small farmer

Chapter 582 The idea of ​​a strange flower and a brain damage

Chapter 582 The idea of ​​a strange flower and a brain damage (33)

The next day, when Zhang Hua led the staff of the cooperative to Jiangkou Village, which was the hardest hit by the disaster, they received the warmest welcome from everyone. Come.

From this, it can be seen how high the status of the cooperative is in the eyes of the villagers in the county, and it can also be seen that everyone yearns for joining the cooperative.

Of course, Zhang Feng and the cooperative did not disappoint everyone. As long as everyone promises to abide by the rules and regulations of the cooperative, they can join the cooperative.

However, the newly joined villagers are not allocated a lot of shares, and each family can only grow Moon Lake vegetables on one mu of land.

Don't think that an acre of land is too small!

Because Moon Lake vegetables have a high yield and grow rapidly, one crop can be harvested in at most two months, and one mu of land can produce seven to eight thousand catties of vegetables.

Everyone knows the purchase price of the cooperative, even the lowest-priced cabbage can reach five yuan a catty.

Calculated in this way, one mu of land can earn more than 3 to 4 yuan. On average, each villager can earn [-] to [-] yuan a month.


In the next few days, Zhang Hua and his staff finally inspected all the affected villages, and reached verbal agreements with the villagers of several villages.

Today is May 25th, which is the eleventh day of the lunar calendar. It is the day when the cooperative signed a contract with the affected villagers.

At nine o'clock in the morning, when Zhang Hua came to Jiangkou Village with two employees, all the villagers in Jiangkou Village gathered at the gate of the village committee, waiting for Zhang Hua's arrival early.

"Manager Zhang, you are here!"

"Hi village chief! Hello everyone!"

As soon as Zhang Hua got out of the car, the leaders of the village committee of Jiangkou Village warmly greeted him.

After exchanging pleasantries, the village head took everyone to the small meeting room of the village committee.

"Manager Zhang's conditions here are poor, I hope everyone will make do with it!!"

"It's okay, village chief!" Zhang Hua waved his hand, not caring about the small size of the conference room, twenty or so square meters was barely enough.

"Come on, let's have a glass of water!!"

"Thank you, village head. I think everyone has been waiting for a long time. You arrange everyone to line up in two teams. Let's start signing the contract now!" Zhang Hua said to the village head of Jiangkou Village with a smile as he took out the water cup.

"Haha, good good!!!" The village head was very pleasantly surprised, and immediately brought several people from the village committee to the door, and organized the villagers to line up to sign the contract to join the cooperative.

Soon the first villager came in excitedly.

Seeing that the villager was about forty years old, Zhang Hua smiled lightly, and then said:

"Brother, please sit down"

"Thank you! Thank you!" The villagers were flattered and quickly sat down opposite Zhang Hua.

"Have you read the rules and regulations of the cooperative?" Zhang Hua continued to ask.

"I've seen it, I've seen it! I agree with everything!" The old man was so excited that he wanted to sign the contract right away.

Zhang Hua smiled slightly. He has seen such a scene many times. Every villager who can join the cooperative is so excited and excited.

"Brother, take a look at the contract. If there is no objection, let's sign it!" Zhang Hua handed the contract to the opposite villager.

"Okay!!" The old man took the contract with trembling hands, flipped through it quickly, and closed the contract quickly without knowing if he saw it clearly.

"I'm optimistic, no problem!!" The old man believed that the cooperative would not cheat him.So I can't wait to sign the contract, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

You must know that joining the cooperative is the dream of all farmers in the county. As long as you join the cooperative, you will definitely get rid of poverty and become rich and live a better and happy life.

"Okay, just sign here and press your fingerprint!"

At the same time that Zhang Hua signed the first contract, another villager on the other side of the meeting room also signed the contract.

The two rows went side by side, and in about an hour, more than 50 households in Jiangkou Village finally signed contracts at the front.


That night, the news that all the disaster-affected people in Jiangbei had joined the cooperative was broadcast on the county TV station.

As the saying goes, it is a blessing in disguise. The farmers in Jiangbei suffered from white disasters, but they joined the Moon Lake Cooperative that everyone envied.

When the villagers in other areas saw the news, they all felt sour, and started talking about it.

"Oh! The people in Jiangbei Town are really lucky."

"That's right, I joined the cooperative when I was hit by a hailstone. If you want me to say why the hailstone is so blind, it didn't hit our village!"

"Why don't we remove the embankment by the village?" A guy with a big brain suggested to his companion.

"What are you going to do?? If you can't think about it, don't you take the whole village with you??" The companion rolled his eyes, and said speechlessly, what if he really broke the river bank and drowned people?
I have to say that there are quite a few brain-dead people who have such an idea. The buddies just thought about pulling the river embankment, so that the houses and property in the village would be washed away by the flood, so that they could join the cooperative smoothly.

Some people thought, should we set a fire to burn the whole village, so that we will suffer more disasters and it will be easier to join the cooperative?

It's a pity that as soon as they uttered their brain-dead ideas, they were slapped awake by other villagers. Can such a thing be done? ?This is murder and arson, which is a terrible crime. If you really do it, even if you can't eat peanuts, you have to sit through the prison to get out.

If Zhang Feng knew that there were still people with such weird ideas, he would definitely be dumbfounded, and he really didn't know what to say.

Of course, such weird and brain-dead people must just fall ill for a while. If they are really asked to do this, they will definitely not agree. After all, such thoughts are just passing by, just joking.

But from this we can also see everyone's envy and jealousy for joining the cooperative! !

"Xiaofeng Jiangbei is already busy, when do you think you will prepare the seeds?" Zhang Hua came to the door early the next morning.

"Ah, is this the signing?" Zhang Feng asked in surprise, he didn't expect everyone to move so fast.

"Hehe, what's the matter? There are only three natural villages. We will be divided into three groups. We will finish everything in one morning. Now everything is ready, and we are waiting for your vegetable seeds!" Zhang Hua said with a smile.

"That's good, Brother Hua, sit down first, drink a glass of water, and I'll get you seeds right away!!"

"Do you want me to help?"

"no need!"

After Zhang Feng said a word, he climbed upstairs, came to his room, and immediately exchanged two large boxes of various vegetable seeds.

"Brother Hua, do you think these are enough?" About 2 minutes later, Zhang Feng went downstairs holding the vegetable seeds, and asked Zhang Hua.

"Oh, let me see!" The three newly added villages have a total of 180 households.

Calculated on the basis of one mu of land for a family, 180 mu of vegetable seeds are needed.

The vegetable seeds that Zhang Feng exchanged were packaged according to the standard of one bag per acre. One box contained a total of [-] bags of seeds, and two boxes contained a total of [-] bags, enough to plant [-] acres of land.

"Yes, yes, that's enough!"

"Xiaofeng, I'm leaving!"

"Hey, Brother Hua, go slowly!"

Zhang Hua was very busy, holding two boxes of seeds, he left with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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