and the whole world is so clean and pure.

A gust of breeze passed by, and a faint fragrance of flowers rushed to the face, and the whole sky was filled with the fragrance of flowers.

In ancient times, there was a scent of horseshoes returning from stepping on flowers, but now there is a spring breeze blowing, and the fragrance is tangy.

Obviously there are more flowers here, and they are more beautiful.

"Xiaofeng is the mountain temple right here?"

"Well, it's here, but it's a pity that it was smashed during a special period!"

"Alas, in those days, not to mention such mountain temples, even the Confucian Temple in Ludi was not spared." As an expert in restoration of ancient buildings, Professor Wang also lamented the damage to traditional buildings.

"These ancient trees should be hundreds of years old!!" Professor Wang was also surprised when he couldn't see the tall ancient cypresses in front of the mountain temple.

"Well, according to the temple records of the Shanshen Temple, these cypresses were planted in the Tongzhi period of the Qing Dynasty, and it has been more than 150 years."

Because the mountain temple was to be rebuilt, Zhang Feng carefully read the temple records of the mountain temple a few days ago, and all the records in it were the history of the mountain temple.

"Come on, let's go in and take a look..." Although the mountain temple has become broken eaves and walls, everyone can still see its basic outline, and the foundation made of large stone slabs is still firmly fixed there.

Without Professor Wang's instructions, Zhang Xiaolong and Liu Yong have already started to get busy. One is taking pictures of the mountain temple, and the other is measuring the building area of ​​the mountain temple with a laser rangefinder.

Seeing that the two of them were familiar with the road, Zhang Feng nodded with a smile. It seemed that the two of them really had some skills, and they were not just rookies in the industry.

 Thank you for your support, there will be another chapter later.

(End of this chapter)

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