small farmer

Chapter 60 Good Grades

Chapter 60 Good Grades

"Stinky boy, why don't you get the hell out of me?"

At the beginning of the game, Uncle Er Niu hurriedly called his son to his side, so that he could take care of him, so as not to cause any danger to the little guy if he was too naughty.

"Da Mao, come here quickly, don't leave us too far away, you know?" Zhang Feng also warned Da Mao who was not far away.

"Understood, Brother Crazy..." Da Mao was not as naughty as the little duck, he honestly picked up his fishing rod and walked towards the adult.
And the little duck pursed his mouth, looking a little reluctant, as if he would feel uncomfortable around his father.

Zhang Feng shook his head with a smile. He is really a wild monkey. I don’t know why Uncle Er Niu will have a headache. I hope the little guy will grow up and learn the rules after going to school, just like putting a magic spell on Monkey King.

With the start of the fishing competition, contestants almost crowded the entire lakeshore. Zhang Feng looked around and initially estimated that there should be two to 300 contestants.

The contestants took out their own equipment one after another, ranging from high-end synthetic material fishing rods to the lowest-level primitive bamboo poles, just like Duck's,
At this time, everyone looked serious and held their breath, and even the onlookers who were eating melons quieted down. Suddenly, there was only the rustling of willow branches on the whole lake. Everyone hung up the bait one after another. When I got to the lake, I stared quietly at the movement of the lake, waiting for the fish to take the bait.

"Hee hee, sister Qianqian needs to hang the bait here...or the fish will steal it at once." After the fishing contest started, Zhang Xi and Chen Qian also hung up the bait clumsily and prepared to fish, but unfortunately Both of them are rookies among rookies and have no experience at all, so they are receiving the guidance of Xiaoyue, a non-staff consultant.

Seeing the clumsy appearance of the two women, Zhang Feng turned his head with a slight smile and started his own fishing trip. He hung up his own super bait, that is, the earthworms dug in the backyard. The attractiveness of fish is not low, I believe you will gain something soon, maybe you will really get a ranking.

However, Zhang Feng did not report much hope. After all, baits like earthworms are too primitive, and it is not easy to catch big fish. Moreover, the previous contestants are all masters, and everyone is equipped with excellent equipment. A fishing rod may Thousands of dollars are not comparable to the more than 100 dollars in Zhang Feng's hands, so it is not easy to stand out from many masters.

Yo, there is movement...

As soon as Zhang Feng put down the hook, there was a movement after a minute or two. The fish in the water had found the bait. Zhang Feng stared at the float intently. He couldn't let the fish steal his bait just because he was distracted. It's really a steal.

The fish finally couldn't resist the temptation, lingered for a while, and finally bit the hook, the fish in the water struggled violently, trying desperately to dive and escape, but the sharp hook was still firmly hooking it mouth, making it impossible to escape.

Feeling the movement in the water, Zhang Feng grasped the fishing rod tightly. As the fish kept struggling, Zhang Feng preliminarily judged from his experience that the fish should not be big, only about one or two catties.

"Xiaofeng, pull up quickly..." Uncle Er Niu saw the situation in the water and shouted anxiously.

Zhang Feng immediately made a move, and skillfully picked up the fishing rod, the fish flew out of the water like leaping over a dragon's gate, and was pulled to the shore by Zhang Feng.

"Ah, brother, you just caught one?" The little girl said in shock and envy when she saw the movement here.

"You're lucky, kid. Did you step on shit today..." Uncle Er Niu also shook his head, unexpectedly, Zhang Feng was the first to catch a fish.

"Hey, buddy is favored by the goddess of fate, okay?"

"Fuck off, I still worship the God of Wealth and Civilization every day..." Uncle Er Niu swears, and then continued: "It's just a small fish caught, look at your shy look..."

"Oh, the fish is hooked...the fish is hooked..." At this moment, the duckling suddenly exclaimed.

I saw the fish in the water desperately trying to escape, the duckling gritted its teeth and hugged the fishing rod tightly, Uncle Er Niu hurried over to help, and quickly pulled the crucian carp up from the water.

