small farmer

Chapter 486

Chapter 486

The little guy squinted slightly
With a sweet smile on his face, he is full of infinite longing for growing up.

"Pfft! The little guy is so cute!" Seeing the little guy crying, Yiyi couldn't help laughing.

Zhang Feng couldn't help but shook his head with a smile. The little guy is so innocent and cute. He's only five or six years old and he fantasizes about what he will grow up to do. The most important thing is that the little guy's first wish when he grows up is to buy many There are so many delicious ones, it seems that he is really a glutton, and he is still swallowing his saliva at this moment.


The spring rain moisturizes everything silently

In the dark night, there was a drizzle unknowingly. Since the Chinese New Year, Moon Lake has not had a few heavy rains.

The villagers of the whole village are looking forward to it, and finally hoped for a timely rain tonight, otherwise the fruit trees on the mountain will definitely reduce their production due to lack of water.

At the beginning, the drizzle was sparse, and after a while, the rain became heavier and denser, falling from the sky like cow hair.

Suddenly, a cool wind hit.

Zhang Feng couldn't help shrinking back, and tightened the quilt in a daze.

boom!Click! !
Suddenly a flash of lightning pierced the sky, and thunder bursts resounded throughout the world, as if to wake up the sleeping people.

Zhang Feng was also awakened by the sound of thunder. Seeing that the situation outside the window had changed, and it was raining lightly, he hurriedly got up and closed the window beside the bed to prevent the rain from entering the room.

Looking at the dense rain through the glass, Zhang Feng couldn't help showing a smile on his face, it was really a timely rain.

The dry land in the village is waiting to be nourished by the rain, and the fruit trees in the orchard will surely grow bigger and sweeter fruits in this heavy rain.

The east wind is rustling and the rain is coming, and there are spring thunders outside Moon Lake.

The sound of thunder breaks nine times, and Yin Yin seems to be springing with spring

The night of thunder and drizzle silently moistened the whole earth. Under the eaves of blue bricks and black tiles, the rainwater gathered together and formed a creek, which flowed into the hazy Moon Lake along the ditch.

Hearing the creaking sound of the door opening, Zhang Feng woke up, opened his eyes, it was already light outside the house, it turned out that his mother had already woken up early.

Get dressed, fold the quilt, and come to the window.

I saw a misty area outside the window, and the whole mountain village was shrouded in white mist, hazy, dreamlike, as if floating in the clouds.

"It's so beautiful!!" Such a thick fog is really rare. The high mountains in the distance are completely gone, and the nearby trees are also faint and invisible.

Zhang Feng opened the window, and suddenly a gust of cool wind came, and the fog drifted into the house with the wind, and there was a trace of drizzle in the fog, and the drizzle hit the body, and it was cold for a while.


"Crazy, let's go, Moon Lake is so beautiful!!"

As soon as Zhang Feng finished building gymnastics, Yiyi ran in excitedly, pulled Zhang Feng up and ran towards the lake.

"Hee hee hee!! So it looks like this?? Is it like a fairyland?"

Pulling Zhang Feng to the lakeside, he saw the misty lakeside, the water vapor was dense, and the white mist was floating, as if the fairyland in the sky had come to the world.

This scene is dreamlike, poetic and picturesque, shocking and unforgettable.

Zhang Feng nodded stupidly, and was also stunned by the scene surrounded by clouds and fog. Although Zhang Feng had seen the foggy weather a lot, every time he saw it, he was so intoxicated.

"Hee hee, isn't madman beautiful? Take some photos for me." Yiyi opened her hands, as if she wanted to embrace this beautiful world.

Click!Click! !

The beautiful scenery and the beautiful people took pictures one after another. Being in this magical beauty, Yiyi was completely intoxicated and enjoyed the beauty here wantonly.

Before they knew it, the two came to the stone bridge at the entrance of the village. They saw thick fog flowing eastward with the wind and the water, and the entire river was covered in white.

At this moment, a yellow ox slowly walked up the stone bridge and walked to the other side of the river step by step. I saw the fifth uncle wearing a coir raincoat, carrying a whip in his hand, and driving the ox to the river. .

The small bridge is flowing, the rain and fog are flying, and the old man grazing, driving a yellow ox on the stone hole bridge, is walking slowly, full of a unique and charming artistic conception.

Zhang Feng captured this beautiful scene reflexively. This may be the artistic conception of his hometown, and it is an unforgettable scene in his childhood memory.

"Hee hee, this picture is really good. I must post it to Moments later for everyone to see." Yiyi saw Zhang Feng's picture of "Cow Grazing in the Fog", her face full of tears. I was overjoyed, and my heart was extremely happy and satisfied.

This kind of natural beauty is even better than all kinds of posing. It is natural, without a trace of artificial carving. This kind of beauty is the beauty of nature, and it can be beautiful and unforgettable.

"Crazy, I'm standing on the bridge, you take a picture of me too!" Yiyi said with a smile, this is really a good place to take pictures.

"Are you ready? One, two, three... OK!!" Zhang Feng raised his mobile phone, pressed the shutter, and snapped this "Picture of Beauty on the Bridge in Wind and Rain".

"Hee hee, hurry up and let me see, does it look good?" Yiyi ran over quickly, and asked Zhang Feng with a smile while running.

"Looks good, looks even better than the last one!!" Wearing everything, flattering, even though she knew Zhang Feng was not telling the truth, but Yiyi was also very happy.

"Hmph!! You passed the test!!" Yiyi showed her little tiger teeth, clenched her fists, and said pretending to be fierce, but in Zhang Feng's eyes, she was extremely cute.

Click! !
At some point, Zhang Yi also came behind the two of them and snapped a photo of them.

"Brother, sister Yiyi, are you here too?" Zhang Yi asked the two with a smile.

"Why are you so elusive? You almost startled me?" Zhang Feng rolled his eyes and said.

"Hey, can you blame me? Is it because the fog is too thick?" Zhang Yi explained with a smile.

"Brother, look, the picture I just took is really good!!"

"Really? Let's see???"

Sure enough, as written in the poem.

You look at the scenery on the bridge, and the people watching the scenery look at you upstairs; the bright moon adorns your windows, and you adorn other people's dreams.

With just a few strokes, an abstract and philosophical picture is depicted.

In Zhang Yi's photos, both Zhang Feng and Zhang Feng have become part of the landscape, like the thick fog and the looming small bridge, they have become an object in this world.

As time passed, the rain and fog gradually dissipated, and the world became clear again. The clear lake water was so deep that the bottom could be seen, and the willow branches by the lake fluttered with the wind.

The entire small mountain village appeared in everyone's sight again. Every plant, every tree, every brick and every tile in the village was so clear, all dreams had been awakened, and the small mountain village seemed to have fallen from the sky to the world.

 There will be another chapter later, probably around 21:[-].Thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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