small farmer

Chapter 564 The Leather Monkey Running All over the Mountain

Chapter 564 The Leather Monkey Running All over the Mountain (33)

I want watermelon vines from the second uncle

Zhang Feng hurriedly walked home. The watermelon vines that had been pulled out had to be planted as soon as possible, otherwise the longer they were outside, the harder it would be for them to survive.

"Xiaofeng, what are you holding in your hand?" The sky was getting dark, and seeing what the younger brother was holding in his hand, the elder sister asked curiously.

"Here, this is the watermelon vine. The second uncle asked for it just now!" Zhang Feng smiled, took out a hoe from the utility room, and walked towards the backyard.

This year, I planted a pumpkin in my backyard, so there is still a lot of open space near the back mountain, which is just right for planting this watermelon seedling.

When he came to the backyard, Zhang Feng dug a small hole with a hoe, and then carefully buried the roots of the watermelon in the soil,
Looking around and seeing no one around, Zhang Feng quietly dropped a drop of auxin into the bucket, diluted it with water, and poured it all over the watermelon seedlings.

With the help of auxin, I believe that the watermelon seedlings I just planted will definitely survive and grow better.

After patting the dirt on his hands, Zhang Feng walked home with a bucket and a hoe.


the next morning
As soon as Zhang Feng's family got up, Grandpa Liu and Grandma Liu came to Zhang Feng's house with an empty basket.

"Xiaofeng is up, the old lady and I are going to go to the orchard to pick fruit with you!!" The old man said with a smile.

"How can this be done..." How could Zhang Feng ask the two elders to help.

"Hehe, it's fine. The old man and I are in good health. Let's go for a walk up the mountain and exercise our bodies." Grandma Liu waved her hands.

Hearing what Grandma Liu said, Zhang Feng could only agree, as long as the two elders were not allowed to go to the steep place.

"Brother Crazy, here we come..." After a while, Little Duck and Da Mao also came, followed by Mao Ya, Xiao Shitou and a few oil bottles.

Today is Saturday, the little guy got up early, waiting to go up the mountain to eat peaches! !

"Hehe, these little things..."

Seeing the little kids jumping up and down, so happy, the two elders sat at the stone table and said with a smile, thinking that these kids are really cute.

"Little ducks, wash your hands quickly, we're going to have breakfast!!" Zhang Feng came out of the kitchen and instructed the little ones.

"Understood, madman!!"

"Let's go, wash your hands!!"

The little ones are swarming in everything they do, and they are scrambling to wash their hands, which is very lively.

Although the little ones are very small, the oldest is only six years old, but these leather monkeys have a lot of food. The leather monkeys in the countryside are like this, they can eat three big bowls for a meal.

"Well, it's delicious, it's delicious!"

“The noodles cooked by Crazy Brother are really delicious!!”

At this time, the little kids were sitting in the yard each with a big bowl of noodles. They crowded around the stone table, eating with gusto and full of praise.

"Mao Ya, eat slowly, look at the mouth full of food!" Grandma Liu said with a smile, and took out a tissue from her bag to wipe off the oil stains on Mao Ya's face.

"Thank you, Grandma!!" Mao Ya said softly.

"Hey! Hehe, Mao Ya is so good!" Grandma Liu said with a smile, her eyes full of kindness.

After breakfast, the little ones walked slowly to the orchard under the leadership of the two elders.

When they came to the orchard, the monkeys climbed up the tree in no time, and Zhang Feng didn't care about them, as long as Maoya and the three or four-year-olds didn't climb the tree.

As for Duckling and Da Mao, they usually go up trees to catch birds and go down rivers to catch fish. They climb trees faster than many teenagers, so Zhang Feng doesn't need to worry at all.

Zhang Feng's family didn't care, but Grandpa Liu and Grandma Liu were too busy. The two elders have been taking care of these little guys.

"These leather monkeys are really naughty!" Grandma Liu said helplessly, watching the little guys running all over the mountain.

"Yeah, why do I feel like the two of us are like firefighters? The fire here has not been extinguished, but there is another fire there!!" The old man also smiled wryly and shook his head. This wild child in the countryside is really difficult to take care of.

"Well, delicious, madman brother, why are your peaches so delicious?" As soon as the little duck climbed up the tree, he picked a big and red peach for himself, stuffed it into his mouth without wiping it, and gulped I ate it.

"Hehe, the peaches in my house are all flat peaches in the sky, the kind of peaches that Monkey King ate in Journey to the West, do you think they are delicious?" Zhang Feng said nonsense seriously.

"Hee hee, crazy brother, you are lying again!!" The little guy didn't believe it at all, he had just read Journey to the West, and the peaches on it were different from the peaches here!

"How did I lie to you?" Zhang Feng deliberately teased the little guy.

"My father said that the peaches grown in our village are all nectarines, not flat peaches!!" The little guy said with certainty.

"Hey, it's not bad, you even know this!" After Zhang Feng finished speaking, he smiled, feeling that the little guy has really grown up and already knows a lot of common sense in life.

"Hee hee, of course!" The little guy raised his head and said triumphantly,

At this moment, Grandma Liu suddenly received a call.

"Hey, we're in the orchard now, so please wait there, we'll be right back."

"Who's here?" the old man asked curiously.

"It's Sister Wang and her grandson!" Grandma Liu said with a smile.

"Oh!" The old man understood immediately.

It turned out to be the young man who sold potted plants and his grandma. Since the last time I bought potted plants, Sister Wang would go to the village to get together with Grandma Liu almost every week, and the relationship between them was getting better and better.

"Then shall we talk to Xiaofeng?"

"Okay!" Grandma Liu nodded to Zhang Feng.

"Xiaofeng, we have something to do, so let's go back first."

"Okay, it's okay, you go back first, we are almost there!!" Zhang Feng responded with a smile.

After saying goodbye to each other, the two elders immediately walked home.

After the two elders left, Zhang Feng's family was not slow, picking all the ripe peaches in less than two hours.

There are more than 30 baskets and nearly two thousand catties. Zhang Feng estimates that this has reached the peak, and there will be fewer and fewer ripe peaches starting tomorrow.

Zhang Feng calculated in his mind that this year's peaches should only be about 80.00% of last year's, because many peach trees have aged and withered in winter.Coupled with the drought encountered in the past few days, the production of fruit trees has been reduced.

Although the production of peaches at home has decreased, the price this year is even higher. In the Jiajiawang supermarket, it can sell for 50 yuan per catty, and the supply is in short supply.

Therefore, Zhang Feng estimated that just selling peaches this year would earn millions of dollars, five or six times more than last year.


"Brother Feng, Auntie, are you back?" As soon as everyone entered the room, Wang Chen greeted everyone with a smile.

"When did Xiaochen come?" Zhang Feng asked with a smile.

"It didn't take long."

"How did you do in the civil service exam?" Zhang Feng asked Wang Chen while washing his face. This guy is also a bit playful, and he hasn't passed the exam after graduating for a year.

"Hey, I feel pretty good this time, I should be able to pass the written test!"

"Well, that's good, as long as you look for connections during the interview, you should be able to succeed!"

Zhang Feng knew that this guy's parents were both civil servants, and his father was still the section chief, so he would definitely pass the interview without any accidents.

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(End of this chapter)

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