small farmer

Chapter 61 89 points

Chapter 61
Please collect, Renmao has never been so miserable. Yesterday, only 4 collections were added, not much to say, and thanks to 'Gongyu Fangcao', 'Old Scorpion', 'Perfect Master', 'MK', 'Book Friends 160530043325206' 'Lei Zhen Cang Qiong', 'Super Ali', 'Legendary 123456789', 'Bookworm Sky', 'Xiao Xiao~Xiao Xiao' and other book friends have continued to support me, thank you all.

"Ding dong!"

"Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden mission - get the top three places in the fishing competition, and complete the reward for a chance to draw a lottery."

Just after receiving the No.3 award from the leader, Zhang Feng received a notification from the system, which can be described as double happiness,
No.3 in the fishing competition, not only won a cash reward of 880 yuan, but also completed the hidden tasks of the system. It seems that participating in this competition is really the right time, what a surprise.

"Hee hee, big brother has won a big prize, and he will give out red envelopes later..." As soon as Zhang Feng finished receiving the prize, the little girl hurried over and said.

"Okay, okay!! I'll post it right now..." Then Zhang Feng sent a red envelope of 88 yuan in the WeChat group, and everyone snatched it up in the blink of an eye.

"Oh my! You all grab the red envelope with your mobile phone, so what should I do?" Seeing his father snatching a ten-yuan red envelope, the duckling yelled anxiously.

"What are you grabbing? If you want it, you won't ask your lunatic brother directly, he is a rich man now..." Uncle Er Niu was about to make trouble.

"What is a local tyrant?" The duckling tilted his head and asked in confusion.

"Anyway, super rich..."

"Ah, I see..." The duckling immediately understood.

"Crazy give them red envelopes, what about mine?" The little duck hurried over and pulled Zhang Feng and asked.

"Yeah, crazy brother... and mine???" At this time, Da Mao also ran over and said.

"And me... What about me..." The six or seven children beside him also booed. "

In the end, Zhang Feng had no choice but to give all the change on his body to a few leather monkeys, and then sent all these little guys away.

"Okay, okay, I don't have any change..." Zhang Feng said quickly after handing out all the change on his body.

"Crazy brother, we also want the one you gave 100..."

"Yeah, we don't mind if you give 100 yuan..."

"You monkeys, get out, get out..." Zhang Feng said to these guys angrily.

After dismissing these little kids, Zhang Feng ran away quickly. If he stayed here again, he didn't know how many kids would come to him asking for red envelopes. I don't have so much change.

"Hehe, Zhang Feng and these children are so funny..." Seeing Zhang Feng running away, Zhang Xi and Chen Qian thought it was very funny.

After the fishing competition was over, everyone packed up their things and prepared to go home. After sitting by the lake for more than two hours, everyone was a little tired. After finishing the fish they caught, they picked up their fishing rods and baskets and walked home.

It was already past four o'clock in the afternoon, and the tourists from the city also left one after another. After all, today is the Dragon Boat Festival, so I had to have a reunion dinner with my family, so the lakeside gradually returned to its former calm.


"Ah, I killed someone, my dad is going to kill someone..."

"Brat, stop for me, I won't break your legs if you run away..."

"Wow... wow... unless you don't hit me... I will stop..." the child cried while running.

Zhang Feng heard the reputation and looked, isn't this brother Zhuzi and his family's iron egg?How did they fight? It was such a sensation.

Seeing Tie Dan limping, it was obvious that Brother Zhuzi was angry, otherwise he wouldn't have been beaten so miserably, so Zhang Feng hurried up to see what happened.

"Brother Zhuzi, what's wrong with Tie Dan? You beat a child so hard?" Zhang Feng went up to persuade him.

"Hit hard? I still want to beat him to death..." Brother Zhuzi said angrily.

"What's the matter with Tie Dan, which made you so angry..." Uncle Er Niu also asked curiously, usually Zhu Zi is relatively honest, and usually it is not easy to get angry, of course, it is very scary for an honest person to get angry.

"Hmph, this bastard, I asked him after school yesterday if he had taken the exam recently, and he said he had. He took the exam three times recently and got [-] or [-] points. At that time, he praised me happily and gave him back The reward of five dollars, you know, I would burn incense if this brat can pass the exam, so I drank two or two more wines happily that night..."

"The child did well in the exam, he really should be praised..." Uncle Er Niu nodded and didn't think there was any problem.

"Hey!" Brother Zhuzi sighed, and then said angrily: "I didn't know that I met their head teacher in the street today, and I immediately walked over to say hello, and said that Tie Dan's grades improved so fast, I really want to thank the teachers for their teaching .”

"Unexpectedly, their homeroom teacher gave me a strange look, and then said, um, your Zhang Xiaoshan has made a small improvement in his grades recently. He scored 8 points in the first test, 9 points in the second test, and 10 in the last test. There are still potentials of 8 and 90 points to be tapped, parents should pay attention to supervise him to complete his homework."

"After listening to what their teacher said, I felt so ashamed and flustered at the time, I wished I could find a hole in the ground and go in... Do you think this bastard should be beaten..." Brother Zhuzi asked with red eyes.

"This, this child is really..." After hearing the ins and outs of the incident, Zhang Feng and Uncle Er Niu were also speechless for a moment. They didn't expect that this is how the monkey's [-] or [-] points came about. He is so talented.

One time eight points, one time nine points, one time ten points, and three times added up to eighty or ninety points. Zhang Feng had to admit that this kid was really smart, but unfortunately they were all smart, and he didn't need to study anymore.

"Stinky boy, stop for me..."

Having said that, Brother Zhuzi couldn't get angry after thinking about it, and chased after Tie Dan again.

"Uuuuu... I won't..."

Watching the two fathers and sons continue to chase, Zhang Feng and Uncle Er Niu were silent for a while. The problem of children's education in rural areas is really a headache.

"Hey, children nowadays are really a headache for parents. Look at my little duckling. It's almost out of control now that it's only five years old. If it grows up, I don't even know what to do?" Uncle Er Niu shook his head. Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite, and their own leather monkeys are no better than iron eggs.

"Okay, children and grandchildren have their own blessings. Send him to preschool next semester to go to school. I think he will learn to obey the rules." Zhang Feng has no choice. How can I have so much time and energy to take care of my children?

Therefore, almost all children in rural areas grow up barbarously, and there are too few who can eventually become talents. Most of the children either go out to work when they grow up, or stay in their hometown to inherit their father's business, live the same life as their ancestors, facing the The loess turned its back to the sky, and worked hard to plan food in the land.


After separating from Uncle Er Niu, Zhang Feng returned home, and soon the younger sister and the others also returned one after another.

"Brother, what happened to Brother Zhuzi and Tie Dan just now?" On the way back, they encountered Brother Zhuzi chasing Tie Dan, so they asked curiously.

"What else can I do, isn't it all that Tie Dan guy..." Then Zhang Feng locked the ins and outs of the matter again, and everyone was stunned in surprise. They didn't expect that the eight or nine points that everyone was familiar with had another explanation of.

"Hee hee, I didn't expect Tie Dan to be so funny, how could he take such a test with eighty or ninety points?" the little girl said amusedly.

"This kid is really talented..." Zhang Xi couldn't help sighing.

"What kind of talent is this? It's just a little cleverness..." Chen Qian said after a moment of silence.

"That's right, if you're really smart, you should use it in your studies..." Zhang Lin also said with a sigh, no matter which parent encounters such a clever child, he must be furious.

So everyone turned on the critical mode, criticizing such dishonest, adulterous and slippery children one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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