small farmer

Chapter 541 Fishing Lobsters

Chapter 541 Fishing Lobsters (23)

Seeing Xiaopang's confidence, Zhang Feng also chose to believe him.

It's a pity that Zhang Feng prepared everything and waited. After a few minutes, instead of feeling the temperature rise in the pot, thick smoke billowed in.

"Cough cough!!"

"What fire are you burning, kill me quickly!!" Zhang Feng was so smoked that he pushed the fat man away.

Immediately, I saw that the stove was full of firewood, so it was so full that there was no air, so it would be strange if it could be ignited.

As the saying goes, people must be loyal, and fire must be hollow.

Zhang Feng took out the excess dry firewood, and the fire in the stove started to burn slowly, and it became hotter and hotter. After a while, the big iron pot turned red.

"You bastard, you can burn like this!!" Zhang Feng hurriedly poured cooking oil, and said speechlessly.

"Hey, I didn't know it would be like this. Didn't the more firewood you put in, the more prosperous the fire would be?" Pang said shyly.

Zhang Feng shook his head, and then taught Xiaopang a few tricks of lighting a fire, and gradually Xiaopang also mastered the method of lighting a fire, and the thick smoke in the room quickly dissipated.

Swish! ! !

Zhang Feng poured in large ingredients such as ginger, Chinese prickly ash and pepper, and the oil splashed immediately. Zhang Feng quickly stir-fried, and soon a strong fragrance wafted out of the pot.

Stir-fry the aniseed ingredients until fragrant, then Zhang Feng pours in the soft-shelled turtle, stir-fry for about four to five minutes, then pour in clean water, wait for the water to boil, then transfer all the turtles into the casserole, put them on a small stove and simmer slowly stew!
"Fatty, watch over here!"

"Don't worry, I'll leave this ball of fish to me!!" Fatty patted his chest, still very active in making food.

Wiping the sweat off his forehead, Zhang Feng went to the yard to rest for a while.

At this time, a few guys were sitting in the yard enjoying the shade, leaning leisurely on the wicker chairs, not to mention how nourishing their small life was.

"Did I say that the brothers are here to do farm work? Why do they seem to be here for tourism?" Zhang Feng asked with a smile.

"Hey, we're doing both work and leisure. The lunatics came to take some pictures of us and posted them in the group. Those guys must be envious!!" Monkey said to Zhang Feng with a smirk.

Zhang Feng smiled slightly, took a few photos for everyone, and then suggested to everyone:
"Come on, let's take a group photo!! Commemorate the days when we fought together!!"

"Okay, okay, everyone stand up!"

"One, two, three...eggplant..."

Click, in an instant, the group photo was successful.

"Hey, there's me too!!"

At this moment, Xiaopang rushed out and shouted anxiously, so everyone missed this guy! !

"Hahaha, where did you hide just now, won't you go looking for food again?"

Everyone couldn't help laughing, and the monkey asked heartlessly.

"Fuck off, my buddy is off to work, okay? Let's cook soft-shelled turtles for everyone!!"

Xiaopang immediately rolled his eyes, and said with a face full of resentment,
I thought to myself that these guys didn't even call me when they took a group photo. Didn't they take themselves seriously? ?
"Hehe, it's okay! It's okay! It was our mistake just now, Xiaopang, come and stand in the middle, let's get another one!!" Zhang Feng quickly admitted his mistake, and apologized to Xiaopang with a smile.

Only then did Xiaopang walk among the crowd and took a group photo with everyone.


"Crazy, we all forgot to catch eels just now!" Brother Niu remembered it after taking a photo, and said to Zhang Feng with some regret.

"It's okay, don't you have rice field eels in my backyard? If you want to eat them, you can catch them yourself, and I will make them for everyone later!" Zhang Feng said with a slight smile.

"That's right, why didn't I think of that!!" Fatty Niu stood up excitedly, and then shouted to Binzi and Houzi:
"Let's go! Bring the fish baskets and nets, let's go to the backyard to catch eels!!"

Everyone likes Zhang Feng’s rice field eel very much. When they thought of the tempting smell, everyone was so excited that they picked up tools one after another and walked to the backyard. Even the introverted Li Jun followed with a smile lively.

Although the ditch in the backyard is not big, it is only 30 meters long and about [-] meter wide. This is the result of Zhang Feng's enlargement.

Although the ditch is narrow, there are many good things in it. Needless to say, rice field eels weigh at least a few hundred catties, and there are also many big fish in it. Many carp and crucian carp in Moon Lake follow the ditch and swim against the current. On, drilled here.

In addition, there are many crabs and crayfish in the ditch.

After several months of growth and reproduction of the crayfish that were stocked last year, there are already quite a few, but Zhang Feng has never fished them out to try.

After everyone sees it today, they will definitely have a tooth-making festival and eat meat!After all, who can resist the delicacy of spicy crayfish.

"Wow, crayfish, how come there are crayfish in it!!"

Just as Zhang Feng was thinking, the sharp-eyed monkey found the trace of the laughing lobster in the ditch, and immediately screamed in surprise.

"Where, where are the crayfish?" Fatty Niu excitedly grabbed the monkey's arm and asked.

"Here, right here, do you see it!" the monkey pointed at the hiding place of the crayfish with a wooden stick, and shouted to everyone.

"Catch it quickly!!" Seeing that the monkey hadn't made a move yet, Niu Zhong excitedly rolled up his sleeves and started to do it, boldly grabbing the frisky crayfish.

Putting the caught crayfish into the fish basket, Niu Zhong was overjoyed, "Everyone is looking for it, there must be more here."

I have to say that for the sake of eating, everyone worked extremely hard, completely forgetting that they were here to catch ricefield eels, and rushed to find crayfish by the ditch.

"Oh, brother Niu, I don't think we can find it."

"Yeah, the crayfish ran away when the water was stirred!!" Monkey and Binzi reported to Niu Zhong.

"Hey, are we really stupid? Aren't crayfish used for fishing?" Hearing what the two said, Niu Zhong slapped his thigh angrily, but then his eyes lit up, and he immediately thought of the way to catch crayfish .

Zhang Feng didn't speak the whole time, just quietly watching everyone play! !Although everyone made a lot of fools while catching crayfish, isn't this more interesting?

Thinking of a good way, everyone quickly split up and acted separately. The monkeys were responsible for digging up earthworms, and Zhang Yi went home to get the hook and thin line.

Soon everything will be ready.

Everyone used earthworms as bait, hung the earthworms on the hooks, put them into the ditch and started fishing.

"Haha, I caught one!"

"Hey, I caught one too, it's so big!!"

Hearing that the backyard was extremely lively, Xiaopang couldn't help running over, and handed over the stewed soft-shelled turtle to the eldest sister.

"You people are really heartless, you don't call me for anything fun!!" Xiaopang hurried over and said dissatisfied.

"Hey, don't we want to disturb your turtle stew??"

"Monkey, you are awesome, next time we will be completely friends!!" Xiaopang glared at Monkey and warned very seriously.

"Okay, okay, I was wrong this time, I will call you if there is something interesting next time!!"

 Thank you very much for the book friend 'dusaihua0725' for the reward and the subscription of Piaopiao, thank you for your support!There is one more tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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