small farmer

Chapter 565 Iron Tree

Chapter 565 Iron Tree (13)

"Hey, I feel really good this time, I should pass the written test!"

"Well, that's good, as long as you look for connections during the interview, you should be able to succeed!"

Zhang Feng knew that this guy's parents were both civil servants, and his father was still the section chief. He would definitely pass the interview without any accidents.

Suddenly Zhang Feng saw an additional iron tree in his yard, "Hey, Xiaochen, is this the iron tree you brought?"

"Well, in order to bring this thing here, I almost died of exhaustion. Fortunately, when I arrived in the village, a villager elder brother helped to move here." Wang Chen shook his head with a wry smile.

"That's really hard work bro, I'll make a table of delicious food later!!" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

Such a big iron tree weighs at least seventy to eighty catties. For Wang Chen, a frail scholar, moving here from a county town a few kilometers away, even with a tricycle, is not easy.

"Hey, thank you Brother Feng!!" Upon hearing that Zhang Feng was going to cook delicious food, Wang Chen immediately laughed happily.

For Zhang Feng's food, Wang Chen was completely fascinated by the first time he ate it. He felt that he had never been late for such a delicious meal when he was so old. Only Grandpa Liu could compare with it. The food cooked by people is equally delicious, it is simply delicious in the world.

"Xiaofeng, you are back!!"

At this moment, Grandma Liu and Grandma Wang came in each carrying a vegetable basket, which contained all kinds of wild vegetables, including shepherd's purse, dandelion, cat's ears, and of course wild celery and pectin.

Zhang Feng immediately greeted the two elders with a smile.

After a while, the old man also came out of the kitchen. It turned out that he had already started preparing lunch for everyone in the kitchen.

There are three old people who are helping to cook, and Zhang Feng is much more relaxed. He just helps them choose and wash vegetables, and helps the old man. As for the chef, of course it is left to the old man.

"Grandpa and grandma, come and taste the juice squeezed from my peaches!!" The eldest sister walked into the kitchen with several glasses of juice.

"Hehe, thank you, Xiaoqin!!" The old man knew that Zhang Feng's fruit was not ordinary, so he picked up a glass and tasted it without any hesitation.

"Sister Wang, come and try it too, Xiaofeng's juice tastes really good!!" Grandma Liu brought a glass to Grandma Wang along the way.

"Really, then I have to taste it!" Grandma Wang said with a smile,

Since the death of her husband, Grandma Wang's health deteriorated and she almost collapsed.

But since I met Grandma Liu, I may have met new friends, and I have come out of the grief of losing my husband. Now my health is getting better and better, and I can already walk around by myself!
"Well, it's delicious. Brother Feng, why are all the food in your house so delicious?" Wang Chen was very curious. Not only the vegetables here are delicious, but even the fruits are extraordinary.

"Hehe, are the vegetables and fruits in Moon Lake normal?" Zhang Feng smiled and didn't answer directly.

"Oh, look, I forgot all of this!!" Wang Chen slapped his head, this is the place where Moon Lake vegetables and fruits are produced, so isn't it normal that the vegetables and fruits from Brother Feng's house taste good?
"Eat more if it tastes good. There are freshly picked peaches on the table."

"Hey, thank you Brother Feng! Then I won't be polite!"

Wang Chen is also a snack foodie. After drinking the juice in two sips, he took a few fruits from the stone table, rinsed them by the water pipe a few times, and ate them with relish.

"Let's go! Let's go to the backyard to catch some rice field eels, and you can bring some back for your uncles and aunts to taste later!!"

"Ah, why is this so embarrassing?" Wang Chen said hesitantly.

"Hehe, it's okay. There are a lot of eels in the backyard, and the family can't finish it! You just treat it as a helping hand." Zhang Feng smiled, took Wang Chen with a net and a small bucket, and walked to the backyard.

"Dahua, what are you doing?" As soon as he entered the backyard, Zhang Feng became furious. It turned out that Dahua took his wife and a bunch of chickens to turn the vegetable field upside down. How could Zhang Feng not be angry.

"Cluck! Cluck!!" Dahua saw the master coming, and hurried away with the whole family, and disappeared in the backyard in a blink of an eye.

Zhang Feng is so angry, these guys are digging three feet into the ground. Big holes have been dug out in the open space in the backyard. The mess looks so messy that Zhang Feng gets a headache when he sees it.

But fortunately, Dahua still has a semblance of reason, and did not harm the vegetables in the vegetable field, otherwise Zhang Feng would have to make Dahua into chicken stewed mushrooms.

"Tsk tsk!! Brother Feng, your chickens are so smart!!" Seeing the escaped chickens, Wang Chen was also very surprised.

Zhang Feng smiled helplessly, and quickly took a hoe from under the eaves to fill up the potholes.

"Wow, Brother Feng, there are still crayfish in the ditch?" Wang Chen who suddenly walked to the side of the ditch exclaimed in surprise, as if he had discovered a new continent.

"Of course, there are not only eels, crayfish, but also crabs inside!" Zhang Feng smiled slightly, filled in the ground damaged by Dahua, and walked over immediately.

"Hey, Brother Feng, how about we catch some crayfish?" Wang Chen licked his lips, drooling at the thought of the delicious spicy crayfish.

"Okay, as long as you don't mind the trouble, let's catch some for dinner." Zhang Feng smiled. After half a year of growth and reproduction, there are already a lot of crayfish in the ditch.

Then Zhang Feng went back to the house and gave Wang Chen the hook to catch crayfish by himself, while Zhang Feng went to the other side of the ditch to catch eels.

so many!Seeing that Zhang Feng caught three or four rice field eels with one net, Wang Chen was horrified, thinking when did rice field eels in the water become so easy to catch?Are these eels stupid, why don't they know how to escape? ?
However, he didn't know that because of the bait mixed with auxin, even though he knew it was dangerous, these eels still rushed like moths to a flame.

Moreover, Zhang Feng's hand speed was super fast, and before the eel could react, he had already made a move, and if he caught it in a net, he would definitely gain something.

While the two were fishing for eels and lobsters in the backyard, the old man also started cooking.

Immediately, a strong fragrance floated in the air, and slowly floated to the backyard.

"Mmm, it smells so good, this is fried pear root!!" Wang Chen sniffed the strong fragrance, and then sighed.

Zhang Feng smiled and nodded, thinking that this guy is really a foodie.

"Xiaofeng, Xiaochen, what are you doing in the backyard? It's time to eat!" After a while, the eldest sister came to the backyard and shouted to the two of them.

"Hey, we'll be right there!!"

"Let's go, let's go, we've caught a lot of crayfish, let's go back to eat quickly!!" Zhang Feng looked at the bucket, the crayfish Wang Chen caught should be one or two catties, which is enough for one meal at night .

(End of this chapter)

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