small farmer

Chapter 487

Chapter 487
At noon, the sky changed suddenly.

A large black cloud hit from the south, and in the blink of an eye, the entire sky was covered with black clouds.


Then there was lightning and thunder in the sky, and a huge roar resounded through the sky and pierced the sky.

People say that only thunder does not rain, but this time the sky seems to have moved for real. After a while, dense raindrops fell down and slapped on the ground.

woof!woof! !Meow! !

When the heavy rain came, there was a flurry of chickens and dogs jumping in the yard, and the small animals in the house fled into the house in embarrassment.

"Hehe, it's raining well. With this heavy rain, the fields will be completely watered!" Seeing the dense raindrops outside the house, Wang Guilan said with a smile on her face.

For farmers, rainwater is as important as the land. Without sufficient rainwater, the crops in the field cannot be grown.

Therefore, this heavy rain is really timely rain for farmers. Everyone has been looking forward to it for a long time, and they are waiting for the rain to plow the fields and plant crops.


The spring rain continued until noon the next day, when the rain gradually stopped.

"Mom, where are you going?" Seeing his mother wearing a raincoat and carrying a hoe, Zhang Feng asked curiously.

"I'll go to the field at the entrance of the village to have a look." Wang Guilan was a little uneasy as she hadn't been in the field for a long time, and she was always thinking about the field at home.

"Mom, we'll go with you." Zhang Feng quickly put on his raincoat, took the hoe, and followed his mother to the entrance of the village.

Along the way, I met many villagers, all of them were wearing raincoats or holding umbrellas, and they were going to drain water in the fields.

Every spring, when there is heavy rain, everyone will rush to the ditch, open the channel leading to their paddy fields, and let the water pour into their paddy fields.

Flood irrigation is still the mainstream of rural farming, because Moon Lake has sufficient water resources, so there is no need for sprinkler irrigation, high-tech things like drip irrigation, they are not even as convenient as flood irrigation.

Even in years of drought, there is the Tapang River that never stops flowing in the village. It is because of it that Moon Lake has become a well-known land of fish and rice.

"Sister-in-law Xiaofeng, are you going to the farm??" Seeing Zhang Feng's mother and son, Uncle Dashan asked with a smile.

"Yes, isn't this going to release water in the fields!" Zhang Feng also replied with a smile.

"Hehe, the rain in the past two days has been good. With this heavy rain, we can plant rice in a few days!" Uncle Dashan said with a smile,

Speaking of rice planting, the villagers are very happy, because the rice planted by everyone this year is different. The high-grade seeds provided by the cooperative not only have high yields, but also taste good. The most important thing is that the purchase price given by the cooperative is high. Fragrant rice costs 20 yuan, while the price of rouge rice is even higher, as high as [-] yuan per catty. This is a high price that everyone dared not imagine before.

Based on such a preliminary calculation, this year only by planting rice, each household can have an income of at least 50 million yuan. If it is well managed, the income may be 70 million yuan.

Therefore, everyone was in high spirits. Before the rain had completely stopped, everyone rushed to the fields, ready to water the fields, and their attitudes were very positive.

"Haha, this year's rain is good. The ancients said that moist snow heralds a good year, but I should say that spring rain heralds a good year!" Seeing the rain rolling in the ditch, the second uncle laughed loudly, feeling indescribably excited.

"It's just nonsense, are you stronger than the ancients? You really can't spit ivory out of a dog's mouth." Master Paoshan complained without losing face.

"What's the matter? Can you spit out ivory??" The second uncle suddenly erupted and asked angrily.

"I'm not talking nonsense with you, I'm going to drain the water!" Master Paoshan shook his head and walked straight to his paddy field.

"Hey! Old man Paoshan, don't go, just tell me clearly!!" The second uncle hurriedly chased after him.

It was really interesting to see the two old men quarreling with each other. Everyone secretly enjoyed themselves, and Zhang Feng couldn't help but chuckled.

I thought to myself, the two old men are really interesting, they are noisy all day, like old children.


The matter of the two old men is over.

Zhang Feng and his mother soon came to their field, because their paddy field is next to a ditch, so it is very convenient to divert water.

I used a hoe to open the water intake, and the rolling rainwater flowed into my paddy field, and soon drenched the entire field. In about half an hour, more than ten centimeters of rainwater accumulated.

As long as it is flooded for a few days, all kinds of pests in the field will be drowned, which is also a means of protecting crops.

Everyone knows that after the autumn harvest every year, the locusts in the ground will lay their eggs on the grain piles, and when the climate warms up in the coming year, new locusts will hatch.

Therefore, flood irrigation is also very effective in controlling locusts. Some people may say that since the eggs of yellow worms have been drowned, why are there so many in the fields in summer?
Although the locusts don't know the three caves of the cunning rabbit, it is impossible to lay all their eggs in the paddy fields, and there must be some in the wasteland of the fields, so they can still be seen every summer.

It has to be said that all kinds of creatures in nature have their own survival skills, which is why nature has always maintained this stable balance.

Quack quack quack! ! !
At this moment, a group of hundreds of ducks rushed downstream along the Tapang River. The ducks seemed to have gotten used to riding in the water, and they did not panic. Come.

Grandpa Jiu was wearing a coir raincoat, a bamboo hat, and holding a long bamboo pole in his hand, driving the stray ducks downstream.

"Grandpa Ninth, you are raising more and more ducks!" Seeing the old man, Zhang Feng greeted with a smile.

"Hehe, isn't it all thanks to you? Now our moon lake specialty is selling well. Now my ducks can sell for 40 yuan each, and the duck eggs are not cheap. Each one costs a piece." Where's the money?" Grandpa Nine said to Zhang Feng with a smile, feeling unspeakably happy.

Since Moon Lake vegetables became popular, all kinds of specialties in the village have risen accordingly. Before, the ducks raised by Master Jiu cost only five or six yuan per catty, and a duck of three or four catties cost only ten or twenty yuan. Now it can be sold at a high price of more than ten yuan per catty, and duck eggs have risen from seven cents each to one yuan now.

This makes the old man so unhappy, now every time he sells an extra duck, he can earn more than a dozen yuan. In the past few months alone, the old man has earned an extra [-] to [-] yuan.

In the past, the old man's duck flock was only a hundred or so, but now it has reached four to five hundred. Looking around, the river ditch is densely covered with wandering ducks.

Now Master Jiu can earn two or three hundred dollars a day just by selling duck eggs, plus the income from selling ducks, he can easily earn more than one hundred thousand a year.

It can be said that with the rise of Moon Lake vegetables, the entire Moon Lake has also benefited from it, and now all kinds of specialties in the village are selling extremely hot.

(End of this chapter)

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