small farmer

Chapter 505 Fighting for the Little Guys

Chapter 505 Fighting for the Little Guys (33)

"Oh, it's my turn, duckling..."

Seeing that the little duck had been playing for a long time without moving its nest, Da Mao suddenly became anxious.

"Don't worry, Da Mao, I'll put it on for a while, and I'll give it to you after a while..." The little guy pushed Da Mao away, then ran away quickly, holding the string and running happily.

"No, you've been letting it go for an hour..."

"How come, it's only one minute, okay?"

The two little guys are both good at making sentences, and each of them made an exaggerated sentence, which made Zhang Feng laugh out loud. He checked the time and found that the little duck had been playing for about 10 minutes.

"Brother Crazy, take care of the little duck. Look at him, he only cares about playing with himself, and won't let us play..." Da Mao is a simple and honest person, worried that he would steal Zhang Feng's kite, so he had to ask Zhang Feng to judge.

Zhang Feng smiled, knowing that the little duck had played too much, so he shouted loudly: "Little duck is done, it's time for Da Mao to play."

"Hee hee, I got it, madman!!" The little guy also knew that he had taken advantage of it, and said with a smile on his face, and then handed over the control of the kite to Da Mao.

Da Mao gave him a hard look, snorted coldly, took the kite, and walked away immediately, ignoring this guy who loves to eat alone.

"Oh, slow down, Big Mao, look at the kite is almost hanging on the tree!!" The little duck quickly reminded.

"Hmph! Don't worry about it, I can do it myself!!"

Da Mao said angrily, and then ran away with the kite. After a while, the kite was far away from the treetops, and Da Mao stopped.


Seeing Da Mao and the others ignoring him, the little duck rolled his eyes, and when he saw Zhang Feng, his eyes lit up, and he walked towards Zhang Feng with a smile.

"Crazy brother, can you help me make a kite?"

"Not good! Didn't you learn it by yourself?" Zhang Feng shook his head immediately.

"Oh, madman brother, don't I have no blank paper??" The little guy pouted.

"Then I'll give you two!" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"But...but I don't have bamboo either?"

"Let your father chop it off for you..."

The duckling rolled his eyes, thinking aggrievedly: Brother Crazy, can we still play happily! ! !

The little guy seemed to be discouraged, squatting on the ground a little lost, playing in the mud by himself.

"What's wrong? Are you crying??"

"Hmph! I don't have one!"

"Oh! Then why don't you go fly a kite with Da Mao and the others, look how happy they are playing now..." Zhang Feng deliberately teased this little guy.

As he asked, the little guy also knew that Zhang Feng was deliberately teasing him, so he ignored Zhang Feng, pouted his mouth, and played with mud on the ground angrily.

"Okay, okay, I'll make one for you tomorrow, okay?" Zhang Feng smiled and shook his head, knowing that if he kept teasing, this little guy would ignore him for three days.

"Really??" The little guy quickly raised his head and asked Zhang Feng in surprise.

"Of course, when did the lunatic brother lie to you!" Zhang Feng said with a slight smile.

At this moment, Mao Ya came over and asked timidly: "Crazy brother, can you do one for me too?"

"Hehe, Mao Ya, can you fly a kite?" The little girl is only so old, and she was still wearing crotch pants last year.

"Yes, my brother taught me just now..." Then the little girl chattered to Zhang Feng about Da Mao teaching her to fly a kite just now.

"Okay, Brother Crazy will make one for you too!"

Seeing the little girl's disheveled hair and dark face, she looked really cute when she was covered with mud. This is the child who grew up in the mud of the countryside.


"Hee hee, Brother Crazy is going to make me a kite!!"

The little duck showed off to Big Mao and Little Shitou with a frightened face, shouting while running, so excited.

Hearing the little duck's words, Da Mao and Xiao Shitou were stunned!After reacting, he hurriedly ran towards Zhang Feng.

Faced with the requests of the little ones, can Zhang Feng refuse?

In order not to let the little ones feel that he favors one over another, Zhang Feng had no choice but to promise everyone that he would make a handmade kite for each kid.

"Hee hee, thank you madman..."

"Crazy brother, you are so kind!!"

Zhang Feng smiled wryly and shook his head, thinking, if I don't make kites for you, will I be fine?These little guys...


Near Xishan
The fiery sunset hangs high on the top of the mountain, and the sunset glow on the horizon illuminates the entire sky.

The sun was setting and heartbroken people were at the end of the world, but at this time the river beach was still full of laughter and laughter. The little guys had forgotten the time while flying kites, and they were laughing and laughing happily.


Yiyi drove the car to the edge of the village, saw Zhang Feng and the children playing on the river beach, parked the car by the side of the road, and shouted loudly.

Zhang Feng followed the prestige, and was immediately pleasantly surprised, "Yiyi, are you back?"

"What are you madmen doing?" Yiyi asked with a smile.

"Hehe, we're flying a kite! Are you done with Yiyi's business?"

Zhang Feng walked over and asked with a smile.

"I'm done, wait for me, park the car and I'll come find you."

After a while, the car stopped, and Yiyi ran to the river beach with a face of novelty. For her, kite flying was a very interesting thing.

"Little Duck let my sister fly the kite for a while, okay?"

"Hee hee, sister Yiyi..."

It has to be said that this guy is a chicken thief, and he took care of Da Mao and the others in a short while, and gained control of the kite again. Seeing Yiyi coming, he generously handed the kite to Yiyi.

"Hee hee, the kite flies so high..."

Suddenly the kite fell rapidly, Yiyi panicked and screamed:

"Oh! It's not good! It's not good!"

"Pay the line, let it go, Yiyi quickly put the line..."

Generally, at this time, when the wind is the strongest, the kite can only fly against the wind by letting go of the line or running slowly in the direction of the kite.

Seeing that Yiyi was at a loss, Zhang Feng hurried over to help with the operation. Fortunately, there was no danger, the kite flipped a few 'somersaults' in the air and flew high again.

Seeing that the kite had recovered, Zhang Feng heaved a sigh of relief, smiled and taught the kite to Yiyi again.

"Wow! It was really dangerous just now. If you hadn't reacted quickly, the kite would have fallen to the ground!!" Yiyi patted her chest and exhaled.

"Hehe, it's okay, let's put it back up after it falls off, just relax, play for a while and you'll get used to it, kite flying is very easy!!"

After Zhang Feng's encouragement, Yiyi finally laughed. After a while, she finally mastered the kite-flying skills, and slowly she played more and more smoothly and better.

Before you know it, it's dusk, and the afterglow of the sun is gradually dimming.

Everyone reluctantly put away the kite and walked to the village.

(End of this chapter)

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