small farmer

Chapter 517 Growing Old With You

Chapter 517 Growing Old With You (33)

Uncle Er Niu got addicted and left to send his son to school.

After another hour of fishing, Zhang Feng’s harvest was not bad this time.
There are six or seven fish in the bucket, which should weigh about twenty catties. After all, it is impossible to catch too many fish in such a fish nest.

"It's time to go back!"

Checking the time, it was already three o'clock, go back and marinate the dried fish, rest for a while, and it's time to make dinner.


"Hey! Crazy, we'll be back soon, remember to cook more meals! By the way, grandma wants you to cook vegetarian vegetables..."

"Got it, what do you want to eat?" Zhang Feng asked with a smile.

"Hee hee, as long as it's made by you, I like everything!!"

"Haha, don't worry, I will definitely not let you down tonight!!" Zhang Feng said with a happy smile.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Feng smiled and continued to kill and marinate the fish.

While working, he smirked and looked forward to the happy time with Yiyi.

The dried fish made by Zhang Feng is very simple

Clean the fish first.

Then pour an appropriate amount of salt and rub it repeatedly, and immerse the salt into the fish.

Finally, tie the fish with a thin thread and hang it on a bamboo pole under the eaves to dry. As long as the weather is good, it is estimated that it will be good to dry for about a week.

"Brother madman, what are you doing?" At this moment, Mao Ya's lovely voice sounded in the yard.

"Hey! Mao Ya is here, and the lunatic brother is drying the fish!" Zhang Feng turned his head, saw this cute little girl, and immediately responded with a smile.

"Dried fish, I also have them at home!" The little girl said, biting her finger and tilting her head.

"Really? Did your father make it or your mother??" Zhang Feng asked with a smile while drying the fish.

"It was the big fish my dad caught, and mom made it!" said the little girl happily.

"Oh!" Zhang Feng nodded as a response, and continued with his work.

"My fish is so big! It's so big..."

The little girl gestured as she spoke, and opened her arms to the widest extent. It seemed that the fish that Uncle Dashan caught was really more than one meter long.

Zhang Feng smiled lightly, obviously the little girl's description was too exaggerated,

"Wow! Your father is really good, he can catch such a big fish!!" Although he knew that what the little girl said was not true, Zhang Feng still pretended to be very surprised.

Receiving Zhang Feng's praise, the little girl giggled!The smile is so happy, so cute.

"Brother Madman, what kind of flower is that?" The little girl asked Zhang Feng curiously when she saw the golden sea of ​​flowers on the west courtyard wall.

"Hehe, those are winter jasmine flowers, which bloom every spring." Zhang Feng explained to Mao Ya with a slight smile.

"Oh!" The little girl nodded obediently, and then ran towards the winter jasmine with small steps.

After running to the wall, she put her little head on the flower, Xiao Qiong sniffed it vigorously, and shouted happily.

"Ah! It's delicious!"

After watching for a few minutes, the little girl seemed to be tired of watching, and ran to the other side of the garden to catch butterflies. Unfortunately, the little girl is still too young to walk very steadily. Where can I catch light butterflies!
However, Zhang Feng couldn't help but smile when he saw the little girl fluttering the dishes, she was also very cute.

"Mao Ya is tired, come and sit for a while and drink a glass of water."

After a while, the little girl was panting and sweating profusely after chasing after her.

"Oh, lunatic brother, how did the butterfly run so fast??" Mao Ya couldn't catch it, and suddenly she was a little dejected, her head drooped, and she walked towards the stone table weakly.

"Because a butterfly has wings, it can fly!" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Oh!" The little girl sat down on the stool, then picked up the tea and drank it.

"Oh, it's so bitter! Crazy brother, why is your tea so bitter??" The little girl asked Zhang Feng with a grin and a frown.

"Hehe, because this is bitter tea, but after drinking it for a while, do you feel that the tea turns sweet again?" Zhang Feng asked after explaining.

"Hee hee, it seems to be really sweet!!" The little girl exclaimed in surprise.

"Then do you want another drink?" Zhang Feng asked with a smile,

This is still a catty of bitter tea I bought last year, and I still haven't finished it.

"" The little girl struggled for a while and finally shook her head, and stopped drinking the bitter tea, because it was really too bitter for Mao Ya! !

"Hehe, let's drink fruit juice, shall we? There is orange juice in the refrigerator! You sit here obediently, and the lunatic brother will bring it for you!"

"Hee hee, thank you crazy brother!!" The little girl nodded quickly, the orange juice is so delicious, the sweet Mao Ya likes it the most! !

Soon, Zhang Feng poured out a glass of orange juice.

Mao Ya took a sip, um!I feel so beautiful in my heart, it's so good to drink orange juice!There was a happy smile on his face!

"Do you know that you should throw the cup into the trash can after drinking?"

"Understood, madman, where are you going?" Could it be that Zhang Feng got up to leave, Mao Ya nodded and asked.

"Go to the backyard to pick vegetables!" Holding a bamboo basket, Zhang Feng walked slowly towards the backyard,
Xiao Maoya hopped and jumped behind Zhang Feng, like a cute little bunny, so cute.


when night falls

Yiyi and her grandparents finally returned to the village,
Today, Zhang Feng cooked a table of good dishes, including cold sauerkraut, braised eel, chopped pepper fish head, spicy dried beef..., and the vegetarian vegetables that Grandma Liu loves, and finally a cabbage tofu soup.

A large table of delicious dishes made Zhang Feng himself greedy, and secretly tasted a few pieces during the period, the taste was really unforgettable, it was so fragrant!

Willow head on the moon, people about after dusk!
After dinner.

Zhang Feng and Yiyi held hands,
Bathed in the bright moonlight, stroll leisurely by the lake and enjoy this happy time quietly.

Tired from walking, the two sat on the green grass, leaning against each other, looking at the shining stars and the charming moon in the sky.

Moon Lake at night is quiet and beautiful,
The willows by the lake are mottled, the moon shadows are mottled, and the crickets in the grass are chirping, as if they are playing Beethoven's moonlight song, cheering for their love!
At this time, Zhang Feng thought of a beautiful song - "The Most Romantic Thing". After a while, the melodious singing sounded on the shore of the lake:

Sitting back to back on the carpet
Listen to music and talk about wishes

The most romantic thing i can think of
just grow old with you

Collecting bits and pieces of laughter along the way

Let's sit in a rocking chair and talk slowly

The most romantic thing i can think of
just grow old with you

Until we get old and can't go anywhere
You still regard me as a treasure in the palm of your hand

Listening to this beautiful singing, Zhang Feng and Yiyi crossed their fingers and held each other tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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