small farmer

Chapter 59 Fishing Competition

Chapter 59 Fishing Competition
Alas, the new book period is really rushing, I have never heard of it, could it be that I offended someone, there is no mosquito leg recommendation?Please help to bookmark and recommend. There is no recommendation space, so I can only count on you. At the same time, thank you for your rewards. Thank you.

"Hmm! I almost forgot, the rice field eel hasn't been sent to my second uncle's house yet."

After eating, Zhang Feng lay in the yard and suddenly thought of it.

"Little sister, take the rice field eel in the bucket to the second uncle's house..." Zhang Feng told the younger sister to come.

"Hmph!! You know how to order me..." As she spoke, the little girl stood up, reluctantly carrying the eel, and then walked towards the second uncle's house.

Zhang Feng smiled, and immediately got up, and he had to deliver the portion prepared for Xiao Qishu by himself.I have been on other people's boats so many times, of course I should also thank them, this kind of human relationship is indispensable.

"Where is Little Seventh Uncle at home today?" Zhang Feng saw Little Seventh Uncle repairing tables in the yard from a distance.

"Hey, why is Xiaofeng here? Hurry up and sit down..." Uncle Xiaoqi greeted Zhang Feng as soon as he saw him.

"You're welcome, Uncle Seventh, I caught some rice field eels today, and I'll show you some of them..."

"Xiaofeng, you are too polite. Hurry up and sit in the room. I'll pour you a cup of tea..." Uncle Xiao Qi took the rice field eel with a smile, and then said enthusiastically.

"Thank you, Little Seventh Uncle..."

The two drank a cup of tea and chatted for a while, then Zhang Feng left and walked home.

Suddenly, Zhang Feng found that there were many people around the lake not far away, and Zhang Feng walked over curiously.

"What a big fish..."

"What luck..."

As he got closer to the crowd, Zhang Feng gradually heard everyone's comments, as if someone had caught a big fish.

Zhang Feng sneaked into the crowd and saw that Uncle Yu had caught a big carp. He saw that the carp was about 1.5 meters long and weighed seventy or eighty catties. It was really a rare big fish.

"Xiaofeng, come and help me..." Suddenly the big carp struggled violently, as if it wanted to jump off the boat and dive into the water.

"Good!" Zhang Feng hurriedly jumped into the boat and helped hold down the big fish. With everyone's help, Old Yu finally tied up the big fish and carried it ashore. Now let the big fish do whatever it takes , also cannot escape.

"Old man, can you sell this big fish?" At this time, an interested tourist asked the old fish uncle.

"Sell, how much can you give?" Old Uncle Yu fished for money, so he turned around and asked the man.

"Five hundred, what do you think?"

"Five hundred, no, no, this fish weighs at least seven or eighty catties, and it can be sold for seven to eight hundred yuan at ten yuan a catty, and 500 yuan is definitely not enough." Old Uncle Yu shook his head quickly as he said.

"It's true that a catty of fish costs about ten yuan, but yours is too big, who would buy such a big fish at a time." The tourist continued to persuade.

"No, I won't sell it for a penny less than 800 yuan..." Old Yu Shu said firmly.

In the end, the two still couldn't reach an agreement, and several people came to inquire after that, but they were only willing to pay 500 yuan, so they failed to make a successful transaction.

"Uncle Yu, why don't I ask Boss Niu for you, his restaurant should need such a big fish." Zhang Feng saw that there were many people who came to watch the fun, but few really wanted to buy, because the fish It's too big, and others can't finish it when they buy it back.

"Really, thank you, Xiao Feng..." Old Uncle Yu said gratefully. Everyone knows that Zhang Feng's vegetables and mushrooms are all sold to the big boss in the city, and he can sell his own fish if he wants to.

"It's okay..." The folks in the big hometown should also help each other.

"Hey! Brother Niu, someone in the village caught a big carp weighing seventy to eighty catties, do you want it? It's still alive..." Zhang Feng immediately called Fatty Niu.

"The big carp that's still alive?" "Why don't you want it, brother, let him keep it for me, I have something to do here, but I'll let Xiao Wang go there right away..."

