small farmer

Chapter 488 Rescuing the Drifting Puppy

Chapter 488 Rescuing the Drifting Puppy (13)


Woohoo! !Woohoo!

At this moment, there was a scream of a puppy in the ditch.

"Whose dog fell into the ditch?" Seeing the drowned dog in the ditch, Mother Zhang frowned and asked her son.

I saw a round puppy about one or two months old, sitting tremblingly in a wooden tub. The little guy was crying helplessly and fearfully, and his eyes were full of despair.

"Which little guy should have done it?" Seeing this scene, Zhang Feng had to wonder, isn't this the same as the scene in Journey to the West where the little Tang monk was sent away by a wooden basin, and which little guy is probably it? Being naughty, I used my own dog as an experiment.

It has to be said that Zhang Feng's guess was really good, and soon a group of little kids came running along with the rolling river, probably because the river flow was too fast, and the little guys fell behind.

"These guys are really..." Zhang Feng shook his head speechlessly, not knowing what to say about these little guys.

But at this time, the situation of the puppy is not good. In the Taotao river, the small wooden plate is in danger of overturning at any time.
If this is normal, when the river is slow, the dog should have no problem. After all, the dog is a natural swimmer-the creator of the dog crawling style.

But now, because of the continuous rainfall, the river is swollen and the current is relatively fast. How can a one- or two-month-old puppy ride a broken wooden basin for too long?

"What's going on here? How did this dog get washed into the river?" Zhang Yi hurried over to watch the excitement. A lot of villagers gathered by the ditch in a short while.

Although everyone wanted to rescue the puppy, but the river was five or six meters wide and more than one meter deep, and the current was very fast today, so there was nothing we could do. It is impossible to ignore your own safety just to save a dog.

Seeing the puppy in danger, Zhang Feng was also a little anxious, looking around, it was bare, there were not enough tools to hold the tub, damn it! !This is how to do? ?

Suddenly Zhang Feng's eyes lit up!
It seemed that he had thought of a way, so he quickly ran to the downstream corner.

Because at the turn, the garbage floating on the river will be washed to the river bank, and the dog and the tub will also be the same, so this is Zhang Feng's only opportunity. As long as he seizes this opportunity, he will definitely be able to get the dog Rescue up.

As soon as Zhang Feng ran to the corner, the turbulent river rushed the puppy there. At this time, the current was even more turbulent. Seeing that the dog was about to be thrown away and washed away by the flood, everyone's hearts were raised in their throats.

At this critical moment, Zhang Feng moved instantly, and the hoe in his hand swiped like lightning, the next moment!The dog was dragged to the bank of the river with the wooden basin. Zhang Feng was not slow with his left hand, and grabbed the dog's neck and slipped it out.

Seeing that the puppy was finally out of danger, the villagers by the river finally breathed a sigh of relief, and everyone smiled.


The little kids following behind cheered enthusiastically, jumping and jumping excitedly,

If the dogs are washed away by the flood, they will definitely be beaten up by their parents, especially the instigator, the little duck, will not be able to escape the beatings. Fortunately, the dogs are rescued now, so there is still redemption Even if you are beaten, you won't be so greedy.

"Wow... woah..."

Sure enough, when the little ones were cheering, the parents rushed up angrily one by one, holding the little ones by their ears and FM frantically.

Especially the little duck, whose ears were almost pulled off. The hurt little guy cried for his father and mother, and a vigorous "Yellow River Chorus" was played on the bank of the river.

Seeing the misery of the little guys, the villagers did not go over to persuade them. These naughty guys really deserve to be beaten, and the dog thing is second. The most important thing is that the river is so fast that these little guys dare to play by the river. If you accidentally fall into the river, isn't it dangerous if there are adults watching?

Every year during the rainy season, I don’t know how many people are drowned by the water, and almost all of them are half-grown children, so the villagers attach great importance to this matter.


"Whose dog is this? Don't you want it anymore??" Seeing everyone slowly dispersing, Zhang Feng asked quickly.

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, everyone turned their heads to look, then shook their heads, expressing that they didn't know.

At this moment, Uncle Er Niu ran over reluctantly.

"Hey, this dog should belong to my family."

"I'll go, your dog is really good, he has learned how to paddle and float!" Zhang Feng teased with a smile.

"Hey! It's not that bitch. He does all these stupid things all day. When I go back, I want him to kneel in the main room until night." When he mentioned this, Uncle Er Niu became furious. He raised such a mischievous Trick or treat, lawless son, what a headache.

"Kneel until evening?? Afternoon, you won't let him go to school?" Zhang Feng asked funny, Erniu uncle was really confused.

Uncle Er Niu was taken aback for a moment, and then said viciously: "Then I will take care of him after he comes back from school in the afternoon!"

"Why are you still leaning on it here? Hurry up and go back to do homework for me!" Kicking the duckling on the buttocks, Uncle Er Niu shouted loudly.


Uncle Er Niu also shook his head and left helplessly.


with the crowd leaving
After two days of heavy rain, it finally came to an end.

The clouds and mist in the sky gradually dissipated, and the field of vision opened up.

at this time
The village elder walked slowly towards the field, holding some paper-like things in his hand.

"Xiaofeng, come here." The uncle smiled and waved to Zhang Feng.

"What's the matter, uncle?" Zhang Feng put down his hoe, ran over in two or three steps, and asked.

"Hehe, that's it. I'm going to count how many households in our village want to buy plow machines. If there are too many people, we can buy them together. Isn't there a discount for group purchases? This can save everyone some money." Uncle He smiled and explained to Zhang Feng.

I have to say that Uncle’s idea is really good. In the past, the villagers had little income, earning [-] to [-] yuan a year. Who would be willing to spend [-] to [-] yuan to buy a plow machine, but now everyone is rich and willing to spend money on it. There must be a lot of people working on agricultural machinery.

"This is a good thing. Uncle, I will support you whatever you want." Zhang Feng trusted his uncle very much.

"Hehe, don't be busy for now. Take a look. These are some good plow machines I collected. After you have selected them, let me know in the afternoon, and then we will buy together."

As he said that, the uncle passed a leaflet to Zhang Feng, on which were the patterns and prices of several walk-behind plow machines. It must be said that the uncle was quite well prepared.

"Come, come, everyone, take a look... Those who want to buy come to me to register later, and then we will buy together again. I asked, and the group purchase can get a [-]% discount." The uncle handed over the flyer in his hand to The villagers who came over said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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