small farmer

Chapter 481 Green out of blue and better than blue

Chapter 481 Green out of blue and better than blue (33)

At the same time, Professor Wang was not idle, and carefully inspected the ruins of the mountain temple.

"Well, the foundation is well preserved. The bottom is all hard granite. It can continue to be used as long as it is simply repaired."

It has to be said that when the mountain temple was built, real effort was wasted. Even after more than 400 years, the foundation of the mountain temple is still intact.

Zhang Feng looked at it and couldn't help but nodded. The foundations of the temple were all made of thick stone slabs. Even after hundreds of years of wind and rain, they are still as stable as Mount Tai.

"The terrain here is really good. According to the ancients, this place is really a place of geomantic omen." Professor Wang couldn't help sighing after checking the terrain of the mountain temple.

The mountain temple is located on the top of Qinglong Mountain, with a wide view and plenty of sunlight. There are several century-old trees in front of the gate, and there is a spring on the mountainside not far away. It is only a hundred meters away from here, and it is very convenient to get water.

Unlike ancient times, there is no need to laboriously carry water, only a small pumping station is needed to pump the spring water into the temple.

As for electricity, it is also simple, as long as it is pulled up from the village at the foot of the mountain, as long as there are professional electricians, it can be done within two or three days at most.

As long as there is government policy support, these will not be a problem, and with Zhang Feng as a big benefactor, the reconstruction of the mountain temple will start soon.

"Okay, let's go!"

"Ah, that's all right??" It's only been half an hour. Could it be that the survey is finished?Zhang Feng was puzzled.

"Hehe, just look at the terrain. How long do you think it will take? The most important thing is the architectural drawings of the mountain temple. With the information you provided, combined with the data measured today, we can do all the work this week. The preparation work is estimated to start next week!" Professor Wang explained with a smile.

Because the original drawings and materials of the mountain temple are still there, and the foundation is intact, the most important thing is the design of the mountain temple, various murals of gods, decorative carvings on the eaves, etc.

Of course, the outdoor greening work is also very important, but these can be done later, the most urgent thing is to get the internal design drawing done first, and then estimate the project cost.

"Then how much do you estimate the project will cost?" Zhang Feng asked curiously.

"I can't be sure now, but I roughly estimated that it should cost 80 million." Professor Wang replied with a smile.

Several people walked down the mountain while chatting.

"The spring water here is so clear, let's go and see if it's good to drink?" Professor Wang said with a smile when he saw Gululu spring water bubbling from the spring halfway up the mountain.

"It is said that this was a rare divine water in the past. If anyone drank the water here often, he would be free from disasters and diseases, and live a long life." Zhang Feng smiled. Now there are still people in the village who occasionally come here to drink water. In order to pray for the blessing of the mountain god.

"Well, it's delicious. It's indeed a rare source of water. With this spring, after the mountain temple is repaired, it must be full of incense." Professor Wang took a sip, feeling very refreshed, with a faint sweetness.

A temple must have good water, and the two complement each other. As Zhang Feng said, almost every place has so-called divine water, especially in temples and Taoist temples. In the words of monks, after consecration Of course, it is divine water, and if you drink it, you will certainly be blessed by the Buddha.

Therefore, each temple has its own legends, its own characteristics, and signs that attract tourists.

However, this spring is obviously not a small bright spot, which makes the mountain temple more attractive.


"Crazy brother, why are you going up the mountain?" When he came to the foot of the mountain, he met the little duck and the monkeys again.

"Aren't you guys going home for dinner? Let's go, hurry back with me." Zhang Feng rolled his eyes. It was almost twelve o'clock. Beat up.

"Let's go, let's go! Go home!!" The little guys ran to the village bouncing around.

"Hehe, these kids are so cute!"

Seeing these children, they immediately felt that they were much younger. They were really carefree little guys.

"There are really many fruit trees in your village!" Professor Wang said in shock, looking at the peach blossoms and plum blossoms all over the mountains and plains.

"It's quite a lot. Each family has about [-] mu, and the whole village has a total of nearly [-] mu. Because the income from growing corn is too low, every household has replanted fruit trees." Zhang Feng explained with a smile.

"I see that there are more and more places to grow fruit trees in Guizhou Province in recent years. It should not be easy to sell so many fruit trees?" As expected of a university professor, Professor Wang has a certain understanding of the rural economic situation.

"That's right. In the past few years, because of the abundant fruit harvest in the whole county, no one wanted the fruit in the village for two or three cents a catty, and many of them rotted directly on the fruit trees." Zhang Feng shook his head feeling quite apprehensive.

Think about it two or three years ago, the situation in the village was like this. Because farming could not make any money, the villagers went out to work one after another, leaving only some left-behind old people and children in the village.

Even young adults who have not gone to work in other provinces will do some odd jobs nearby to subsidize their families, such as Uncle Dashan Zhuzi, etc., and do construction work in the county town. Even so, the work of moving bricks and walls is not for everyone Competent, working hard every day can only earn a hundred or so yuan.

"Well, farming also needs scientific guidance. If you can't see what others grow to make money, everyone will follow suit, and the government should also do a good job in sales." Professor Wang shook his head. The government is not a small fruit flood. Responsibility.

"No way, senior, I remember that Moon Lake fruits are not very valuable?" Zhang Xiaolong asked suspiciously.

"Hehe, Moon Lake fruit was only released last year. The fruit before is different from the one now."

"Oh! Aren't these all the old fruit trees? Why are they different?" Zhang Xiaolong asked again.

"This is the function of the fruity fragrance medicine. The fruity fragrance medicine is a green and pollution-free medicine. As long as the medicine is applied during the flowering period of the fruit tree, the fruit produced by the fruit tree will be more fragrant and sweet." Zhang Feng laughed. said with a smile.

"Fruit-flavor potion?? There is such a thing??" Professor Wang was very surprised. If it is really like what Zhang Feng said, then this kind of medicine is not ordinary, it is simply turning decay into magic.

When I learned that Guoguoxiang was developed by Zhang Feng, and it has been recognized by national professional institutions. It was launched last year and will be sold nationwide this year.
Professor Wang couldn't help but feel that the blue is really better than the blue. It is really a kind of pride for Qianzhou University to have a student like Zhang Feng.

When everyone learned that the villagers earned 40 million in the second half of last year, they were even more shocked. Everyone saw Zhang Feng's eyes full of respect.

Being able to make money by yourself is not worthy of everyone's admiration. What is really admirable is that Zhang Feng not only made money by himself, but also took everyone out of poverty and lived a happy life.

(End of this chapter)

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