small farmer

Chapter 526 Picking up Leaky Potted Plants

Chapter 526 Picking up Leaky Potted Plants (13)

I bought the vine as I wished,
A smile finally appeared on the old man's face.

"Come on, let's go over there and have a look!"

At this time, someone was selling potted plants not far away, and the old man smiled and walked to the stall selling potted plants first.

Zhang Feng also followed everyone with two vines. I didn't expect to meet someone selling potted plants today, which was very surprising.

When a few people walked to the stall selling potted plants, they were a little surprised because the appearance of these potted plants seemed to be good. Although Zhang Feng knew nothing about potted plants, he could tell that these potted plants were extraordinary and should be high-quality goods.

The tall and straight pines, the banyan tree like a horned dragon, and the green spider plants, peace trees, and potted plants grow lush and beautiful, and you can tell that the owner has taken care of them very carefully.

I really don't know how such a good potted plant is willing to sell it. Even though Zhang Feng is not an insider, he still likes it very much.

Just then the old man spoke.

"Boss, how do you sell this five-needle pine??"

Among the many potted plants, the five-needle pine is the best. It grows vigorously, and it looks very cute.

"1000 yuan!" The young boss glanced at the old man and said casually, as if he didn't believe that the business could be done.

The old man was noncommittal, and continued to make a large number of remaining bonsai,
Grandma Liu is also a bonsai lover. When she saw the bonsai in this place, her heart ached, so she asked Hao Hao.

"Young man, these potted plants are pretty good, why are you willing to sell them?"

"Alas!..." The young man sighed, and then he continued.

It turns out that because his family is in the old city, these potted plants were planted by his grandfather during his lifetime. After the old man passed away, the family has been reluctant to sell them.

But now that the old city is about to be demolished, there are no such things in the newly purchased commercial houses of their family, so after everyone's unanimous consent, they took advantage of the day of the market to sell them on the street.

It's a pity that the young man set up a stall all morning, and there were many people looking at it, but few people buying it. He only sold one pot of bluegrass in one morning, and the others were never sold because the price was too high.

Therefore, when the old man asked the price, the young people looked a little indifferent, because there were many people who asked the price, but when they heard such a high price, they all retreated.

I have to say that the old man is lucky today. These potted plants are almost all high-quality goods. For example, if the potted five-needle pine in front of you is in the potted plant circle, let alone a thousand. If you can buy it for three to five thousand, thank God , such a good thing is rare.

It's a pity that Qingshan is too remote, there are very few people who really know how to do it, and young people don't have their own sales channels. The price of 1000 yuan can scare people away.

"We want all these potted plants from young people. Calculate the total cost!" After hearing what the boss said, the old man said immediately, if such a good thing is missed, it will be struck by lightning.

"Ah? You want it all??" The young man exclaimed, confirming to the old man in disbelief,
In order to sell these potted plants, he waited all morning, but unfortunately they still didn't sell them. Who would have thought that someone would pack them up and take them away? Isn't this too surprising?

"Hehe, of course, old man, I also like potted plants very much. These potted plants look pretty good. Brother, do the math, how much does it cost in total?" It's not much, so it's not like bargaining with the stall owners one by one.

"Hey, okay, wait a moment, old man..." The stall owner was pleasantly surprised, and calculated in his heart with a smile.

"Grandpa, there are a total of twelve potted plants here, what do you think of 6000 yuan???" The stall owner looked at the old man with twinkling eyes, worried that the old man would think it was too expensive.

"No problem, but brother, you have to help us deliver it home!" The old man smiled, 6000 yuan can buy so many high-quality potted plants, which is really a big profit, so he didn't lower the price any more.

"Yes, where do you guys live?" Hearing the old man's willingness to agree so readily, the stall owner was overjoyed. As for the door-to-door delivery, it's okay.

"Hehe, we live in Moon Lake!"

"Ah! Moon Lake, I often go there, it is the most beautiful scenic spot in Qingshan..." The young stall owner exclaimed,
Looking at the clothes of Zhang Feng and the others, I thought they lived in a high-end residential area in the county seat. I really didn't expect how many people actually lived in Moon Lake, but thinking about it, the people who live in Moon Lake can be ordinary people, they must be local tyrants.

"Hehe, I just need to know the way!!"

"Of course, I will accompany my grandma almost every weekend, and the old man is very happy every time."

While talking, everyone carefully moved the potted plants onto the tricycle. After a while, more than ten potted plants were all moved to the car.

"Brother, can you use WeChat to transfer money?"

"Hey! Yes, why not, I didn't expect you to use WeChat all the time!!" The young stall owner happily took out his mobile phone, added each other as friends, and said with a smile.

"Hehe, you've lived and learned! Besides, you have to use this thing even to buy vegetables, how can you do it without WeChat?" The old man laughed, and immediately transferred 6000 yuan to the stall owner.

"Xiaofeng, do you want to buy anything else?"

Zhang Feng shook his head. He went to the street to show the old man a way, and he didn't have anything to buy.

"Okay, let's go back now!!"

So the four of them brought the stall owner to the parking place, and the two cars galloped along the wide road towards the beautiful Moon Lake.

"Wow! Grandpa, your house is so beautiful!!" The young stall owner was shocked when he brought the bonsai into the yard. He didn't expect this small farmyard to be so beautiful. The blooming flowers are colorful, just like a small garden. It's so beautiful up.

"Haha, we're getting older, my wife and I don't have much to do all day, so why don't we plant some flowers and plants to pass the time."

"It's the same with my grandfather. Since he retired, he has been fine-tuning and tending some flowers and plants. These potted plants are all planted by his old man."

"Well, it can be seen that your grandfather is indeed a person who loves plants!" The old man smiled.

"Where does the old man put this pot??" The younger brother entered the yard with the bonsai in his arms and asked.

"Hehe, just put it over here."

Everyone worked together, and moved more than ten pots of bonsai to the yard in a short while.

"Young man, there should be a lot of flowers and plants in your home, right?" Grandma Liu asked with a smile, guessing that there must be other flowers and plants planted in the young man's home.

"Yes, but they are all ordinary flowers and plants, such as roses, orchids, and a Magnolia by the way!"

Hearing that there were still many flowers and plants in the stall owner's house, the two elders immediately made an appointment with him to visit his house tomorrow morning. The stall owner was also very happy, so he immediately called the old man, took a rest, drank a cup of tea, and Say goodbye happily and leave.

(End of this chapter)

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