small farmer

Chapter 525 Going to the Market

Chapter 525 Going to the Market (22)

"Oh, Da Hei Xiao Hei is so pitiful!"

Seeing that Da Hei and Xiao Hei were punished, Mao Ya was a little uneasy, her face was full of sympathy, wondering if she had said something wrong to make Da Hei and Xiao Hei punished.

"Yeah, it was so pitiful when Da Mao was punished by the teacher last time!!" The little duck nodded, and unknowingly, told about Da Mao's going to school.

"Humph!! You have been punished to stand many times, more than me!" Da Mao was also angry, angrily exposing the little duck's old background.

"Where are there too many? Only...only two or three...four or five...well, not many times anyway!" The little guy counted, and he almost couldn't count, so his face turned red, and he whispered in a low voice. muttered.

puff! !
As soon as Yiyi walked in, she heard two little guys from the preschool class fighting each other. She found it very interesting and couldn't help laughing.

"Hee hee, these little guys are so funny!!"

"Sister Yiyi..."

"Sister Yiyi, you are here..."

As soon as the little guys saw Yiyi, they ran over immediately, pulled Yiyi's clothes, and shouted with a smile, very happy.

"Sister Yiyi, I'll give you orange juice..." The duckling smiled and poured a drink for Yiyi, and handed it to Yiyi in a decent manner.

"Thank you, thank you!! I didn't expect our little duck to be so polite!!" Yiyi took it with a smile, and then praised the little guy.

"Hee hee!!" The little duck scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, but he was still very happy to be praised by sister Yiyi.

When the other little guys saw the little duck being praised, they all poked their mouths up, looking a little unconvinced, thinking that the little duck was a sycophant, who was usually so naughty, so he would pretend to be good in front of adults.

After drinking a large bottle of orange juice, the little ones bounced away and went to the lake to catch dragonflies and butterflies.


"Madman, we are going to buy a vine on the street, do you want to go?"

"Go, I know where it's sold..."

Then Zhang Feng quickly cooked the rice in the pot, and then drove to the county with Yiyi's family.

There are motorcycles everywhere along the way, so it can be said that there is a lot of traffic. Seeing so many people, Yiyi asked curiously: "Is the lunatic going to the market today? Why are there so many people!"

"That's right, today is just the day to go to the market!!"

Today, I happened to meet the county fair. Although the time of each fair is not fixed, there is a reincarnation every six days. This kind of rule has been passed down for many years. It is estimated that it has a history of hundreds of years.

"Hehe, I feel very kind when I see the market. We used to go to the market, but it was not like now. We had cars to sit in. At that time, most of us walked, and we had to carry heavy goods. Even a dime I can’t bear the carriage fare!”

"Ah, so economical?" Yiyi asked in surprise.

"Hehe, of course, is the dime at that time the same as it is now? I remember that when we first changed our business, our family could only earn a hundred yuan by farming the land for a year. You can buy a catty of salt for a dime. I’ve been eating it for a month or two! Who would you say is willing to, I’d rather lose my leg than spend that dime.” The old man said with emotion.

"It was really hard at that time, and the salary of our teachers was only about [-] yuan at that time!!" Grandma Liu also said with a smile.

Both Zhang Feng and Zhang Feng were silent after hearing this. It was really terrifying at that time. It must be a great thing to be able to eat and wear warm at that time.

But it's all better now, and it's not as hard as it used to be.

Zhang Feng often sees people on the Internet who miss that era, saying that they don’t pick up things on the road and don’t close their doors at night. People at that time were so simple!
But Zhang Feng felt that he would be an idiot if he wanted to live that kind of life. If he really wanted to travel back, he would cry to death and want to come back within two days.

At that time, people were poor, and every house was the same, and the walls of the house were bare. If you open the door to let thieves enter the house, you can't steal anything!

Therefore, Zhang Feng feels that material things change thinking. Only when there is enough material can people YY online. If you can’t eat enough, who has the energy to think about those things, it’s better to think about how to make money to fill your belly.


A few minutes later, everyone came to the county seat.

I saw that the side of the road was full of all kinds of small stalls, and the pedestrians on the road were coming and going, so it was very lively.

"Grandpa and grandma, let's get off here. There are a lot of stalls ahead, and traffic jams are easy."

"Hehe, it's okay, just take a walk and exercise your body." The old man smiled, opened the door and got out of the car.

Parking the car on the open space by the side of the road, Zhang Feng took everyone to the place where the fruit trees were sold.

Qingshan is just a small county with a permanent population of only 20 million, so there is no special flower and bird market.
However, every time there is a market, a small fruit tree market will be spontaneously formed, and some fruit farmers nearby will sell their own fruit tree seedlings here.

Generally, saplings such as peaches, plums and loquats are common, and grapes are occasionally encountered. I don’t know how lucky I am today?Can we meet?
"Hehe! It's okay, if you can't buy it, forget it, just come to the city for a while." Hearing Zhang Feng's introduction, the old man didn't care, waved his hand and said.

After walking with everyone for a few minutes, we finally came to the fruit seedling market.

"Look, there seems to be someone selling fruit seedlings over there, let's go and have a look!!"


Soon, everyone took a closer look, and luckily, they finally found two vines at the stall of a middle-aged man.

"Boss, how do you sell this vine?" The old man looked at it for a while, and then asked straight to the point.

"Hehe, old man, your vision is really good. I am a ruby ​​seedless grape imported from the United States. It is not only delicious, but also has a much higher nutritional value than ordinary grapes..." The boss bragged wildly with a smile.

It's a pity that the old man and Grandma Liu are both veterans of planting flowers and plants, and of course they are no strangers to grapes. After hearing what the boss said, they smiled and couldn't help shaking their heads.

"We know about these ruby ​​grapes. Just tell me how much it costs. If the price is right, I'll sell it back and try growing it." The old man didn't want to add more ink marks, so he asked directly.

"Hey..." Hearing what the old man said, the middle-aged man smiled embarrassingly, and then said, "You want 100 yuan a plant, if you want two plants, you only need 180 yuan."

"Two plants for 50 yuan. If I sell them, I'll take them away. If I don't sell them, forget it!" The old man has rich experience and often visits the flower and bird markets in the city, and he is very clear about the prices of various flowers, plants and trees.

"Hey, old man, can you give me more, 100 yuan, how about 100 yuan?"

"Hey, old man, don't go away, okay, I sold it to you for 50 yuan, 50 yuan..."

Seeing that the old man shook his head and was about to get up and leave, the middle-aged boss became anxious and immediately agreed.

 There will be two updates today, and there will be something tomorrow, depending on the situation, try to update three times, thank you for your support.Sorry, that's all for today.

(End of this chapter)

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