small farmer

Chapter 532 The mud monkey that fell into the field

Chapter 532 The mud monkey that fell into the field (24)

"Brother Crazy, can you let me try too?" Ah Hong thought about it for a while, but still asked Zhang Feng unwillingly.

But before Zhang Feng could answer, Zhang Yi smiled and said:
"Don't, Ah Hong, you have to learn by yourself in your field, don't experiment with mine!"

Hahaha! ! !
The villagers on the side suddenly burst into laughter, laughing with incomparable joy.

Because the elderly villagers all know that Zhang Feng’s way of throwing rice seedlings is something ordinary people can’t learn. If you really want to use your own field to learn how to throw rice seedlings, it will not only throw it in an unsteady way, but also waste time and energy. In the end, the effort is not flattering , everyone will definitely not be so stupid!
Therefore, Zhang Yi definitely didn't want Ah Hong to experiment with his own field, because Zhang Yi didn't believe Ah Hong had such ability at all.

At this moment, hearing the movement here, more villagers came over.

Even tourists from the city came to watch the excitement. When everyone approached, they saw Zhang Feng's superb operation. Everyone was shocked and dumbfounded, unable to speak for a long time.

"I'm going, this wave of operations is too hot!!"

"This buddy is on the cliff, it must be on the wall!!"

The tourists shouted in shock, shouting incredible, and the reactions of the villagers were not much better, all of them opened their mouths wide, and couldn't believe their eyes at all.

I wonder if this is still human? ?There are people who can throw seedlings straighter than everyone else's.

I saw that the rice in the paddy field is like a straight line, row by row, with almost no inclination, which is really incredible! !

Kaka!Kaka! !

Excited tourists hurriedly took pictures of Zhang Feng throwing seedlings, and some tourists even took short videos.

So Zhang Feng's tall pictogram spread to everyone's circle of friends in a short while. After seeing it, netizens exclaimed, what a master among the people! !

Seeing so many people coming to watch, Zhang Feng was not nervous. He smiled slightly and continued to carry a basket of seedlings, waving his right hand continuously, and balls of seedlings were accurately thrown into the paddy field.

Seeing that Zhang Feng's movements are so skillful, it is like flowing clouds and flowing water, hearty and dripping, without the slightest pause, more stable and accurate than a machine.

The seedlings in the field are neatly lined up horizontally and vertically, like soldiers lined up, which looks refreshing and refreshing.

"I'm going, Xiaofeng is going crazy, it's going to explode!"

"It's only about ten minutes longer, have you thrown an acre away?"

Sitting on the ridge of the field, Uncle Er Niu couldn't help exclaiming when he saw the seedlings that Zhang Feng had thrown during this time.

The others also gasped and shook their heads, this is really a beast!

The gap between everyone and him is really too far away! !It is simply a hundred and eight thousand miles, and it cannot be compared at all.

The second uncle and the second aunt also put down their work, walked over from the other end, and joined the crowd of onlookers, because Zhang Feng worked at such a brutal speed that the two of them worked for an hour, which was not as good as Zhang Feng's quarter of an hour, so The two elders could only stand on the ridge of the field, shaking their heads and smiling wryly.


"Hee hee! Come on, come and chase me!"

"Oh, wait for me, little stone! Run slower!"

At this moment, the little kids from the village were also chasing and running towards Zhang Feng on the field ridge.

Hearing the voices of a few little kids, Zhang Feng smiled slightly, feeling a lot lighter all over his body, and his work speed was a little faster.

In just half an hour, Zhang Feng scattered more than half of the seedlings in the seven or eight acres of paddy fields. The rest is estimated to be two or three acres, which is not much anymore. It will be done in two or ten minutes at most, and the work is over. Go home and rest.

Seeing Mao Ya's pants stained with yellow mud, Zhang Yi teased with a smile:
"Ouch! Maoya, look at the back of your butt, why is it yellow? Did you pull your papa down your pants?"

"Ah, no! Brother Xiaoyi, just talk nonsense!" Mao Ya became anxious immediately, and protested to Zhang Yi angrily.

"Mao Ya's poo is in his pants! Mao Ya's poo is in his pants!"

Little Shitou laughed and yelled, obviously he was a little guy who didn't think too much of a big deal when he watched the excitement, and he was fooling around with Zhang Yi.

Hearing Xiao Shitou's cry, the villagers looked at Mao Ya one after another with curious expressions on their faces.

Mao Ya was so wronged that she was about to cry.

arguing with crying
"Little Shitou, you are talking nonsense, I don't have any!!"

"Hee hee, I'm not talking nonsense! Look at the yellow behind Mao Ya's butt..."

"Oh, little stone, stop for me..." Mao Ya became angry immediately, she kicked her feet, and desperately chased the little stone.

"Hee hee, you come after me, you come after me..."

Seeing the two little guys chasing and fighting on the field ridge, the villagers all looked at each other and smiled. Everyone knew at a glance that it must be Xiaoshi's nonsense. Mao Ya's pants must have fallen on the ground and were stained Yellow mud.

But as others said, yellow mud falling into the crotch is either shit or shit.


Suddenly an accident happened, the little stone was extremely happy and sad, his feet slipped, and he fell into the paddy field.

The little guy quickly got up, his whole body was covered in mud, he looked like a mud monkey alive and well, completely unable to see the appearance of a human being.

"Hee hee hee, the little stone fell into the field!! Hee hee hee..."

Seeing the little stone falling into the paddy field, Mao Ya cried happily, jumping and jumping, very happy.

As for Xiao Shitou, he was stubborn, so he got up immediately, secretly checked that his parents were not there, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief, otherwise he would definitely be PKed by his parents.

The little guy glanced at Mao Ya angrily, and quickly climbed to the side of the ditch, washing the yellow mud on his body with the river water.

"Hmph, it's all your fault!!" Xiao Shitou looked back at Mao Ya and said angrily.

"Hee hee, who told you to talk nonsense, I told you to stop, but you still ran forward..." Mao Ya said with a gloating smile, thinking, I can blame it!
"You girl, I told you not to run around, don't run around, did you fall down now? After a while, Xiao Shitou's mother will come, what do you do?" Come here and hold your ears.

"Oh, oh, dad, please be gentle!! I don't dare anymore!!" Mao Ya hurriedly cried and begged for mercy.

Uncle Dashan shook his head helplessly. Seeing Xiaoshi's miserable appearance, his whole body was covered in yellow mud, and one ear was soaked in muddy water. Fortunately, her parents were not there. If she were here, I don't know how to blame her My hairy mile! !
So Uncle Dashan hurriedly helped the little guy clean the yellow mud on his body. After a while, the clear river water became turbid.

After washing three or four times, the dirt on the little stone was cleaned.

"Little Shitou, you fell into the paddy field again, you bastard!!" Said Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived!When Xiaoshitou's parents got the news, they rushed over anxiously.

(End of this chapter)

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