small farmer

Chapter 577 The Beaten Duckling

Chapter 577 The Beaten Duckling (13)

"Wow... woah..."

In the evening, by the Moon Lake, there was a cry of a little kid, crying so heartbreakingly, it was so sad!

Zhang Feng came out to have a look

Whoa! !Who else could it be if it wasn't a little duck.

Uncle Er Niu pulled this guy by the ear and walked towards this side.

"What's the matter, Uncle Er Niu? What's wrong with the little duck?" Seeing the father and son walking towards the door of their house, Zhang Feng asked curiously.

"It's such a fucking day! When I closed the stall just now, I checked a bag of spicy sticks that I bought a few days ago. There were a hundred bags, and there was less than half of it left. The rest was all taken by this guy. Stolen!!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" The little guy twitched and then argued.

"Damn it, you still say you didn't steal it?"

Seeing that this guy was still so stubborn and refused to admit it, Uncle Er Niu suddenly became angry, and slapped the little guy on the back twice, making the little duck scream.

"Wow... woah..."

The little guy burst into tears again, arguing that the things he took were not considered stealing!
Zhang Feng couldn't laugh or cry at once, this little guy has got the true biography of Kong Yiji, can stealing his own things be considered stealing?Of course, as long as there is no parental permission, of course things at home cannot be taken casually.

"Say, where did you get the one at home??" Uncle Er Niu tugged at the little guy's ear and asked.

"Woo...I...sold it to a classmate in school!" The little guy confessed to his father while sobbing.

After the little guy's intermittent narration, Zhang Feng couldn't help laughing. It turned out that this guy had a criminal record, but before, he would only throw in one or two packs to relieve his greed, so even if Uncle Er Niu found out, he didn't bother him.

Unexpectedly, a few days ago, Duckling secretly ate spicy strips at school, and was seen by other students. In this way, Duckling's spicy strips business opened.

Fifty cents for a pack of spicy strips, that's what it really means to be innocent.

For the first time, the little guy only brought three packs of spicy strips to school, ate one pack for himself, bought two packs for his classmates, and earned a total of one yuan.

Since then, Duck's business has been out of control. The students knew that this guy brought a lot of spicy sticks to school, so they would secretly go to Duck's to buy a pack to satisfy their hunger.

As the business of the little duck is getting better and better, in just two or three days, the little guy sold more than 40 packs and earned more than 20 yuan.

"I told you to go to school and sell hot strips to me! What's the money for you?" Uncle Er Niu glared at his son, annoyed.

" the pocket..." the little guy said with evasive eyes, probably almost spent the money selling spicy sticks.

Uncle Er Niu, open the little guy's purse, and take out a handful of change, fifty cents, and several coins for one piece!

Uncle Er Niu counted, and there was only 11 yuan and fifty cents left, so Uncle Er Niu continued to interrogate and found out that the rest of the money was spent by this little guy buying snacks! !
"Hurry up and go home and do my homework, you must finish all the "Mathematical Synchronization Exercises" for me tonight..."

Saying that Uncle Er Niu was about to kick him, the little duck reacted very quickly, and dodged it all at once, then covered his buttocks and ran towards the house.

Seeing the monkey run away, Uncle Er Niu smiled wryly and shook his head.

"Hey, raising such a monkey is even more troublesome than raising three daughters!"

"Come on, others still envy you for having a precious son!" Zhang Feng shook his head with a smile, and then continued: "Come in and sit for a while?"

Uncle Er Niu nodded and followed Zhang Feng to the yard.

The two sat beside the root carving coffee table, drinking tea and chatting in the afterglow of the setting sun, incomparably leisurely and comfortable.

"Oh! I really believe in your evil. In order to buy mushrooms, I really wake up earlier than chickens and sleep later than dogs every day. I feel like I have lost five or six catties in just two or three days!" Uncle Er Niu Bitterly complained to Zhang Feng.

Although I have made a lot of money buying mushrooms in the past few days, I am really too tired. I have to get up in the middle of the night every day, and then go to the mountains to pick fruits in the dark with a flashlight, and then feel that other villages are going to collect mushrooms non-stop. I have to be busy until the afternoon before I can go home.

"I'll go, do you think you're really a cow, and you can lose five or six catties by pulling a pile of shit??" Zhang Feng rolled his eyes,

Although this guy looked a little tired, his mental outlook was very good. When he talked about the thin mushroom, his eyes were shining with gold.

"Hey, although I haven't lost that much weight, I've been exhausted these few days!!" Uncle Er Niu smiled wretchedly, and then said.

"Okay, you can earn four to five thousand a day now, so I guess you still wish you would be tired for a few more days?" Zhang Feng rolled his eyes, wondering what he was thinking?
"No matter how much you earn, how can you be a black-hearted capitalist like you? You probably earn hundreds of thousands a day, right?" Uncle Er Niu glared at Zhang Feng, and then asked.

"Hundreds of thousands of wool, the goods are still piled up at home and not sold? The hundreds of thousands you gave me?" Zhang Feng smiled wryly and shook his head. In theory, his profit is not low.

But now, not only did I not make any money, but I had to spend more than [-] yuan a day to buy mushrooms. If I wanted to make money, it would be almost the same unless I sold all these mushrooms.

Therefore, although the acquisition has only been two months, it may take more than half a year to sell the mushrooms. Calculated in this way, I only earned 800 million yuan, or tens of millions at most, for more than half a year. .

"You kid, don't think I don't know. Your mushrooms are so popular that they will be sold sooner or later. You spend half a day every day and can earn millions after two months of work. If you are still satisfied?? Why don't you go there? Forget about robbing the bank??" Uncle Er Niu said angrily.

It’s true that people are more angry than people. I am tired like a dead dog every day, and I only earn four to five thousand, and I only earn 10,000+ in two months, but Zhang Feng stays at home and hardly does anything. You can make millions easily, and you say it's outrageous.

Of course, although Uncle Er Niu is a little unbalanced psychologically, he will not be jealous. Instead, he is grateful to Zhang Feng from the bottom of his heart, because if he hadn't brought everyone together to collect mushrooms, he would not have made so much money.

"It's hard for me to go, you can even come up with such a stupid idea!" Zhang Feng smiled and shook his head.

Almost all mobile payment is now, how much cash can there be in the bank?Every time you withdraw more than [-] cash, you need to make an appointment, so how much money can you get by robbing a bank?
"I'm afraid you don't understand the complicated plan?? A simple and crude method like robbing a bank is just right for you." Uncle Er Niu looked at Zhang Feng, blinked, and said with a smile.

Zhang Feng was speechless immediately. Could it be that he is such a simple-minded person with well-developed limbs? ?

The golden sky fell to the west, and the whole sky gradually dimmed. The small mountain village by the Moon Lake also entered a quiet night. The villagers who had been busy all day also started a leisurely nightlife.

 The two chapters in the evening are estimated to be late, I hope everyone will forgive me! !
(End of this chapter)

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