small farmer

Chapter 519 The Arrival of the Engineering Team

Chapter 519 The Arrival of the Engineering Team (23)

Before I knew it, the two little guys had already eaten a lot.

"Hee hee, lunatic, see if they seem to be poisoned!!" Seeing the black lips of the little guys, Yiyi couldn't help covering her mouth and giggling.

"Well, it's really possible, Xiao Shitou, let's see if you have been poisoned?" Zhang Feng pretended to be serious, and turned on the mirror function of the phone to let the little ones see the signs of poisoning.

"Ah!! Crazy brother, how did my mouth become like this??" Seeing his own appearance in the mirror, Xiao Shitou was taken aback and asked Zhang Feng curiously.

"Crazy it dyed with mulberries?" Mao Ya tilted her head and thought for a while, then asked Zhang Feng, blinking her eyes.

"Hehe, our Mao Ya is smarter, don't you see that the color of mulberries is like this!" Zhang Feng nodded with a smile.

"Hee hee!!!" After being praised by the lunatic brother, Mao Ya grinned happily.


After picking two handfuls of mulberry leaves, Zhang Feng and Zhang Feng walked home, followed by Maoya and Xiaoshitou, two oil bottles, each holding a handful of mulberries, and ate them with relish.

"Wow, crazy brother, your flowers are so beautiful!"

Seeing the blooming flowers in the yard of Zhang Feng's house, the two little guys seemed to have walked into a big garden,
There are beautiful flowers everywhere in the yard, including red amaryllis, white lilies, colorful morning glory and a piece of golden winter jasmine, which are really beautiful. The little ones are so dazzled and delighted .

"Brother Madman, what kind of flower is this?" Xiao Shitou asked Zhang Feng curiously, pointing to the blooming camellia.

"Hehe, this is a camellia!"

"What about this?"

"This, this is a lily!"

"Hee hee, so beautiful!!"

Suddenly Mao Ya saw the colorful morning glory on the courtyard wall, her face was overjoyed, and she ran towards the morning glory with her two calves.

"Hee hee, madman brother, what kind of flower is this? Look so good!!" the little girl asked Zhang Feng happily.

"This, this is morning glory, also known as breaking the bowl flower!" Zhang Feng explained to the little girl with a smile.

Xiao Shitou also liked the morning glory very much, so he ran over immediately. Hearing Zhang Feng's explanation, he asked curiously:
"Crazy brother, why is it called Breaking the Bowl of Flowers?"

"Because if you touch it, it's easy to break the bowl when you're eating."

"Really??" The little guy couldn't be fooled, he asked in disbelief,

"Of course, if you don't believe it, you can pick one and go home to see if your father and mother don't scold you." Zhang Feng said with a slight smile.

"Well, I'm not going to pick it!" Seeing Zhang Feng's affirmation, the little guy was unwilling to risk his life, and immediately took a small step back, keeping the distance from the morning glory.

Not only that, but the little guy also gave Mao Ya a hand, "Mao Ya back up quickly, if you touch the flower that breaks the bowl, you will break the bowl when you go home!"

Mao Ya pouted her mouth, nodded heavily, and obediently followed Xiao Shishi back out.


Seeing Zhang Feng fooling the two children like this, Yiyi couldn't help laughing, and asked quietly:

"Hee hee, madman, how can you lie to a child like this?"

"How can this be called cheating? Isn't this a saying that has been passed down in the village for thousands of years?" Zhang Feng said with a slight smile.

Indeed, the legend of breaking the bowl of flowers has been passed down for countless generations. Although everyone does not believe it, it has been used by adults to tease children.


With the arrival of spring, not only the flowers and plants in the yard grow luxuriantly, but also the weeds grow wantonly. In the past two days, a lot of weeds have emerged in the yard.

While Zhang Feng was clearing the weeds, Yiyi took the two little guys to the backyard.

After a while, one of them came out with a piece of cucumber and smiled.

"Crazy brother, your cucumbers are so delicious!" Xiao Shitou praised while eating.

"Yeah!!" Mao Ya nodded heavily.

"Why isn't your food delicious??" Zhang Feng turned around and asked Xiao Shitou with a smile.

"My family's is also delicious, but yours is even better!" Xiaoshi opened his mouth, bit a big piece, and muttered.

At this moment, the old man walked in with Professor Wang and a stranger.

"Little Peak"

"Hey, Professor Wang, you are here, everyone, come in and sit down."

"Hehe, the yard is so beautiful, let's just sit in the yard!"

Seeing the small courtyard of Zhang Feng's house again, it seems to be more beautiful. Standing in the courtyard, the flowers are fragrant, and I feel much better when I sit here.

"This is Liu Gong. The specific construction of the mountain temple is in charge of his team. Today I will bring Liu Gong over to have a look. We will start construction tomorrow at the earliest."

"Hello Liu Gong!!"

"Mr. Zhang hello"

The two got to know each other, drank a sip of tea, and then Zhang Feng led the two towards Qinglong Mountain again.

"This mountain range is the Qinglong Mountain Range, and the mountain temple is on the Qinglong Mountain, the main peak of the range..."

Qinglong Mountain is more than two thousand and one meters above sea level. It is said that a geological team surveyed here in the 60s.

The mountain temple above is said to have been built in the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, and has a history of more than [-] years. Unfortunately, the mountain temple, which was once prosperous and famous for hundreds of miles, was completely destroyed in a special era. There are only broken eaves and walls, and a pile of broken bricks and tiles.

As the tourism industry of Moon Lake is getting more and more prosperous, in order to increase the tourist attractions in the village, Zhang Feng himself invested millions of dollars to restore the mountain temple on the top of the mountain.

Although it costs a lot of money, compared to the treasures I obtained from the mountain temple, it is a drop in the bucket. I just use some money to do some good deeds. This is not only conducive to the development of tourism in the village, but also makes me feel at ease. Zhang Feng was very concerned about the reconstruction of the mountain temple.

"The scenery here is so beautiful!!" Standing on the top of Qinglong Mountain, you can have a panoramic view of the clear Moon Lake at the foot of the mountain, and the quaint small mountain villages.

Professor Wang took Liu Gong to look around, then said with a smile:

"Gong Liu, see if there are any difficulties here. Xiaofeng is here. If there are any difficulties, let's discuss them together!"

"When the technology is convenient, there is no difficulty, but the materials are not easy to transport!" Seeing such a steep mountain road, Liu Gong frowned.

The road up the mountain is a dirt road, and it is very steep. Many places of the original stone slabs have disappeared, so it is conceivable that it is very difficult to transport building materials to the top of the mountain.

"How about using horses for transportation?" Zhang Feng asked tentatively.

"Why do you have horses in your village?" Liu Gong's eyes lit up and he asked. It would be much more convenient if there were pack horses, and the efficiency would be increased by three or four times.

"We don't have it in our village, but there are other places!" Zhang Feng smiled, already thinking about it.

If you want to say where there are the most horses in Qingshan County, of course it is the horse racing place. Every weekend, there is a huge horse market there. If you want to rent a few horses to carry materials, it should not be a problem.

(End of this chapter)

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