small farmer

Chapter 518 Spring Beauty

Chapter 518 Spring Beauty (13)

early morning
The eastern sky gradually lit up, and a round of red sun slowly turned over the mountain, and suddenly it shone brightly, illuminating the whole world.

The glare of the sun shone on the head of the bed, Zhang Feng's eyes moved, and he woke up after a while.

"Yeah!" Stretched, walked to the window and quietly looked at the beautiful mountain village scenery outside the window.

I saw clouds and mists on the high mountains in the distance, like a white sky dragon, flying with the wind, claws and teeth, the huge body is extremely shocking,
I saw it coiling tightly around the top of the mountain sometimes, sometimes soaring into the sky, but it refused to leave too far away, as if the green hills in the distance were its inviolable territory.

In the deep alley of dog barking, cock crowing and mulberry tree bumping.

The small mountain village in front of me is gradually becoming lively. The cries of the little kids and the chirping of chickens and dogs are like a country sonata.

The beauty of the countryside is so natural and simple, wisps of cooking smoke drift with the wind, and finally dissipate in the high sky.

It is so beautiful! !

Tree edge of the village together, Aoyama Guo oblique.

The mountains and rivers are connected, the flowers are like a brocade, and the green grass is like a tree. Everything is so beautiful and charming.

But when Zhang Feng came to the courtyard, the scenery in the courtyard was even more fascinating.
Colorful wild flowers are competing to open, the noble wild lilies, the proudly standing orchids, and the camellias as beautiful as peonies, one by one, are so beautiful and charming, and a breeze blows, exuding There are bursts of fragrance.

Smelling the tangy fragrance of flowers, I immediately feel refreshed and energized.

After stretching his body, Zhang Feng began to practice aerobics. His movements are graceful and full of artistic sense, and he is like a master of a generation. Every gesture of his hands and feet can make people feel powerful.

"Huh!" Taking a long breath, Zhang Feng slowly recovered.

Fill the watering can with water and sneak in some auxin.

Zhang Feng began to water the flowers and plants in the yard one by one.

There are colorful morning glories under the courtyard wall in the east, including white, purple, red and blue. Every morning glory is extremely beautiful. Looking from a distance, it looks like a fairy in the sky, flying in mid-air Flying slowly.

There are also a few wild lilies, the white petals are extremely beautiful, and they are not stained by the mud, giving people a feeling that they can be seen from a distance but not played with.

In addition, Zhang Feng’s favorite is the winter jasmine under the wall of the west courtyard. After Zhang Feng’s meticulous care, it is now in full bloom. Countless flowers cover the entire wall, and it looks like a golden ocean from a distance. The golden world is extremely shocking.

Butterflies flutter, bees flutter,
At this time, the entire small courtyard is full of these cute elves, as if this place has become their playground, colorful butterflies are dancing, flying freely among the flowers.

There are also industrious little bees, flapping their wings, shuttling back and forth among the flowers, tapping gently, looking for the most delicious nectar source,
Beautiful butterflies, hardworking bees, they are in the flowers, flying freely to and fro.

As the ancient poets wrote, the lingering butterfly dances from time to time, flying into a hundred flowers and nowhere to find,

At this time, the colorful butterflies and bees are like elves in nature, decorating the beautiful rural courtyard together with hundreds of flowers, creating this beautiful rural picture scroll for everyone.

"Xiaofeng, it's time for breakfast!"

"Oh! Got it, sister!"

Before he knew it, his stomach was growling, and Zhang Feng immediately put down the watering pot, washed his hands, and walked into the house.


After breakfast, Yiyi walked to Zhang Feng's house with her baby silkworm in her arms.

"Hee hee, lunatic, look at my silkworm baby has started to spin silk!!"

"Really, let me see..."

The silkworm is a complete metamorphosis of insects.

The so-called complete metamorphosis is because its life goes through four completely different developmental stages of egg, larva, pupa, and adult in terms of form and function.

From hatching to silk spinning, it takes only about a month. After the silk spinning and cocooning are completed, the silkworm will molt and pupate in the cocoon.When the transformation of the adult insect system is completed, it casts off the pupal skin, emerges as a silkworm moth, and spits fluid to break out of the cocoon.

Silkworm moths are shaped like butterflies and covered with white scales.However, due to the small size of the two pairs of wings, it has lost the ability to fly.Silkworm moths have well-developed reproductive organs and do not take food from the outside world. After mating and laying eggs, they die naturally within a week.

"Madman, let's go pick mulberry leaves!!"

Don't look at how small and cute silkworms are, but just like ducks, they are inconspicuous big eaters. They eat and poop all day long.

There are not many mulberry trees in the village, but there is one just beside the stone hole bridge at the entrance of the village. Every year when the mulberries mature, this place becomes a paradise for little kids. Everyone climbs up and down, picks mulberries, purple Black mulberry, sour and sweet, is really a rare wild fruit in the country.

Zhang Feng also loved to eat it when he was a child. Even now, the adults passing by would pick a handful and throw it into their mouths. There is a feeling of re-experience picking mulberries in childhood.

"Crazy Brother Yiyi and Sister!!" Mao Ya and Xiao Shitou shouted excitedly when they saw Zhang Feng and Yiyi.

It turned out that the two little guys were standing under the mulberry tree, ready to climb up and pick mulberries!

"What are you doing, Maoya little stone?" Yiyi asked with a smile on her face.

"Hee hee, sister Yiyi, we are going to pick mulberries!!" Xiao Shitou said with a smile,

As soon as Mao Ya hugged Yiyi's thigh, she was also overjoyed, the snot in her nostrils had a faint tendency to slip out.

"What a little slug!!" Seeing that Maoya's nose was about to flow out, Yiyi smiled, took out a tissue and wiped it off for the little girl.

"Come on, I'll pick it for you!" Zhang Feng smiled, and raised his hand to pick the ripe mulberries off the tree. Zhang Feng is an experienced picker of mulberries and knows which color corresponds to which taste.

For example, the black and purple ones have the highest sugar content and the sweetest, while the light red ones have a bit sour taste, but the taste is also good. Among them, the black and purple ones are the most mature and taste the best.

"Come here, Mao Ya, spread your hands!" After a while, Zhang Feng picked a handful, and Mao Ya's little hand couldn't fit it at all, and gave the rest to Xiaoshi.

"Is it delicious?" Yiyi asked with a smile.

"Hee hee, delicious, so sweet!" Mao Ya replied with a smile while eating.

"Yiyi, it's really good if you try it too!" Zhang Feng handed a few to Yiyi, and then asked, "How delicious?"

"Well, the taste is really good!!"

It has to be said that mulberry is worthy of being the king of wild fruits. What it means is that its taste is far superior to other wild fruits. It is very popular not only in rural areas, but also in cities.

"Crazy brother, I want more!" Xiao Shitou quickly ate up the wild fruit in his hand, and then looked at Zhang Feng eagerly and said.

"Crazy brother, I want more too!!" Seeing that the little stone had been eaten, the little greedy cat Mao Ya quickly stuffed the remaining mulberries into his mouth, and then muttered eagerly.

Zhang Feng smiled slightly, thinking that they were really two cute little greedy cats.

 Thank you very much for the rewards of the three book friends of 'Tianya Guyan, Heaven and Earth, and Guardian Qiqi'. Thank you for your subscription and ticket support, thank you very much.

(End of this chapter)

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