small farmer

Chapter 581 Hail Disaster

Chapter 581 Hail Disaster (23)

It wasn't until evening that the heavy rain stopped.

On the high mountains in the distance, there are clouds and mist, white clouds are floating in the sky, and the dark clouds all over the sky have disappeared without a trace.

After a heavy rain, the village was in a mess, with dead branches and leaves everywhere.

As soon as the rain stopped, the villagers walked out of their homes one after another to clean their yards or go to the river to watch the rolling water.

Zhang Feng was in his own yard, and he could hear the rushing water in the lake, which showed how awesome this rainstorm was.

"This rain is too heavy. If it rains for a few more hours, the embankment may not be able to stop it!" The second uncle walked out of the house, stood by the Moon Lake, looked at the full lake, and couldn't help sighing.

Hearing what the second uncle said, Zhang Feng nodded silently. At noon, the water level of Moon Lake was still more than one meter above the shore, but now it was almost flooded to the shore, and it was less than half a meter away from the highest point of the lake embankment. I don’t know how much rainwater poured into it. In Moon Lake.

The villagers walked out of their homes one after another and gathered in the small square at the entrance of the village, discussing today's torrential rain.

"This heavy rain is really too big!!"

"Yeah, the weather forecast says it's down a full 150 millimeters?"

"How much is 150 millimeters?" asked curiously the villagers who didn't understand.

"Millimeters, this is the unit of rainfall. For example, our cup is in the open space outside. After the heavy rain, how many millimeters of water in the cup are high, even if there is how many millimeters of precipitation!"

"Oh, so that's the case! No wonder the weather forecast often says how many millimeters of rain will fall." The villagers who asked earlier suddenly realized.

Although what the villagers said just now is not very standardized, it generally means this. The rainfall of 150 millimeters has fully met the standard of heavy rain.

Heavy rain generally refers to rainfall of more than 16 millimeters per hour; or rain with 24-hour precipitation of 50 millimeters or more.

According to its precipitation intensity, it is divided into three levels, namely,

The 24-hour precipitation is 50-99.9 mm, which is called "heavy rain";
Below 100-250mm is "heavy rainstorm";
More than 250 mm is called "heavy rainstorm".

At this moment, a villager who was scrolling through Moments exclaimed!
"Fuck!! Beijiang Town has encountered hail!!"



The villagers were shocked when they heard the hailstorm! !

In the eyes of the villagers, hail is a huge disaster, almost on the same level as floods.

Because of the hail every year, when the situation is serious, the crops in the field will be beaten into a piece of white ground, and the grains will not be harvested.

Even the roof tiles will be smashed to pieces, so every year when there is hail, the farmers will suffer extremely heavy losses.

Therefore, when everyone heard that Beijiang Town had encountered a large hailstorm, they couldn't help exclaiming, and they all took out their mobile phones to check the local Post Bar and Moments.

"It's really scary!! This hailstone is the size of a small bowl!" If such a large hailstone fell on a person's head, would he be able to survive?

"I'll go, the ground is paved with a thick layer, it's really amazing!!"

"Look at this little car, the roof has been smashed into a sunroof, and the windshield is smashed into pieces!!"

Then everyone's circle of friends and local post bars were maxed out! !
Overwhelming hail! !Broken car!The tiles turned upside down! !And a mess of crops in the field!

Seeing these post-disaster pictures, everyone feels sympathy, because everyone has encountered such a scene.

After Zhang Feng saw the disaster in Jiangbei, he felt quite uncomfortable. He remembered the scene when he encountered hail on the first day of junior high school.

I remember that year, when I was just in the first grade of junior high school, I also encountered a huge hail disaster in April and May.

At noon that day, egg-sized hailstones fell from the sky, crackling, and smashed the tiles on the roof of my house in a few minutes!The roof is full of holes, and the beds in the house are all soaked!When you sleep at night, you can see the stars on the roof with your eyes open! !

At that time, I could only hide under the floor, shivering, feeling unspeakable sadness in my heart, because of the white disaster, the already poor family became even worse.

Not only did the crops in the field fail, but even the renovation of the house cost 2000 yuan. In order to tide over the difficulties, I asked my two younger sisters to pay their tuition fees, and my father went out to work as a construction worker for a whole year. From a hundred catties of cement bricks to five or six-story high-rise buildings, I can't speak when I get home tired every day.

Thinking about it, Zhang Feng's eye sockets were a little moist, he wiped his eyes quietly, and sighed silently: Why did God send such a disaster? ?Doesn't it know that farmers are already very hard?

It's a pity that the sky is not merciful to others. Only by striving for self-improvement can we overcome disasters and make our lives better.

So Zhang Feng wondered if he could do something for the disaster-stricken villagers? ?

When Zhang Feng was worried about this, the leaders of the county also thought of Zhang Feng, because Zhang Feng is recognized as the God of Wealth by everyone. As long as the affected villagers take the express train of the cooperative, they will definitely recover quickly and get rid of poverty completely. On the road to happiness.


That night, Zhang Feng received a call from County Magistrate Xu.

On the phone, County Mayor Xu asked whether the cooperative could cover disaster-stricken families in Jiangbei.

And Zhang Feng also readily agreed, and the supply of vegetables to the cooperative is still relatively tight, so there is no pressure at all to add two or three villages.

Moreover, with the expansion of Yelang Restaurant, the demand for Moon Lake vegetables is also increasing. Recently, Zhang Hua discussed with himself the plan to expand again. Unexpectedly, Jiangbei Town encountered a white disaster before it was fully decided. .

Therefore, Zhang Feng was very straightforward, and he agreed immediately. Of course, the villagers who joined had to abide by the rules of the cooperative. Otherwise, even if they were disaster victims, Zhang Feng would deal with them strictly and even expel them from the cooperative.

"Okay, okay, Uncle Xu, don't worry, I will arrange for the person in charge of the cooperative to visit Jiangbei in person tomorrow!"

"Yeah, okay, goodbye Uncle Xu!!" Zhang Feng hung up the phone with a smile.

I thought that tomorrow, by the way, I would ask the employees of the cooperative to bring some condolences, and express condolences to the affected villagers on behalf of the cooperative and myself.

Then Zhang Feng called Zhang Hua immediately. As soon as he expressed his thoughts, Zhang Hua applauded loudly, saying that he would go to the disaster-stricken area early in the morning to investigate, and as long as conditions permit, he would definitely not turn away the disaster-stricken folks. outside.

At this time, the Moon Lake Fruit Thinning Cooperative enjoys a high reputation in the entire Qingshan County, especially in the hearts of the farmers. The cooperative is everyone's savior and the hope to lead everyone out of poverty and become rich.

The next day, when Zhang Hua led the staff of the cooperative to Jiangkou Village, which was the hardest hit by the disaster, they received the warmest welcome from everyone. The villagers put aside their aftermath and all spontaneously came to the entrance of the village to wait for the arrival of the cooperative staff. .

From this, we can see the status of the cooperative in the eyes of the villagers in the whole county, and we can also see everyone's expectation for joining the cooperative.

(End of this chapter)

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