As Fatty Niu said, he hung up the phone in a hurry...

About a quarter of an hour later, Xiao Wang came with a small card, and finally bought the big carp for 1000 yuan. He planned to keep the big carp in the aquarium of the restaurant for the guests to watch and advertise for the restaurant. .

After selling it for an extra 200 yuan, the old uncle Yu could hardly close his mouth from ear to ear. He was very grateful to Zhang Feng, and finally gave him two silver carp.

Holding the two silver carps that Old Yushu gave him, Zhang Feng continued to walk home. As soon as he reached the door of the house, he saw the duckling coming out of his yard.

"Little duck, what are you doing at my house?" Zhang Feng asked curiously.

"Ah, it's madman, did I come to your house to dig some earthworms?" The little duck almost bumped into Zhang Feng, and then took a step back and said.

"What are you digging for earthworms?"

"Isn't there going to be a fishing competition later? Da Mao and I have signed up too..." Duckling raised his head and said excitedly.

"Are you going to use this bamboo pole to participate in the fishing competition?" Zhang Feng couldn't bear to say when he saw the monkey's equipment.

"Oh, it's not all about my dad, and he doesn't give me his fishing rod..." the little guy complained.

"Hehe, it's alright, you can go quickly, the game will start later..." Zhang Feng waved the little guy away.

"Goodbye, crazy brother..." The little guy picked up the crude equipment and ran away in a hurry.


"What? Xiaoyue, are you going to participate in the fishing competition too?" Zhang Feng walked into the yard and found Xiaoyue holding a fishing rod.

"Hee hee, I'm not alone. Sister Xixi and Qianqian are going to participate too..." Zhang Yue said to Zhang Feng with a light smile.

"That's right, of course we are going to participate, or you can join us..." At this moment Zhang Xi came out with a fishing rod.

"That's right, how exciting it is for everyone to participate together..." Chen Qian also came out and said to Zhang Feng.

"Okay, you guys wait for me." After saying that, Zhang Feng walked towards the house, ready to get his equipment.

Zhang Feng thinks that fishing is the most important thing to participate in. Because Zhangjiawan is on the edge of Moon Lake, almost all the people in the village can fish. Therefore, from the elderly in their [-]s and [-]s, to the children of five or six years old like Duckling, they all carry it. With a fishing rod, ready to participate in the fishing competition hosted by the county.

The competition stipulates that whoever catches the heaviest fish will win. No.1 will get a bonus of 800 yuan, No.2 will have 3 yuan, No.[-] will only have [-] yuan, and the remaining four will get a bonus of [-] yuan. Ten will get some gift rewards.

I remember that Old Uncle Yu had the best luck last year, winning the championship against all other players, and finally won the grand prize of [-]. The happy Uncle Yu boasted for a whole year.

What's even more amazing is that a seven or eight-year-old child in the next door village actually defeated many adults, won No.3, and won more than 800 bonuses. Such little brats also came to join in the fun.

Except for the eldest sister and mother, almost all of Zhang Feng's family came out, but Zhang Feng felt uncomfortable with a group of girls, so he called Zhang Yi along.

Along the way, many villagers and tourists Zhang Feng saw were holding fishing rods, and even villagers from several nearby villages came to try their luck. If they were lucky enough to get No.1, it would be much more comfortable than farming up.

"Uncle Er Niu, you are also here to join in the fun, don't you two still want to win the top two?" Zhang Feng said jokingly.

"Fuck you, that monkey is here to make soy sauce, but you three brothers and sisters are all here, do you also want to win the top three?" Uncle Er Niu countered with a smile.

"That's really possible," Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Fuck you, by the way, two tourists came to your house today?"


"So your farmhouse has just opened. Originally, I wanted to give you a flower basket or something when you opened, but now I've saved even the money for the flower basket..." Uncle Er Niu said with a smile.

"It's free to send a flower basket, you just need to send a red envelope."

"Roll rough……"


The two talked and laughed by the lake, and soon the fishing competition was about to start.

(End of this chapter)

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