small farmer

Chapter 504 Tourists Who Came For Vegetables

Chapter 504 Tourists Who Came For Vegetables (23)

"Oh, if only I could make a kite too!!"

Seeing the tall kite flying in the sky, Xiao Shitou said enviously.

This sentence seemed to express the hearts of the little guys, and everyone looked at Zhang Feng with envy and longing.

The duckling looked at Zhang Feng pitifully, "Crazy brother..."

"What's the matter?" Zhang Feng asked intentionally with a smile. In fact, he already knew what the little guy was thinking. He must want to fly his own kite!
"Brother Crazy, can you let me go for a while?" The duckling has the best relationship with Zhang Feng, and although the other little guys have thick skins, it's not easy to be the first to speak.

"It's fine for you to let it go, but you have to hold it tight! Don't let the kite go, you know?" Zhang Feng smiled and warned.

"Hee hee, madman brother, you are so kind!!" The little guy shouted excitedly, repeatedly assuring Zhang Feng to be careful.

Seeing the little duck taking the kite and running slowly, the other little ones suddenly became anxious.

"Crazy brother, let me put it down for a while too..."

"Crazy brother, and me, and me..."

Little Shitou and Big Mao shouted eagerly, and even the little girl Maoya looked eager to try, the little guys looked anxious, they looked really cute.

"All right, all right!!! Everyone, line up and come one by one!!"

"Yeah! Long live the lunatic brother..."

"You can fly a kite! You can fly a kite..."

The little guys yelled excitedly, and then ran towards the duckling in a swarm.

"Bro, are these all your children??" Seeing the little guys having so much fun, the buddies next to him came up and asked.

"How is it possible?? I'm not married yet!!" Zhang Feng jumped suddenly, and then asked with a wry smile, "Do I look so old??"

"Hey, isn't that right, don't people look younger now?" The tourist said with a sorry smile.

"Brother, is that your wife and child?" When he first arrived, he saw the three of them flying a kite together, and Zhang Feng guessed that they should be a family of three.

"Yeah, isn't it Friday? Take the kids here to relax during the weekend." Looking at his wife and children, the buddy from the city said with a smile on his face.

With the rise of Moon Lake vegetables, Moon Lake has become a little famous in the whole province, and it is even more famous near Qingshan.

Citizens from nearby counties and cities will visit here on weekends to enjoy the beautiful scenery and enjoy the delicious food in the village.

You must know that Moon Lake vegetables are never sold outside. They are only sold in Jiajiawang supermarkets in big cities and Tianyi Agricultural Fruit Thinning Stores. Tourists from other places can’t eat them.

Therefore, traveling to the village is the only way to eat Moon Lake vegetables, so as the reputation of Moon Lake vegetables is getting louder and louder, tourism in the village is also becoming more and more prosperous.

Every weekend, a large number of tourists flood into the village, and there are at least seven to eight hundred thousand people every day. You must know that a year ago, seventy to eighty tourists a day would be good!
"My name is Wang Ping, brother, what's your surname?" The man handed him a cigarette and asked.

"My name is Zhang Feng, thank you Brother Wang, I don't smoke!" Zhang Feng smiled and waved his hands to thank him.

"Hehe, it's good not to smoke!! I don't smoke when I'm with my children. If I'm not addicted to cigarettes, I will sneak over here and have a good time!!" Wang Ping smiled apologetically, lit a cigarette, and began to swallow. Clouds and mist, a look of enjoyment.

"The environment here is really good, the sky is blue, the water is green, and the air is fresh. No wonder we can grow such good vegetables as Moon Lake vegetables!" Wang Ping praised while smoking a cigarette.

Since coming here, their family has also been shocked by the unique environment here, with beautiful mountains and clear waters, outstanding people, and beautiful environment. They really fell in love with this place at first sight, and felt that this trip was really not in vain.

"Hehe, Brother Wang can bring his sister-in-law and nephew over if he has time. Not only is the scenery beautiful here, but the environment is also good. Most importantly, you can also eat fresh Moon Lake vegetables." Hearing the praise from the tourists, Zhang Feng was also very upset. very happy.

"To tell you the truth, brother, the biggest reason we come here is to eat Moon Lake vegetables..."

It turned out that this buddy was a small section member in the county. Because he received a box of Moon Lake vegetables from his subordinates during the Chinese New Year, he became obsessed with such delicious food.

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After eating Moon Lake vegetables, eating ordinary vegetables will be tasteless, and I can't eat well every day, and I can't sleep well. What can I do, the county doesn't sell them yet.

After many inquiries, I finally found out that if you want to eat Moon Lake vegetables, you must either go to the city to buy them, or go to Moon Lake to travel. Only in the farmhouses of Moon Lake can you eat Moon Lake vegetables.

And when each tourist leaves, they can also take away five catties of delicious vegetables, so that their family of three can take away fifteen catties and save some food, just enough to eat for a week.

So after the Chinese New Year, Wang Ping would take his wife and children here every weekend, and bring some vegetables back. Fortunately, the farmhouse in the village is not expensive, and it doesn’t cost 200 yuan to eat a meal or stay a night.

Counting the vegetables that I took away when I left, it only costs about [-] yuan a week. This is not a big deal for a family with two careers. In this way, it only costs about [-] yuan a year, which is better than spending money on vegetables. Some junk skin care products are so much better.

"Don't tell me, since I ate the vegetables here, my precious son's picky eaters have disappeared. He can eat two big bowls of rice every meal. Now he looks like a calf, and his body is getting better and better. healthy!"

"That is, our Moon Lake vegetables are not only delicious, but they are also good for the body when eaten regularly. Many elderly people from other places eat our vegetables, and their old problems have been relieved to a certain extent." Zhang Feng explained with a smile .

In fact, it’s not that Zhang Feng is bragging, nor is it that Moon Lake vegetables are really amazing. Simply put, it’s because Moon Lake vegetables are delicious and delicious for the elderly and children. Can the body be bad?
In the past, the cooperative did not allow villagers to sell vegetables to tourists privately, but later Zhang Feng discovered that most of the tourists who came to travel came for the vegetables in the village, so in order to promote the development of tourism in the village, Zhang Feng let go There is a certain opening, but the sales volume is limited.

Only tourists who come to travel and consume are eligible to buy vegetables, and no one can only buy five catties.

Even so, hundreds of catties can be sold every day, and even thousands of catties can be sold when there are many tourists.

Of course, these vegetables are all sold to tourists by the cooperative. For this reason, Zhang Hua opened a sales point in the village committee to sell vegetables to tourists who are qualified to buy them.

However, those who cooperate will not treat the villagers badly, and the families that receive tourists will have a certain ratio of financial compensation.

Because of the opening of vegetable sales, the tourism in Moon Lake is getting better and better.

 Thanks to the book friends for the reward of "Let's take a look at the leisure", thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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