small farmer

Chapter 531

Chapter 531

Seeing Uncle Er Niu shook his head
Zhang Feng smiled lightly, knowing what Uncle Er Niu was thinking in his heart, but Zhang Feng knew that Uncle Er Niu would know his abilities soon.

Carrying a basket of rice seedlings, Zhang Feng glanced at the situation in the paddy field, then held his breath, and threw the ball of rice seedlings in his hand into the field, unfortunately, it was not right, it was a little crooked.

At this moment Er Niu Shu and Zhang Yi both stopped, looking up at Zhang Feng's every move.

"What's the matter, isn't it crooked? If you don't listen to me telling you to take your time, you will be at a disadvantage if you don't listen to the old man's words." Seeing Zhang Feng deflated, Uncle Er Niu said with a smile.

"Hey, it's inevitable that you will make a mistake the first time. Look behind me and you will definitely hit the target!" Seeing that the first ball of seedling he threw was indeed skewed by a few centimeters, Zhang Feng was also a little embarrassed.

Because it's the first time, I haven't mastered the strength yet, I believe that I can fully master the skill of throwing seedlings soon, and Zhang Feng is very confident in his physical fitness. It's throwing rice! !

shhhhhh! ! !
Zhang Feng attacked again. After three experiments, he finally found the feel, and each time was more accurate. By the fourth time, he had completed a straight line, even straighter than Er Niu Shu's little bit of insertion.

Zhang Feng's subsequent performance left Uncle Erniu and Zhang Yi stunned. Zhang Feng kept waving his right hand, throwing a ball of seedlings accurately almost every second, and every time was very accurate. , Such a coquettish operation, the two of them were shocked and speechless.

"I'm going, what a beast!! Why don't you go to the sky if you are so awesome!!!" After a few seconds, Uncle Er Niu realized this, looked at his planting seedlings, and then at Zhang Feng. Yes, envy, jealousy and hatred all rushed to my heart.

Zhang Yi was also hit, he stopped with a wry smile, and simply sent him ashore, sitting by the edge of the field, watching Zhang Feng perform alone.

Uncle Er Niu also shook his head. Seeing Zhang Feng's speed and accuracy, he was full of frustration. What about Zhang Feng's animal?
At this speed, it is estimated that it will take less than an hour to finish all the seven or eight acres of land, so there is nothing they can do about transplanting rice seedlings.

So Uncle Er Niu could only sit on the ridge of the field, shaking his head and sighing, looking at the peak and sighing.

But I was also a little happy in my heart, because Zhang Feng did all the work, and everyone relaxed a lot.

"Zhang Yi, I finally understand now, why do you need to use animals for work?" Er Niu mocked Zhang Feng with a smile.

"Why??" Zhang Yi asked without knowing why.

"Haha!! Because the animals work so fast!!" Uncle Er Niu laughed and said haha.

"I'll go! Uncle Er Niu has someone who talks like you? The work is not as good as me and he scolds me around the corner. Can we still play happily?" Zhang Feng suddenly smiled wryly and shook his head.

"Hey!!" Zhang Yi finally understood what Uncle Er Niu meant, and he smiled obscenely while watching the bickering between the two, feeling very happy.


"These kids are really good!!" The second aunt who was working at the other end saw Zhang Feng talking and laughing here, stood up and shook her head with a smile!
Suddenly, Second Aunt's expression froze! "Dad, kid, look over there!!"

"What's the matter?" The second uncle was working hard, when he heard the second aunt's exclamation, he raised his head in doubt and asked.

"Look at Xiaofeng!!!" Second Aunt pointed at Zhang Feng in a panic and said.

"Huh!! This kid is throwing seedlings and stealing (lazy)..." But before the second uncle finished speaking, he was stunned for a moment, with an extremely exaggerated expression on his face, and opened his mouth wide in horror. No words came out.

Because Zhang Feng's performance was too amazing, he threw the seedlings quickly and accurately, it was straighter than bending over to insert one by one, and the speed was so fast, more than ten times faster than everyone else, it was too scary and cruel!

Such a fast working speed is even worse than animals! !

"Fucking mother, do you think we are getting old!!" The second uncle asked the second aunt with some doubts about life.

The second aunt couldn't help but nodded, wondering whether the world was changing too fast, or the arrival of aliens, otherwise why would there be such a fierce person like Zhang Feng! !
Two minutes later, Zhang Feng finally finished throwing away a big basket of rice seedlings, and then asked the two people at the edge of the field with a sullen expression:
"Hey, not bad! One basket can be finished in 2 minutes, Uncle Er Niu and Zhang Yi, how about it, do you two want to try it?"

"Try, try some wool?" Uncle Er Niu rolled his eyes and said angrily,

Zhang Yi also shook his head quickly, knowing that he didn't have such ability without trying.

Zhang Feng chuckled, lifted up a basket of rice seedlings, and began to perform, that smooth appearance made Zhang Yi and the two extremely sour! !
At some point, a few villagers came to the edge of the paddy field, and when they saw Zhang Feng's monstrous way of throwing seedlings, they immediately threw themselves to the ground in admiration.

"I'll go, Xiaofeng, your speed is almost as fast as a rice transplanter, right?"

"Yeah, it's coming soon..."

"Brother Feng! I'll give you [-] points for your pretentiousness."

"Brother Feng, from now on, I won't hold up the wall, and I will obey you!!"

A few young people also followed suit, but their faces were full of admiration.

"Brother Feng, how did you do it? Can you teach me?" Ah Hong asked Zhang Feng expectantly.
I thought that if I also learned this trick, when I planted rice seedlings at home, it would save a lot of effort, my waist would not be sore, my legs would not hurt, and I would throw it away in one go, and my parents would no longer have to worry about me doing farm work! !
Just thinking about it makes people a little excited! !
"Ah Hong, you'd better wake up, throwing seedlings is your lunatic brother's unique skill, can we learn it?" Uncle Er Niu immediately interrupted A Hong's dream, shaking his head and said.

"Why can't I learn it? What if I learn it?" A Hong raised his head and asked resolutely.

"Hey, you are awesome, if you want to learn, you can learn, as long as your father doesn't whip you with a belt!" Seeing the innocent Ah Hong, Uncle Er Niu stopped talking, and only waited to see Ah Hong's jokes.

Although people must have dreams, otherwise they will be different from salted fish, but they should not be whimsical.

In fact, anyone can throw seedlings, but he can throw them like Zhang Feng, fast and straight. Uncle Er Niu has never seen it, or even heard of it.

Moreover, this kind of work looks simple, but it actually requires a lot of physical fitness, and it also requires you to be able to fully control the strength of your body.

Ordinary people, if they don't learn for three to five years, they can't imagine being as quick as Zhang Feng, but who would spend so much time learning rice transplanting, after all, rice transplanting is not an advanced technique.

"Brother Crazy, can you let me try too?" Ah Hong thought about it for a while, but still asked Zhang Feng unwillingly.

But before Zhang Feng could answer, Zhang Yi smiled and said:
"Don't, Ah Hong, you have to learn by yourself in your field, don't experiment with mine!"

Hahaha! ! !
The villagers on the side suddenly burst into laughter, laughing with incomparable joy.

(End of this chapter)

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