small farmer

Chapter 53

Chapter 53

It's a tragedy, and I haven't received any recommendation from the short website. Is Renmao going to run away next week?Is this the new issue?Could it be that there are too many aunts who open new books, and there are no recommended places for mosquito legs?
had dinner
Zhang Feng walked towards the back mountain. The winding mountain road was rugged, but Zhang Feng still walked like flying, as fast as walking on flat ground.

Soon Zhang Feng came to his orchard, and rushed straight to the place where the trap was set yesterday without stopping.

"Hehe, you're lucky, and you've actually gained something." Zhang Feng just arrived at the place where the trap was laid, and saw a brightly colored pheasant locked in a cage, which was obviously a rooster.

Everyone knows that the feathers of roosters are more colorful than those of hens, which is one of the ways to distinguish between roosters and hens, but you may not know why the feathers of roosters are more colorful?Do roosters love beauty more?
In fact, the reason why the rooster's feathers are more colorful is to attract the attention of the hen, so as to gain the favor of the hen, just like the familiar peacock spreading its tail, it is all to gain the opportunity to contact the opposite sex.

Zhang Feng didn't catch the pheasant immediately, because Zhang Feng had to go to Qinglong Mountain to pick some mugwort, according to Uncle Dashan, it was just beside the mountain temple.

So Zhang Feng could only put the pheasant here temporarily, the place is very remote and inaccessible, and there is no danger of being discovered.

Afterwards, Zhang Feng continued to walk towards the mountains. When he left the main road and entered the forest, Zhang Feng completely let go of his speed. He took a few meters in one step, and crossed the mountains and ridges as if walking on flat ground, as if he was a martial arts master who had practiced light kung fu. Shuttle through the mountains and forests, Zhang Feng moved quickly, but after a cup of tea, he arrived at the destination, the top of Qinglong Mountain, the site of the original mountain temple.

As soon as he came to the top of the mountain and looked at the mountain temple in front of him, Zhang Feng was very kind. He thought of the cow-herding boy when he was a child. He often came here to herd cows, and played house and hide-and-seek with his friends. You chased me and played jokes. The fight is so lively.

Such things seem to have happened yesterday, but it is a pity that the flowers are similar every year, and the people are different every year. The green mountains are still there, and the old people will not come again. Once time passes, it is like the water of the Tapang River flowing eastward. for transfer.

Soon, Zhang Feng found a piece of Artemisia argyi, which stood lush and green on the high mountain. Zhang Feng stopped after pulling out five or six plants.

It is a common custom in the south to hang mugwort at the door of the house during the Dragon Boat Festival. You only need to hang one or two of them symbolically. It is said that this can drive away insects and evil spirits and protect the safety of the family.

Walking around the top of the mountain, Zhang Feng suddenly found several old tea trees in the backyard of the ruined temple. Zhang Feng speculated that they might have been planted by the temple guards in the past.

In fact, many people have discovered the tea trees here before that. At first, everyone thought they were rare tea species, but after the expert appraisal of the county, they were just the most common bitter tea, not a rare variety at all.

So these tea trees have been growing here, and no one cares about them.

Zhang Feng chose a green and tall tea tree about one meter high, and planned to get it back and plant it in his own yard. After removing the soil and rocks from the root of the tea tree, Zhang Feng quickly uprooted the tea tree.

With an unexpected harvest, Zhang Feng picked up the tea tree and mugwort, and prepared to leave the mountain.

Standing on the top of the mountain and looking at the fiery red sunset, looking at the beautiful sunset in the sky, it is a pity that the sunset is infinitely beautiful, but it is only near dusk, the beauty is short-lived,
Although the scenery on the top of the mountain is beautiful, it is getting late and the night is coming. If you go down the mountain quickly, you may not be able to get home before dark.

So Zhang Feng stopped hesitating, stepped forward, and quickly jumped down the mountain. Even though there were rocks and ravines all over the place, Zhang Feng still walked on flat ground, climbing mountains and wading, and soon reached the foot of the mountain.

When he came to the orchard again, Zhang Feng took the pheasant away, chose a place to lay a trap again, and left the orchard. The sky gradually became dark. When Zhang Feng returned home, the sky was full of stars and it was completely night.

"Xiaofeng is back? Hey, where did you pick the mugwort?" My mother was resting in the yard and asked curiously when she saw the mugwort in Zhang Feng's hand.

"I'm back, I picked this by the side of the mountain temple." Zhang Feng smiled slightly.

"You caught another pheasant..." When Zhang Feng put down the mugwort and the tea tree, his mother found out that there was a brightly colored pheasant in Zhang Feng's hand, and her face was overjoyed.

"Well, I went to see the trap I set in the orchard yesterday, and it worked well. I caught such a pheasant." Zhang Feng said with a smile, lifting the pheasant in his hand.

"Close it quickly, and sell it when someone buys it." In the eyes of my mother, such a pheasant is two or three bright red bills. In the past, it took several days of work to earn so much money.

"Got it, Mom!" Zhang Feng knew that his mother was reluctant to eat it, and he had eaten two pheasants recently. Zhang Feng was not very interested in pheasants either. Chicken wasn't much better.

After closing the pheasant, Zhang Feng hung the mugwort on both sides of the gate, then took out a hoe, and planned to plant the tea tree in the yard, on the right side of the yard, next to the calabash vine.

In just five or six minutes, Zhang Feng planted the tea tree. Then Zhang Feng took out the watering pot and started watering it. There was some sunflower auxin in the water. It grows more tender and green.

"Sister, what are you frying in the kitchen?" Zhang Feng asked suspiciously when he heard the elder sister's sound of shoveling pot in the kitchen when he walked into the room.

"My little brother is back. Isn't it the Dragon Boat Festival tomorrow? I'll fry some glutinous rice and prepare to make some rice dumplings later." Almost all of them are responsible for making zongzi.

"Oh, do you need my help?" Zhang Feng walked into the kitchen and asked.

"It's just right, little brother, help me cut the pork belly into small pieces, then marinate it with seasoning, and use it when making zongzi later." Everyone said while busy.

"Okay! Leave it to me!" Zhang Feng is already very proficient at cutting vegetables and meat. Since he acquired the elementary cooking skills, Zhang Feng's knife skills have improved rapidly. Also quite clever.

Eating zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival is a custom that has been passed down for thousands of years, even in such a remote place as far away as the Southwest.

It is said that the Dragon Boat Festival is to commemorate the ancient poet Qu Yuan. When Qu Yuan had no hope of saving the country and threw himself into the Miluo River in despair, the Chu people who heard the news, wrapped rice balls with leaves and threw them into the river in order to prevent him from starving after his death. In order to express their nostalgia for Qu Yuan.

In the end, this slowly evolved into the custom of eating zongzi. Of course, this is just a legend, an explanation for eating zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival.

In Zhang Feng's view, whether it's eating zongzi or rowing a dragon boat, as long as the family is happy, everyone is healthy and safe.

Although the current life is dull, Zhang Feng cherishes it very much. He has no lofty ideals. His biggest wish is to hope that his family can live happily.

(End of this chapter)

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