Since the little duck is only a four or five-year-old child, the supervisor did not count him as violating the rules, and the other contestants were embarrassed to say anything.

Let me go, the effect of this earthworm is really too strong, Zhang Feng shook his head helplessly, just now he was embarrassed in front of other people's father, and the next moment he was slapped in the face by the duckling revenge.

"Haha, it's my son who is the best, and he even caught fish..." Uncle Er Niu looked at Zhang Feng proudly.

"What are you so proud of? If you have the ability, let's compete and see who catches more fish?" Zhang Feng is very confident in himself. His own bait is not ordinary. I have never seen a duckling catch with his own earthworms. fish?

"Although let the horse come over, I'm still afraid that you will fail..." Uncle Er Niu also said confidently.


Afterwards, people around Zhang Feng also caught fish one after another, especially those who used earthworms as bait had a significantly higher chance of catching fish than others.

Seeing Zhang Feng and the others catching fish one after another, the contestants next to them were envious, thinking that Zhang Feng and others were really lucky, they must have encountered a fish nest, otherwise how could they have caught fish with bamboo poles and earthworms? so many fish.

Everyone felt that Zhang Feng and others were really lucky to have found a piece of geomantic treasure land, so many contestants were moved and wanted to change places.

It's a pity that most people still didn't take action, only a few thick-skinned people came over here, wanting to enjoy the good luck here, but unfortunately these people were forced to endure in the end, I saw Zhang Feng and others kept catching Big fish, yet they caught nothing;
Especially children like ducklings, who caught more fish than them, this made them feel so embarrassed, they put away their fishing tackles one after another, hid their faces and walked away, never having the face to stay here again.

"Why do I think fishing is not difficult? You see, I have caught five or six fish in just half an hour?" Zhang Xi said to the little consultant Zhang Yue with a face full of joy.

"Well, I also think that today I caught more fish than usual..." Zhang Yue tilted her head in confusion.

"It's really strange today. Look, we catch more fish here than other places." Chen Qian noticed something unusual.

"It's not entirely correct. Look at the few people who left just now, didn't they leave because they didn't catch any fish. So I think it should be related to our bait." Zhang Lin observed the most carefully and quickly analyzed the truth of the matter.

"Hey, it seems to be the case. You see, the little duckling has caught so much..." Zhang Yue suddenly realized after hearing her sister's analysis.

Uncle Er Niu is worthy of being a master of fishing in Zhangjiawan. He soon discovered the abnormality of the bait. In the end, regardless of the duckling's protest, he domineeringly divided the bait away from the duckling. The effect was obvious, and his harvest soon caught up. Xiao Yazi, Zhang Xi, Chen Qian and others.


As the competition continued, Zhang Feng and others became more and more attractive. Seeing their fast fishing speed, especially the three- and five-year-old kids caught more than them, the other contestants were very depressed.

Two hours later, the fishing competition was finally over. Duckling and others had put down their fishing rods long ago and were chasing and playing by the lake, but they still gained a lot.

Finally, after more than an hour of weighing and judging, the champion was picked by a professional fisherman from out of town, taking away the grand prize of [-] yuan.

The results of Zhang Feng and his group are also very good. Among them, Zhang Feng won No.78 with a total score of 3 catties, and Uncle Er Niu also won No.56 with a total score of 5 catties.

The younger sister and others also achieved relatively high results, and they all received a small gift from the organizer.

Especially the little duck, with a good score of [-] pounds, won the special award for the children's group issued by the organizer, and won a car model. The happy little guy was jumping and jumping, excited.

The younger sister and the others were also very happy. Although the small gifts they got were not worth much, they caught a lot of fish and sold them to the tourists nearby, earning more than 100 yuan each.

Especially Zhang Xi and Chen Qian, it was the first time they made money in this way, and they were so happy. The two hurriedly took pictures and wanted to show off their spoils to the world. They seemed more excited than ducklings.

(End of this chapter)

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