small farmer

Chapter 52 Little Brother 8

Chapter 52 Little Starling (Please recommend for collection)
well!I was happy for a while, but I was kicked out of the top ten in just one night, but Renmao will still work hard to update it. Book friends who like it can help recommend and collect it. Thank you for another reward from the "Perfect Master", thank you everyone.

"Mom, I'm sending things to my little sister and the others."

Zhang Feng packed the crispy fish in a lunch box, made a little peasant fried meat, and a bowl of fish soup, and then brought a few cucumbers, talked to his mother and eldest sister, and prepared to send it to his younger sister.

"Go, come back early!" The mother also loves her two daughters very much, worrying that they will not have enough to eat at school,
In the past, they just had more energy than they wanted, but now the family situation has improved, and they ask their son to bring them delicious food every now and then.

"Understood." Hearing his mother's advice, Zhang Feng responded, and drove towards the county seat with his electric tricycle.

When he came to the gate of County No. [-] Middle School and looked at several familiar gates, Zhang Feng looked around but did not see the figures of the two younger sisters. Zhang Feng could only continue to wait quietly, believing that the younger sister would arrive as scheduled soon.

Sure enough, after only waiting for a cup of tea, the two younger sisters ran out happily.

"Brother, here we come. Have you brought my favorite crispy fish?" The little girl ran over excitedly, grabbed Zhang Feng's arm, and asked coquettishly.

"I brought it. Dare I not bring your favorite food?" Zhang Feng said with a wry smile and shook his head.

"Hee hee, I knew that big brother was the best for me." The little girl rummaged through the lunch box while talking.

"Xiao Lin, your studies have been doing well recently, don't be nervous, as long as you calm down, you will be fine in the exam." Zhang Feng knew that Zhang Lin was about to take the college entrance examination, so he couldn't help asking.

"Don't worry, brother, I won't be nervous." Zhang Lin smiled and said calmly.

"Brother, don't worry, the second sister got No. 5 in the mock exam a few days ago, and she must be fine in the exam." The younger sister also came over and said with a smile.

"What about you?" Zhang Feng asked the younger sister again.

"I'm fine, it's just a key class in No. [-] Middle School." The little girl said arrogantly.

The little girl's grades are also very good, she can enter the top [-] of her grade every time, and she must be sure to take the key class of No. [-] middle school, so this girl is crazy every day, and she doesn't look nervous at all.

"Come on, this is the fish soup I specially made just now, drink it while it's hot." Zhang Feng took out the freshly made fish soup, and it happened to be one bowl for each person.

This fish soup is not simple. Yuehua growth hormone is added in it, which has great benefits to the human body. Yuehua growth hormone is mild in nature and not as violent as sun flower growth hormone. Improve the human body, but also promote the development of the brain.

Moreover, after taking Yuehua Growth Hormone, it can not only get rid of various hidden diseases in the body, but also relax the body and mind, and eliminate negative emotions in the heart.

Therefore, Zhang Feng planned to give it not only to his two younger sisters, but also to his mother and eldest sister, because his mother suffers from rheumatism and often suffers from backaches and pains. As long as he takes Yuehua growth hormone a few times, the disease will definitely be cured.

After bidding farewell to his two younger sisters, Zhang Feng drove three rounds and returned home.


"Oh! Crazy Brother, Crazy Brother, come and help me..." As soon as Zhang Feng arrived at the entrance of the village, he saw Da Mao screaming desperately from a big tree by the roadside.

"Brother Crazy, hurry up and save Da Mao..." The duckling below was also sweating profusely.

"What's the matter, what are you doing?" Zhang Feng pulled over and stopped the car, and hurriedly asked the little duck.

"Da Mao climbed a tree to catch birds and couldn't get down..."

"Hahaha, that's how it turned out. Don't worry, I'll be right over." Zhang Feng thought something serious had happened, but he didn't expect this monkey to go up the tree easily, and after climbing up, he dared not come down.

Then Zhang Feng drove the car directly under the big tree, and saw that Da Mao was hanging tightly on the tree like an octopus at this time, about two meters above the ground, the little guy was trembling and dared not come down .

Zhang Feng quickly stood on the car, his hands were just enough to hug Da Mao's thighs, and he hugged the little guy down in one go.

"Ah, Da Mao, you finally came down." The duckling ran over immediately and grabbed Da Mao happily.

"Hmph, it's all your fault. If you didn't let me climb trees to catch birds, would I be able to do this?" Da Mao said to the duckling angrily.

"How can you blame me for this? You said it yourself, you climb trees very fast, okay?" The duckling hurriedly said.

Seeing the two children fighting each other non-stop, Zhang Feng found it very funny.

"Okay, okay, both of you are responsible, remember not to climb this kind of tree without branches next time? Do you understand?" Zhang Feng smiled and patted the heads of the two, telling the two monkeys.

"Understood, Brother Crazy..." The two of them knew that they had caused trouble just now, and quickly agreed like a good baby.

"Okay, what time is it now, let's go back quickly..." Zhang Feng waved his hand to tell the two little guys to leave quickly.

The two little guys were obediently preparing to go back. Suddenly Zhang Feng found that the little duck seemed to be holding a bird in his hand: "Little duck, show me the bird in your hand."

"This is the bird you just caught?" Zhang Feng took the bird and took a look. Isn't this a little mynah? It's probably been a month or two, and the hair is complete and the old wings have grown out. I can fly.

"Yeah, madman brother, I caught it from a tree." Da Mao raised his head and said proudly, as if telling Zhang Feng to praise me.

"Well, not bad, but be careful next time, don't climb such a tall tree, you know, I will confiscate this bird..."

"Ah, brother madman, how can you do this?" Duckling and Da Mao became anxious immediately.

"Can I give you a living that you can support? How about this, I can exchange two cucumbers with you." Zhang Feng said again.

"Two are not enough, we want...five..." The two little guys exchanged their thoughts and then bargained.

"Okay, five will be five, you go to the backyard of my house to pick..."


After reaching a deal with the two fur kids, Zhang Feng continued to drive towards the village.

"Uncle Dashan came back from the field?" As soon as he arrived at the door, he saw Uncle Dashan coming down the back mountain with a handful of plants in his hand.

"No, I just went up the mountain to pick some mugwort. Doesn't it mean that tomorrow is the Dragon Boat Festival?" Uncle Dashan raised the mugwort in his hand and said with a smile.

"Yeah, so fast, Uncle Dashan, where did you pick the mugwort? I'll pick some later." Zhang Feng then asked.

"There are many in the mountain temple, you can definitely find them."

Unexpectedly, it was the Dragon Boat Festival in a blink of an eye. After bidding farewell to Uncle Dashan, Zhang Feng returned home.

When I got home, I took out my grandfather’s old thrush cage and cleaned it briefly. Zhang Feng put the little starling in it, and then put some auxin-soaked feed in the food bowl. The little starling was probably starving. Quickly eat the food inside.

Arranging for the little starling, the eldest sister has already cooked the rice and cleaned all kinds of vegetables. When the chef Zhang Feng arrives, she will start to learn how to cook from Zhang Feng.

Sure enough, the effect of using the skill education card is extraordinary. The eldest sister seems to have greatly increased her understanding. She tirelessly absorbed all kinds of cooking knowledge, and quickly mastered the main points of several home-cooked dishes.

If she is allowed to do it now, although she is still not up to Zhang Feng's level, she is better than ordinary chefs. It can be seen that the eldest sister's understanding is also very good. Zhang Feng estimates that it will not be long before the eldest sister can reach his current level.

(End of this chapter)

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