small farmer

Chapter 524 Sophistry Blackie

Chapter 524 Sophistry Blackie (13)

"Huh? Why didn't you fly the kite?"

As soon as he walked into the yard, he saw the little guys eating cucumbers in their own yard, showing their front teeth one by one, eating with gusto, so Zhang Feng asked with a smile.

"Oh, crazy brother, you're back!!" The little duck saw Zhang Feng's eyes brighten up, and immediately shouted with a smile.

"Hee hee, lunatic brother, the little duck's kite flew away again, and flew to a place far, far away!!" Mao Ya squinted and said with a smile, obviously gloating, who told the little duck not to take his kite I flew the kite for myself!
"Yes, yes, we have flown over the West Mountain!" Little Shitou also interjected.

"Hehe, it's come so far!" Zhang Feng put the hoe under the eaves, and the kite flew so far, no wonder the little duck even gave up the chance to find it.

Don’t look at the kite as if it fell behind the west mountain, but Wangshan runs dead horses. If you really have to go over the mountains and mountains to find it, you won’t be able to find it in less than half an hour. Besides, the kite is probably hanging on a big tree, even if you find it. , the little guy could only look at the tree and sigh, helpless, so although the little guy was very reluctant, he gave up looking for it.

"Crazy brother, can you help me make one more?" The little guy looked at Zhang Feng expectantly and begged.

"You guy, don't you have one at home?" Zhang Feng shook his head. Uncle Er Niu just went to the city to buy more than a dozen kites two days ago, and they haven't sold them all yet?This little guy just wants to take advantage of himself.

"Hmph! My dad won't give it to me!" The little guy said with some disappointment.

"Then you don't know how to do it yourself. It's so simple to make a kite. Wouldn't it be enough to use your pocket money to buy two pieces of white paper?" Zhang Feng smiled and gave the little guy a trick.

"Then I bought a white paper lunatic, brother, can you help me make it?" The little guy looked at Zhang Feng eagerly and said.

"Do it yourself! Isn't there a ready-made one at Da Mao? Just follow it, it's that simple!!"

Seeing what Zhang Feng said so resolutely, the little duck finally gave up the idea of ​​asking him for help.

"Da Mao, help me take Dabai Xiaobai to the second uncle's property, and I will reward you with a bottle of orange juice when you come back later!!" Zhang Feng shouted to Da Mao while washing his face.

"Really! Crazy brother?" Da Mao was overjoyed. It's great that such a simple task is rewarded with a bottle of drink.

"Of course!" Zhang Feng assured with a smile.

"Oh! Crazy brother, I want to go too, I want to go too!!"

Seeing that the rewards were so generous, the little ones became anxious, how could Da Mao alone do it, so they all shouted at Zhang Feng.

"All right, all right!!! You all go together, and everyone will be rewarded when you come back!!" Zhang Feng smiled, knowing that these little guys would definitely not be able to resist the temptation of drinks, so he said with a smile.

"Hee hee, let's go! Let's go! Send Dabai Xiaobai up the mountain!!"

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, the little guys cheered for a while, then ran to the backyard, opened the circle door, called Dabai Xiaobai, and happily ran to the back of the mountain, jumping and jumping all the way, chasing each other How lively.

After the little ones left, Zhang Feng quickly took a shower.

After planting sweet potatoes for an hour, my body was dripping with sweat, and I felt refreshed immediately after taking a shower.

"Crazy brother, we are back!!"

"Crazy brother, we have already sent Dabai Xiaobai to the second uncle!"

After a while, the little guys ran back excitedly, and stood in front of Zhang Feng with a smile, waiting for the reward promised by Zhang Feng.

"Okay, sit down first, I'll get you orange juice right away!!" Zhang Feng ordered with a smile.

"Hee hee..." The little guys were overjoyed, and quickly ran to the stone table, and sat down obediently. They looked like obedient babies, and they didn't have the usual mischievous appearance.

Dahei Xiaohei also slipped back quietly at some point, saw the leather monkeys sitting obediently on the stone bench, and curiously crowded around, seeing that the owner didn't notice, they quickly ran to a few little ones around.

"Hee hee, where did you guys go, big black and little black?" Duckling asked with a smile as he saw the two dogs, his eyes lit up, and he hugged big black's neck.

"Woooo..." Dahei's eyes flustered, he quickly shook his head, thinking that we didn't go out to play, we just wandered around the door, okay?

These two guys, while Zhang Feng was not at home, sneaked out to play for more than an hour, and only now came back. If the owner found out, they would definitely be punished again, so the two dogs looked into the house with a guilty conscience , Seeing that the master didn't hear, he was relieved.

Soon, Zhang Feng came out with a large bottle of orange juice and several plastic cups in his hands.

Poured a glass for each of the little guys, Zhang Feng looked at the two pretending Wang Xingren this time, and seemed to find Zhang Feng's gaze, Dahei quickly lowered his head, saying in his heart, I can't see!I can't see it!Like an ostrich, very interesting.

But Xiao Hei has another routine, that is to pretend to be stupid, the little guy pretends to be innocent and looks at Zhang Feng, as if he really doesn't know what he has done!
"Raise your head up for me!" Seeing Dahei quietly raised his head to glance at himself, Zhang Feng shouted loudly: "Whatever you look at, it's you! "

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." Dahei's eyes were dodgy, and he looked guilty. In fact, Dahei was usually a very well-behaved child, but he was led astray by Xiaohei.

"Say, where did you go to play again this time? Have you been playing for so long?"

"Hehe, you still lied to me. If you didn't go out, where did the yellow mud on your feet come from?? Did you fly here?" Zhang Feng snorted coldly, and found the yellow mud on the bottom of his feet really want to.

"Hee hee, madman brother, I know, I know, I saw them in the field at the entrance of the village earlier!" Mao Ya complained to Zhang Feng with a smile while drinking juice.

"Woooo..." Xiao Hei glanced at Mao Ya with a resentful face, wondering if you have complained like this?What a little teller!He must be a traitor when he grows up! !
I have to say that Xiao Hei was full of resentment at this time, wondering if we can still play happily?It is estimated that after this, Xiao Hei will groom his hair again in a few days! !

Don't look at Xiao Hei as a dog, but their IQ is about four or five years old. Just like children, they will hold grudges. Knowing that they were sued by Mao Ya this time, they will definitely not play with Mao Ya again next time.

"Have you heard, now that there are all the witnesses and evidences, there is finally no way to quibble, right?"

"Hurry up and stand on the stool!! You can't get off until you have lunch!!"

"Uh huh...uh huh..."

Knowing that there was no way to hide it anymore, Da Hei and Xiao Hei let out a pitiful wail, and jumped onto the stool dejectedly, their bodies staggering, their expressions indescribably pitiful.

 第二更估计在08:30左右,Chapter 3差不多要到10:30。

(End of this chapter)

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