small farmer

Chapter 482 Peach Blossom Beauty Picture

Chapter 482 Peach Blossom Beauty Picture (13)

two long tables put together

There are all kinds of delicacies on the table, and it goes without saying that these are all handwritten by the old man and sister.

The delicious stewed chicken with red mushrooms, the spicy braised fish, and various farm side dishes made everyone's mouth water and their appetite greatly increased.

"Haha, come, everyone, eat quickly, don't be polite..."

The two families, plus two groups of guests, gathered together, and when the old man gave an order, everyone started eating one after another, picking up their favorite food.

At this moment, the two prodigal sons of the family also came back. Seeing that everyone had already started eating, Da Hei and Xiao Hei barked anxiously.

"Where did you two go? You two little bastards, if you weren't hungry, you probably wouldn't go home, right?" Seeing the two dogs, Zhang Feng criticized with a straight face,

I'm busy today, so I don't have time to take care of these two things. I didn't expect them to become wild horses. They wandered somewhere early in the morning, and they didn't go home until they were hungry at noon.

"Woo... woo..." Seeing their master criticizing themselves, the two dogs lowered their heads guiltily and whined, knowing that they were wrong.

"Hehe, come on, Xiaofeng, look at them and you know they are wrong, hurry up and prepare food for them." Seeing the well-behaved appearance of the two dogs, Wang Guilan told her son with a smile.

"I'll take care of you guys later!!" Zhang Feng shook his head, knowing that his mother was still so soft-hearted, and his heart ached when he saw the two little guys pretending to be pitiful.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." the two dogs were amnesty, happily yelling at the old owner wang guilan, as if thanking her for her help.

"What a smart dog! Is this a wolf dog?"

Seeing the humanized expressions of the two dogs, and putting the food bowls in their mouths on the table, waiting for the owner to feed them, the most important thing is that these two dogs seem to be able to understand the owner's words, so smart , Professor Wang couldn't help admiring.

"That's right, these two are wolf dogs, and there are some blood of wild wolves." Zhang Feng replied with a smile while feeding the two dogs.

"I really didn't expect that dogs with wild wolf blood can be raised so docilely." Seeing the two dogs squatting quietly in front of Zhang Feng, their eyes were watery and full of spirituality, without the slightest evil spirit, they are really good friends dog.

It should be known that dogs with wild wolf bloodlines are not familiar with them. They are naturally wild and aggressive. Even if they are raised from a young age, the wild factor in their bloodlines cannot be completely eliminated after several generations of feeding. Therefore, in foreign countries, dogs with wild wolf blood are not allowed to be fed privately, except of course in some states of the United States.

"Hehe, they are naturally very docile and have never bitten anyone." Zhang Feng said with a smile.


Professor Wang and the others were very busy. They planned to stay in Moon Lake for a day, but unexpectedly the company was busy. It seemed that they had hired another project, which happened to be in Linxing City.

So just after lunch, the three of them bid farewell to everyone and drove to the construction site.

"Crazy, where's your chestnut?" After lunch, Professor Wang and the others were sent away, and everyone sat in the yard drinking tea and chatting.

"I've been busy recently, so I sent it to Binzi's horse farm." Raising a horse at home is really troublesome, so Zhang Feng sent the chestnut to Wang Bin's horse farm.

"Oh, we still want to learn how to ride a horse, but it seems that the plan has failed again!" The monkey shook his head and said regretfully.

"Ah, lunatic, so you still have horses at home?" Qiu Shui asked curiously after hearing the conversation between the two.

"That's right, I just bought a local horse not long ago, and it is now fostered in a friend's horse farm." Zhang Feng replied with a smile.

Knowing that Zhang Feng's chestnuts were not here, everyone was a little disappointed, but soon everyone recovered their smiling faces, because the flowers all over the mountains and plains were still waiting for them to see.

"Madman, how about we go to the orchard to paint in the afternoon?" The girls were very excited every time they saw Zhang Feng's paintings, so they planned to let Zhang Feng help them paint in the afternoon.

The beauty of flowers is intoxicating when you think about it, and it is full of attraction to a few women.

"Okay, I'll lend you the drawing board and tools later, and you can draw as much as you want." Zhang Feng said solemnly, but he was secretly laughing.

"Oh, Yiyi, you don't care about your lunatic, you see he is teasing us again." Qiu Shui gave Zhang Feng a hard look, and then complained to Yiyi.

"Hee hee, it's all right!! He will draw pictures for you later, if you make him angry, I won't paint you as ugly!" Yiyi said with a smile.

"Okay, you two are husband and wife, bullying us together, right? Lilac, let's let Yiyi know how powerful we are..."

"Hahahaha,, don't tickle me...haha...haha"

The girls were laughing and fighting in the yard, and the three girls were scratching each other, Zhang Feng and the others looked at each other.


Soon everyone came to the sea of ​​flowers again.

"Hee hee, let me come first, madman, please paint me a little more beautiful!!" Qiu Shui pushed away the two girlfriends and grabbed the first place domineeringly.

"Don't worry, I promise to paint you as beautiful as a flower!"

"Oh, madman, you are going to die, you are beautiful like a flower!!" Thinking of Ruhua's foot-picking man, Qiu Shui felt a chill, bit his lip and gave Zhang Feng a vicious look.

Haha, everyone burst into laughter, unexpectedly Miss Qiushui could still hear the ambiguity in Zhang Feng's words.

Thinking about Ru Hua, she is the most wonderful movie character in Huaxia. When her name is mentioned, it can be said that everyone knows her.

Ruhua's beauty, it was already shocking and weeping ghosts and gods, it was so horrible, everyone who saw her could not think of tea or food, not because of lovesickness, but because she was so disgusted that she couldn't eat for three days! !
Qiushui girl stands gracefully in the sea of ​​flowers.

He is graceful, with long black hair, curved willow-leaf eyebrows, vermilion lips, small nose, bright eyes and white teeth, and a figure with the best golden ratio. Such a person is very photogenic and very beautiful when drawn.

Zhang Feng's painting skills have been perfected, and within a quarter of an hour, Qiushui appeared vividly on the painting paper.

"So beautiful!"

"The madman's drawing is really good."

Seeing that Zhang Feng's paintings are so realistic, everyone is amazed and amazed.

"Ah, is the painting finished?" Qiu Shui, who was standing opposite, asked in surprise.

"Not yet, let me draw some more peach blossoms!"

Zhang Feng smiled, the paintbrush in his hand didn't stop, with a hook of the ink brush, the ink brush smeared, and in a blink of an eye, delicate and beautiful peach blossoms appeared on the paper, the beauty was breathtaking, everyone was stunned and admired.

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(End of this chapter)

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