small farmer

Chapter 542 Confirm the date of engagement

Chapter 542 Confirm the date of engagement (33)

In less than half an hour, everyone caught half a bucket of crayfish.

If Zhang Feng hadn't stopped immediately, these guys probably wanted to catch all the lobsters in the ditch! !
However, although crayfish are delicious, they are not so easy to clean.

Because lobster is an omnivorous animal, it is not picky about food. It is willing to eat fresh snails, and it can also eat fish corpses that have been dead for many days, which leads to a lot of dirty things hidden in its body.

It is still necessary to feed the lobster with light salt water for an hour or two before killing it, which will allow it to spit out some harmful substances in its body and eat healthier.

The tail of the lobster has the most meat, but there is an inedible intestine between the meat and the shell, which is full of lobster excrement and needs to be pulled out.

Lobsters with heads and tails removed can be soaked in a basin filled with vinegar water, because some lobster shells will have black dirt remaining on them, which is difficult to wash off with clean water. It also has the effect of disinfection and sterilization, which will make the lobster cleaner,

Finally, scrub carefully with a brush, and then rinse with water a few times and you're done.

"Ah!! It's finally cleaned!"

Although the lobster was delicious, it was too troublesome. After cleaning all the lobsters, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

No one expected to make everyone wait another two hours for a meal of lobster. It was already 01:30 at this time, and everyone was very hungry.

Xiao Pang directly took a freshly washed tomato, swallowed it in two bites, then broke off half of a cucumber, and started to eat it.

"Crazy, hurry up, I'm so hungry!!" Fatty urged Zhang Feng while eating.

"Hehe, I know I'm in a hurry now. I don't know who said before, 'We can wait, as long as we can eat crayfish, we can wait another three or four hours', huh?" Zhang Feng asked Xiaopang with a smile.

"Hey, lunatic, I was wrong, can I admit that I was wrong?" Fatty hurriedly begged Zhang Feng for mercy.

"Then why don't you hurry up and light a fire for me?" Zhang Feng rolled his eyes.

"Hey, right away, right away!!" Hearing that Zhang Feng was about to start cooking, Fatty was overjoyed,

Stuffing the cucumber into his mouth, he hurried into the kitchen.

The ingredients and condiments of each dish have been prepared by Zhang Feng, waiting for everyone to clean the crayfish before they can be put into the pot.

The exuberant firewood was burning in the firepit. Zhang Feng poured in vegetable oil, and when the oil boiled, he poured in ginger, garlic, chili and other condiments. The eel is out of the pan.

"Don't steal it!" Seeing Xiaopang's eagerness to move, Zhang Feng couldn't help reminding.

"I don't want to steal it, I just want to help you taste whether the salt is enough!!" Xiaopang said in a hurry.

Zhang Feng rolled his eyes immediately, this trick was left over from the little duck's play, even if a child can't fool him, can he still fool himself?

But Zhang Feng doesn't have time to supervise this guy, and there are more dishes to be fried! !
Braised crucian carp in soy sauce, spicy crayfish, fried pectin root with bacon, sliced ​​fungus meat, fried pork with green pepper...a total of eight meat dishes, and a pot of vegetarian pumpkin and cowpea soup.

correct!There is also chubby stewed soft-shelled turtle.

There is a whole table of dishes, and everyone's mouth is watering.

"Xiaoyi, monkey, set the table and prepare to eat!!"

"Hey! Got it (brother)."

The table is placed in the yard, under the wide shade of trees, and the spring breeze is blowing, which is cool.

"Xiaofeng, let me help you!"

"Thank you, Brother Jun!!"

Zhang Feng was not polite to him either, and everyone rushed to bring the dishes to the table.

"Come on, let's all have a toast!!"



"Okay, everyone is hungry too, hurry up and eat, you're welcome!!"

Following Zhang Feng's order, everyone moved their chopsticks one after another. They were already so hungry that their stomachs were on their backs, and seeing so many delicious dishes, how could everyone sit still! !

Looking at the prospective son-in-law in front of her, Zhang Mu Wang Guilan greeted with a smile:
"Hehe, Xiaojun picks up whatever he likes to eat, it's like being in his own home!"

"Hey, I got it, Auntie!!" Li Jun nodded with a smile.

"Mom, let's eat first, we'll talk about something after dinner!"

Seeing that his mother hesitated to speak, Zhang Feng knew that now was not the time to talk about the marriage between his eldest sister and Li Jun, so he said to his mother with a smile.

"Hey! Everyone eats, you're welcome." Mother nodded with a smile, and then said to the guests.


After lunch, everyone sat in the yard to enjoy the shade and chat.

Zhang Feng's family and Li Jun discussed the engagement in the room.

After some exchanges, both of them agreed to get engaged on May [-]st, and they will be completely married on the [-]th of this year!
Although Li Jun is not outstanding, Zhang Feng can see his deep love for his eldest sister from his eyes! !
After confirming the marriage between the eldest sister and Li Jun, Zhang Feng and his mother were very happy, and at the same time he was relieved that the eldest sister finally found her own destination and her own happiness.

Although the love between the two is not vigorous, it is also full of warmth in the ordinary. Maybe this is the love of ordinary people. There are not so many setbacks and so much sweetness, and some are just a kind of responsibility and a kind of companionship! !


"Crazy, what are you doing in the house?" Seeing Zhang Feng coming out, the monkey asked curiously.

"It's okay, let's chat with Brother Jun!!" Zhang Feng smiled, and didn't intend to tell about the elder sister's engagement.

It's just an engagement, and it doesn't need to be so grand, just invite a few closest relatives, have a meal, and be a witness!It doesn't need to be as cumbersome as in ancient times.

"Oh, maniac, how about we play a game?"

"Okay, what game are you playing?" Seeing that everyone was sitting here and had nothing to do, Zhang Feng nodded with a smile.

"How about just playing 10:30? How about we draw a turtle if we lose??" Monkey looked at everyone, and then suggested.

"No, no, drawing a turtle can't be cleaned in a few days, so it should be a sticky note?" Fatty loses the worst every time he plays this game, so he shakes his head quickly, and can't agree to this punishment plan even if he is killed.

"Hehe, let's do as Xiaopang said, it's better to stick a note!!" Fatty Niu also immediately supported Xiaopang, obviously both of them are not good at this kind of game.

The game at 10:30 is very simple. First, each player is dealt a card, and those who exceed 10:30 will lose directly.

When you get the first card, you can decide whether you want Chapter 2 or not according to the size of the cards you get. If Chapter 2 is too big and the sum of the two cards exceeds 10:30, it is considered a loss.

After the last two rounds, we will start to compare the size, whoever has the biggest will win, and of course it cannot exceed 10:30.

The winner takes all, and the loser will get a sticker. The gameplay is very simple. Zhang Feng often played with his classmates when he was in college.

(End of this chapter)

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