small farmer

Chapter 51 Leisurely

Chapter 51 Leisure

The third update is here, I hope that book friends will recommend and collect more, if it is just updated, it will immediately fall out of the top ten new book lists, and the tough cat will cry to death, so don't be stingy if you have recommended book friends!At the same time, thanks to 'Lei Zhen Cang Qiong' and 'My Kiss My Baby' for their big rewards again.

"Tsk tsk, Master Paoshan's house is about to send out..." Zhang Yi said with a sigh as he walked behind with a puppy in his arms.

"Why are you posting?" Zhang Feng asked suspiciously.

"Look, if his dog gives birth to eight out of ten litters a year, won't they still be born?" Zhang Yi said enviously.

"I'll go, do you think his dog is a mouse, and can give birth in one month? This dog can give birth to at most two babies a year, okay?" It turned out that Zhang Yi calculated it like this, Zhang Feng rolled his eyes and said.

"Hehe, didn't I not pay attention?" After Zhang Feng explained, Zhang Yi also understood immediately, and patted his head in embarrassment.

"Xiaoyi, you can take this dog back and keep it, it happens that we each have one." Zhang Feng said as he walked to the door of the house.

"No, big brother, you bought this with your money. Besides, I still have two big dogs at home. My mother is yelling every day to sell them. How can I let you have one?" Zhang Yi quickly waved his hand, although he also I like this kind of wolf dog very much, but I already have two big dogs at home, so I can only refuse it.

"Okay then, I'll raise both of them myself." My second uncle's family's two big dogs can probably raise a pig with the food they eat every day. Pigs can be killed and eaten, but dogs can't do anything. So the second aunt was very distressed, so Zhang Feng stopped insisting and raised it by himself.

Back home, my mother and elder sister had already sold out their vegetables, so they closed the door and probably went to the orchard. Whenever they had time these days, they would take their two cute pets to the orchard.

Opening the door, Zhang Feng put the two puppies into a bamboo basket, then hurried into the house to cook some rice porridge for them, and put some auxin in it, Zhang Feng hoped that they would get better soon .

The two full moon puppies are fluffy, like two little bears, very cute. Zhang Feng put the rice porridge into a small bowl and handed it to the two little guys.

The two puppies shrugged their noses, as if they smelled the fragrance of rice, and stretched out their little heads to eat. Most of the bowl of rice porridge was quickly wiped out by the two little guys. It seems that their bodies are really fine. .

After eating the food, the two little guys whimpered, turned over comfortably, and lay down in the bamboo basket to rest their bodies. Zhang Feng hoped that the Rihua growth hormone would really start to work, so that they would get better soon .

After serving the two little things, Zhang Feng took out the Four Treasures of the Study and recalled the beautiful scenery he had seen in the past few days, such as Phoenix Sky View, Rainbow Sky Bridge, Butterfly Flower Sea, Moon Lake Night Tour, etc.

Zhang Feng plans to draw them one by one, and then decorate them in his own house after framing, so as to make the house look better.

With the help of the system, Zhang Feng's painting skills have improved rapidly, and he is confident in his mind, and the beautiful scenery is quickly depicted on the scroll, lifelike and lifelike.

After about two hours, Zhang Feng finally finished the four landscape pictures, and put the painted pictures on the table to dry. Zhang Feng saw that it was getting late, so he quickly put away his pen and ink, and was ready to start cooking.


"Ah, Xiaofeng, are you drawing again?" Zhang Feng was cooking in the kitchen, and the elder sister asked in surprise when she saw some ink paintings on the table as soon as she entered the room.

"Yeah, I just got inspiration today, so I drew a few pictures." Zhang Feng replied from a distance in the kitchen.

"Ah, this "Phoenix Sky View" is so beautiful, oh, this "Rainbow Bridge" is also very beautiful..." The elder sister was a little dizzy looking at the four paintings.

"Mom, take a look, is this the Moon Lake at the entrance? It's really beautiful." The elder sister pointed to another painting and asked her mother excitedly.

"Well, it's really beautiful. Xiaofeng's paintings are really good." The mother only nodded proudly, thinking that her son is really talented. Although she doesn't know how to draw, she also knows that his son draws very well. Everyone has the same feeling for beauty .

"Wow..." Hearing the stranger's voice, the two puppies barked.

"Hey! Where did this puppy come from?" Mother asked curiously.

"Those two dogs, I bought them from Master Paoshan's house." Zhang Feng immediately explained.

"How much did the two dogs cost?" the mother continued.

"A few hundred yuan..." Zhang Feng replied vaguely, worried that his mother would feel distressed.

"You child, what are you doing selling two dogs for a few hundred dollars?" The mother said angrily. To her, the dog was useless. It was just a matter of having two more dogs in the family, and it cost a lot of food.

"Mom, didn't I think that when there is no one at home, there are two dogs coming back to look after the nursing home?" Zhang Feng quickly explained with a smile.

"Okay, just buy it, you are a real kid." The mother knew that her son liked these two dogs, so she shook her head and didn't pursue it anymore. The son spends a penny.


After the elder sister packed up the things, the family began to eat. The meals were very simple, one fried cabbage, one eggplant with oil, and one green pepper and potato shreds.

Although the food is light, the taste is not simple. Even the simplest ingredients can make the most delicious dishes in the hands of Zhang Feng.

The top chefs can turn decay into magic and make the most ordinary vegetables delicious, while ordinary chefs can at most bring out the flavor of the ingredients themselves, but they cannot sublimate them. This is the difference between top chefs and ordinary chefs.

"Xiaofeng, the dishes you cook are delicious, you must teach me in the future!" The eldest sister said enviously, eating with relish.

"No problem. From now on, I will always call you when I cook. I will teach you and give you a meeting. Will I get your tuition refunded..."

"What, do you still need tuition?"

"Hey, isn't this a quick mistake?" Zhang Feng smiled embarrassedly.

"That's pretty much the same, or I thought I was in New Oriental?" The eldest sister gave Zhang Feng an angry look.


After eating, Zhang Feng rested leisurely in the yard, looking at the blue sky and white clouds, and slowly fell asleep.

"Crazy brother, crazy brother..."

"Little Duck, Da Mao, why are you here?" Zhang Feng was sleeping in a daze, and was woken up by the little guy.

"Crazy brother, we are here to give you a little fish!" The duckling picked up the small bucket in his hand and said.

"Oh, you guys wait here first." After speaking, Zhang Feng picked up the small bucket and walked home, pouring the small fish into the vegetable bowl.

"Understood, madman..." The two boys were already familiar with driving a car when they were doing business with Zhang Feng. After Zhang Feng left, the two boys sat down on the chairs and pushed each other, wanting to lie down by themselves. above.

Zhang Feng took good care of the fish, gave the two children five yuan, and sent the two monkeys away.

Then Zhang Feng hurriedly cleaned up the small fish, cleaned the small fish several times, lit the fire and poured oil on it, and soon a pot of fragrant and crispy fried fish was ready.
The crispy fish prepared in this way not only tastes good, but also can be stored for a long time. There is no problem in storing it in the refrigerator for several months. When there are guests at home, they can be taken out to entertain guests at any time.
And Zhang Yue, the little greedy cat in the family, loves crispy fried fish very much. Almost every two or three days, Zhang Feng will give them some. Can't survive.

(End of this chapter)

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