small farmer

Chapter 578 Bedwetting Small Stones

Chapter 578 Bedwetting Small Stones (23)

The little lotus showed its sharp horns, and dragonflies had long been standing on their heads.

The lotus leaves in Moon Lake are boundless, looking like a green prairie from a distance. Under the sunshine, the dewdrops on the lotus leaves emit dazzling light.

At this time, the sky was blue and cloudless, and the birds soared carefree in the sky, overlooking this beautiful small mountain village, the beautiful Moon Lake, lingering in the sky for a long time, unwilling to leave.

The sun was shining brightly, under the cloudless sky, there were endless fields. Zhang Feng drove towards the field in a small three-wheeler, pulling two bags of fertilizer.

Under the nourishment of the sun and rain, the seedlings in the field grow rapidly, almost changing every day, full of vitality.

"What is Xiaofeng doing in the field?" Uncle Dashan was planting vegetables in the field, and he saw Zhang Feng walking on the field ridge with half a bag of fertilizer, so he asked with a smile.

"Fertilizing the rice! Uncle Dashan didn't collect mushrooms this year?" Zhang Feng smiled and asked.

"What do you want? It didn't rain all day yesterday, where did you get the mushrooms in the mountains!" Uncle Dashan shook his head.

Since it didn't rain yesterday, the mushrooms in the mountains would not grow, so Uncle Dashan and the others didn't go to the countryside to buy mushrooms, and stayed at home to do farm work.

After chatting with Uncle Dashan, Zhang Feng walked towards his field with the fertilizer in his arms.

At this time, the fields are green and green, and the green seedlings are facing the sun, exuding endless vitality. Looking from a distance, it makes people feel refreshed and relaxed.

Seeing the beauty of the fields, it is no wonder that many people yearn for a quiet rural life, picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, and seeing Nanshan leisurely.

Only among such beautiful mountains and rivers can one enjoy the leisurely and comfortable rural life.

Fertilizing rice is very simple, even people who don't know anything about farming can understand it immediately just by looking at it.

When he came to the edge of his field, he opened his bag of fertilizer. Zhang Feng grabbed the white fertilizer and sprinkled it evenly on the field like a fairy scattering flowers.

Because there is water in the field, the chemical fertilizer can be melted and absorbed by the seedlings evenly, so that there is no need to apply fertilizer to the corn, which has to be accurately thrown at the root of the corn.

Therefore, Zhang Feng's speed was even faster, and he sprinkled it as much as he wanted... In less than a quarter of an hour, all the rice in the two-acre field had been fertilized.

I have to say that Zhang Feng is a pervert, and the speed of his work is even worse than that of ordinary machines. The villagers have been numb from the shock, and they are no strangers to it every time they see it.


"Huh! Why do there seem to be fish in the water?" After finishing his work, Zhang Feng sat on the edge of the field to rest for a while, and suddenly found that there were many small fish in his field.

This is very strange. I didn't put fish fry in the paddy field this year. Could it be that my second uncle threw it in? ?
Zhang Feng stood up curiously, and then walked to the paddy field of the second uncle's house.

Sure enough, there were some small fish in the field of the second uncle's house, and they were almost as big as his own. Now Zhang Feng can be sure. It is estimated that when the second uncle released the fry, he also released some for his paddy field.

Fish farming in rice fields used to be one of the means for villagers to increase their income.

When the harvest is good, you can harvest [-] to [-] catties of carp per mu, and even at the worst time, you can harvest [-] to [-] catties per mu. Although you can’t make a lot of money, you can at least earn money by selling the fish in the rice fields. Change some lampblack to subsidize the household.

However, this year, the situation in the village has changed a lot. Because everyone's income has soared, many people don't think highly of this income.

Therefore, many villagers did not put fish fry in the rice fields anymore. After all, raising fish in rice fields does not make a lot of money a year.


The clear water of the Tapang River flows eastward through the lush green fields and finally disappears into the eastern sky.

Sitting on the edge of the field, stretching your feet into the river, you immediately feel very cool, as if it is cool autumn.

After cleaning the yellow mud on the slippers and shaking the river water on his feet, Zhang Feng stood up, picked up the fertilizer bag, and walked towards the parking place facing the bright sunshine and cool breeze.


Driving three wheels on the main road in the village, the banyan trees and camphor trees on the side of the road cover the sky and the sun, and tourists in twos and threes under the shade of the trees enjoy the cool here. Every summer, this place becomes a good place for everyone to escape from the summer heat.


"Hey, Xiao Shitou can still wash clothes by himself?"

When the car came to the door of Xiaoshitou's house, the little guy was poking his buttocks and rubbing the clothes in the wooden basin. Zhang Feng asked with a surprised smile as if he saw an alien.

Before Xiao Shitou had time to speak, Mao Ya broke the news to Zhang Feng with a smile: "Hee hee, lunatic brother, Xiao Shitou wet the bed last night, aunt let him wash his wet pants!!"

"Ah, madman brother, don't listen to Mao Ya's nonsense, I didn't wet the bed, it was because it was too hot last night, and my body was wet with sweat." Xiao Shitou argued hastily.

After all, bedwetting is not an honorable thing, the little guy hastily explained to Zhang Feng.

"Hee hee, Xiao Shitou is ashamed! Wetting the bed and lying to others!" The little girl sneered.

"Mao Ya, stop for me..." Xiao Shitou stood up immediately after being ridiculed by Mao Ya, and chased after Mao Ya angrily.

Zhang Feng smiled and shook his head. Seeing Xiao Shitou's distraught look, he didn't know the real situation. This guy was probably afraid of being laughed at by everyone, so he made up a 'sweaty' story.

However, Zhang Feng wanted to say that Xiao Shitou really sweated a lot, and it was sweat coming out of his dick.

This little guy is so cute, Zhang Feng smiled, started the car again, and returned home soon.

Driving the car into the yard, Zhang Feng found that Li Jun had actually arrived, and was helping his elder sister pack the crispy fish in the house.

"Xiaofeng is back?" Seeing Zhang Feng, Li Jun greeted with a smile.

"Brother Jun didn't have a sports car today??" Zhang Feng asked with a smile.

"Business is not good recently. You can make money by running taxis and Didi cars!" Li Jun shook his head helplessly.
Qingshan was originally an inconspicuous small county town, and it used to be possible to get enough food and clothing by running a taxi, but since the emergence of Didi Che, a large number of private cars have poured into this industry, and now the business is getting worse and worse, earning one or two hundred dollars a day That's pretty good. When you're unlucky, you can't even earn enough to pay for the gas in a day.

"Well, after working this year, I guess I'm going to drive a Didi car too!!" Li Jun smiled wryly, because the time for signing with the taxi company has not yet come, and the contract can only be terminated at the end of the year.

So I have to live a few more than half a year of hard life!

Hearing this, Zhang Feng's expression suddenly changed, and he thought it would be better to take this opportunity to let Brother Jun open a homestay in the village. Tourism in the village is so popular now, and in this way he and his eldest sister can often be together.

(End of this chapter)

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