small farmer

Chapter 506 Spring Outing

Chapter 506 Spring Outing (12)

"Ah! Sister Yiyi..." The little girl exclaimed in surprise,
I didn't go home for more than half a month, and I was obviously very happy to see Yiyi again.

"Xiaoyue is back?" Yiyi also smiled, holding the little girl's hand and asked happily.

Studying in high school is very hard, especially the key classes. This affects even a playful girl like Xiaoyue. It has been more than a month since the beginning of school, and she only came back once. the second time.

"Brother, I'm about to ask you guys to have dinner. Eldest sister has made a lot of delicious food!!" As soon as he talked about eating the little girl, he got excited, chatting about what delicious food the elder sister made for everyone.


The night sky outside the window was pitch black, and I couldn't see my fingers.

Zhang Feng lay on the head of the bed, closed his eyes, and silently checked the changes in the system.

Since I completed the task of consuming 100 points two days ago, I have spent more than [-] million points,
As a result, Zhang Feng received a reward of [-] points, and a special reward of [-] points. In addition, there were also opportunities for free lottery draws.

Points: 120800 (Note: Points can be used to purchase various products in the system mall, and one hundred points can be used for one lucky draw.)
Number of draws: 5
Skills: primary hunting skills, primary cooking skills, primary calligraphy and painting skills, primary wine-making skills, primary carving skills, primary driving skills.

After taking stock of his family fortune, Zhang Feng finally had a clear idea, turned off the system, and soon fell asleep.


"Brother! Come on, why are you up so late today?"

When the little girl learned that she was going to go on a spring outing today, she was so excited that she almost couldn't sleep, and got up before dawn.

Hearing this, Zhang Feng immediately rolled his eyes, "Did I get up late? It's 06:30 every day, okay?"

This little girl really wanted to go on a spring outing and was crazy, and she got up and made a fuss before dawn.

"Hmph, anyway, I think it's too late!" The little girl pouted and said lazily.

Zhang Feng shook his head, ignored the girl, started to wash up on his own, and then did morning exercises every day, practicing gymnastics.

The little girl seemed to know that it was useless to be anxious, so she rested her chin on her hands and sat in the yard blankly, waiting for everyone to get up.

"What are you doing sitting there, girl? Go to the backyard and pick some lettuce and tomatoes, wash them, pack them up, and take them to the mountains to eat later." After Zhang Feng finished his work, he saw the little girl in a daze, so he shook his head commanded.

"Hee hee, I got it!!"

As soon as she heard the ingredients for the spring outing, the little girl seemed to be revived instantly, carrying a bamboo basket, and walked towards the backyard with a smile,

Zhang Feng also went back to the kitchen to prepare the mutton and chicken skins for the picnic, which were prepared yesterday, as well as various barbecue tools and seasonings, which were already at home.

"Crazy here I come!!" After a while, Yiyi also came to help, saw Zhang Feng was busy in the kitchen, and asked with a smile: "Do you want me to cut the meat for you??"

"No, by the way, Yiyi, don't you all like to eat cucumbers? The cucumbers in the backyard should be ripe, you can pick some back."

"Okay, then I'll pick some more, everyone likes to eat it!!" Yiyi carried the basket and walked towards the backyard with a smile.

With the arrival of Duckling and Damao, the yard suddenly became lively, chattering like a group of sparrows arguing, chasing each other and playing.

"Wow! The flowers in Brother Crazy's house are so beautiful!!"

"Little duck, what kind of flower is this??"

"This, this seems to seems to be..." The little guy tilted his head for a long time and didn't seem to come out.

"Hee hee, so you don't know about the little duck!!!" Xiao Shitou laughed.

"Hmph!! Who said I didn't know? This is an orchid, okay? I just forgot just now..." The little guy suddenly said a little embarrassed.

"Okay! Okay! Come out quickly, don't step on my flowers and plants, do you hear me?" The little guys who were admiring the flowers in the garden had already walked into the garden before they knew it, with their buttocks pouted, Dispute about what flower is in front of you.

"Hee hee, I got it, madman..." The little guys scattered like frightened chickens, and ran out quickly.

"These little guys..."

Zhang Feng smiled and shook his head, these monkeys are really naughty, but it is because of them that life is more fun.

"Come here, I will arrange today's tasks for you!!" Zhang Feng smiled and waved to the laughing guys.

"What mission, lunatic brother??"

The little ones ran over in a swarm. If the enthusiasm was used in their studies, they would all be masters. Unfortunately, they are the most serious when they are playing, and they are always half-hearted in their studies.

"Come on, big hairy little duck, you two are responsible for carrying this barrel of charcoal."

"Little Shitou, I'll leave this vegetable basket to you, don't mess it up..."

Seeing that her brothers all had missions, but she didn't, Mao Ya immediately became anxious.

"Crazy brother, crazy brother and mine!!!"

"Hehe, Maoya is so good, she also knows how to help adults with work!! Come on, I'll leave the salt to you, you have to take it well!!"

Zhang Feng squatted down, pinched Mao Ya's tender face with a smile, and then handed the tin can of salt to Mao Ya's little hand.

"Hee hee, lunatic, you still arrested these young men??" At this moment, Yiyi and Xiaoyue came out together.

Zhang Feng smiled wryly and shook his head, isn't this to find something for the little ones to do?

Otherwise, when they set off on the road later, these little guys would definitely run all over the mountains and plains. As long as they brought things, these little guys would definitely behave a lot. This is the experience Zhang Feng brought out with his children.

"Sister Yiyi, what is catching a strong man??" The little guys were very confused when they heard this word for the first time, so they asked curiously.

"Hee hee, arrest strong men? To arrest strong men is to arrest those who help with work!" Yiyi smiled and explained to the little ones.

"Ah, it turns out that this is not to catch young men!" The little guys immediately nodded with their mouths turned up, as if they understood a little bit, wondering if I am not caught by my father every day? ?
"Crazy, come and help, we're off after washing the vegetables!!" Pour the vegetables into a big basin, turn on the tap water, Yiyi turned her head and shouted to Zhang Feng.

"Okay, I'll come right away!" Zhang Feng took a sip of tea and went up to help with a smile.

The little guys put down the things in their hands and followed to watch the fun, squatting next to the big basin one by one, doing the cleaning of vegetables for the brothers and sisters.


"Look, everyone, is there anything else you want to bring?"

The ingredients and tools for the picnic have been prepared, and they are all piled up in the yard. This is the last inspection, and as long as there is nothing missing, they are ready to go.

"Oh! Brother, shouldn't we bring some drinking water??" Xiaoyue exclaimed suddenly.

Water is extremely important in the wild. If there is no water for barbecue, you will die of thirst, so Zhang Feng hurried back to the house and directly carried two buckets of five liters of mineral water.

Everything is ready, everyone took the items for the spring outing, and happily walked towards the opposite mountain peak.

 I went to a wedding today, sorry there are only two more!
(End of this chapter)

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