small farmer

Chapter 580 Taking a Shower in the River

Chapter 580 Taking a Shower in the River (13)

On April [-]th, there is a big flood.

As long as Zhang Feng can remember, he has often heard the elders chanting like this.

It is said that there will be heavy rain or even heavy rain on April [-] every year, and this day is the time with the most rain every year.

And today is the eighth day of the fourth lunar month! !

At this time, Zhang Feng was lying under the big cypress tree, flipping through "100 Scores in the Shipping Driving Test", because the weather was hot and distracted, he didn't read it at all.

"The weather is so damn hot!!" Zhang Feng exhaled, sat up and wiped the sweat from his forehead,
I thought to myself how hot it is like a stove today, and the air pressure is extremely dull, which makes people unable to calm down.

Looking up at the sky, there were no clouds under the pale sun.

What a hell of a weather this is! ! !

There will definitely be heavy rain or even heavy rain today, and even more extreme weather!

At noon today, not only Zhang Feng was upset and irritable, but the villagers felt that the weather was abnormal.

The second uncle sat at the door of the house, looked up at the sky, sighed silently, then shook his head, and continued to smoke the pipe.

In the small square at the entrance of the village, almost every one of the young and old people enjoying the shade held a shaking fan in their hands, wishing to fan it dozens of times a second to blow away all the hot and dry air.

"Oh! I don't know what's wrong with the bad weather today, it's really hot and annoying!"

"Because today is April [-]th, it will definitely rain heavily on this day,"

"I guess so, otherwise it wouldn't be so stuffy!!"

Everyone talked a lot, and only felt a little cool under the shade of the trees.


On such a hot day, Zhang Feng couldn't sit still any longer. After talking to his mother, he walked towards the river beach at the end of the village.

I don’t know if it’s a heart-to-heart or something, but the river beach is very lively at this time. The little children and young people in the village have almost gathered here, playing and frolicking in the shallow Tapang River, playing water fights, touching fish, and having fun Happy.

Even the tourists from the city went into the water one after another. Everyone stepped on the river with their bare feet, and the cold water washed over their feet. Immediately, the whole body felt very cool, just like being in the snow and ice, refreshing and refreshed. The air is refreshing, and there is no trace of heat.

"Crazy brother!"

"Crazy brother, are you here?"

When the little guys saw Zhang Feng, they were overjoyed immediately, and ran towards Zhang Feng with their little feet smiling.

"Be careful, slow down, don't fall down?" Zhang Feng quickly reminded the little ones because the stones in the river were very slippery.

"Hee hee, madman brother, look, this is the crab I caught!!" The little monkeys laughed and continued to run towards Zhang Feng.

"Brother Crazy, Brother Crazy, look, this is the little fish I caught!!" The little guys scrambled to take out their trophies, raised their heads one by one, and proudly showed Zhang Feng.

"Wow, you all caught things, really amazing!!" Zhang Feng smiled, and praised the little guys,
"Hee hee!!" After receiving the praise, the little guys all showed happy smiles.


The breeze was blowing, and a cool breeze came over the sparkling river. Zhang Feng led the children and continued to walk into the river.

"Come on, let's go catch fish in the river."

"Let's go, let's go catch fish with the lunatic brother!" The little guys ran towards the river jumping and jumping, everyone was afraid of running behind, and the speed was very fast.

Zhang Feng smiled lightly and shook his head, these little kids are too wild, they either run on the mountain or play by the river every day.

"Oh, madman, there's a fish here!"

"Crazy brother, there is a crab here!!"

"Haha, the fish are all gone!!!"

Every time the little guys made a discovery, they happily reported to Zhang Feng. Unfortunately, by the time the little guys finished reporting, the fish and crabs had already slipped away! !

In the end, the bamboo basket fetched water again in vain, but the little ones were still very happy in their hearts.

Tired of playing, sitting on the big rock by the river, stretching his feet into the cold river water, silently watching the little guys catch fish and shrimp, and fight water fights, Zhang Feng feels really happy, such a rural Life, although dull, is very warm and very happy.

Seeing the carefree looks of the little ones, Zhang Feng couldn't help but smile, and recalled his beautiful childhood.

Every day hide-and-seek, hide-and-seek, or go up the tree to catch birds, go down the river to catch fish, there are many tricks every day, all kinds of small games are played very smoothly, and every day is carefree and very happy.

boom! !

Suddenly there was a dull thunder, and the dull thunder resounded through the sky and the earth.

At this time, the sky also changed, and dark clouds emerged from the top of the mountain and floated in the sky.

I saw more and more dark clouds in the sky, thicker and thicker, as if a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals were approaching the city.

The people who were still playing on the river beach dispersed in a rush, and the tourists crowded onto the bus and hurried home.

Only the little kids in the village still took their time and followed Zhang Feng to the village slowly.

About a quarter of an hour later, heavy rain finally fell on the high mountains in the distance. The rain moved with the wind, and the heavy rain quickly spread to the village.

"Hurry up and go home! It's going to rain heavily!!"

"Hee hee, got it, madman!!"

Seeing the heavy rain in the distance, the little children also jumped and ran to go home.

As soon as Zhang Feng helped his mother put away the stall, the heavy rain washed it and fell down.

There was also a flutter of chaos in the yard of her own house, and Dahua ran to the chicken pen with his wife and children, chirping.

The two dogs, Dahei and Xiaohei, also ran into the main room with their tails between their legs, and lay down by the gate, looking at the dark cloud-covered sky outside.

Xiao Miao, who seldom came home in the past year, also surprisingly returned home, obediently hiding in her den, shivering! !

"Yo! Our little cat is coming home today too!!" the eldest sister asked with a smile as she stroked the little cat.

"Meow!!" Xiao Miao called out softly, which was a response, but not what she was saying.

"Look at it curled up into a ball, it must be frightened!" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

With the arrival of the heavy rain, the light suddenly dimmed, and the day turned into night in an instant. With the night mode turned on, Zhang Feng had to turn on the lights in the main room to brighten up the house.

The rain outside the house was thick and dense, and it kept falling.

Soon the yard was full of rainwater. Zhang Feng immediately put on a raincoat and dredged the blocked gutter. The next moment, the rainwater flowed down the gutter.

It's a pity that the rain was too heavy, and the ditch kept draining the water outside the house, but the effect was still not so obvious.

"I'm afraid it's going to flood!!" Seeing the pitch black rain outside, Wang Guilan said worriedly.

Every year when the flood rises, the villagers are very worried, worried that the flood will destroy the embankment and submerge the small village.

This kind of thing has happened before, so every year in the rainy season, whenever there is heavy rain, the villagers will be quite vigilant. At night, the village will even organize young and strong people to be on duty to monitor the movement of the river at all times to ensure everyone's safety. Safety.

(End of this chapter)

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