small farmer

Chapter 62 Redemption

Chapter 62 Redemption (recommended for collection)

The collection is terrible, please help to collect it, and book friends who have book lists also help to add book lists, thank you everyone, and thank MK' book friends for their rewards.

"Ding dong..."

"Congratulations to the host for completing the side mission - opening a farmhouse of your own. Completing the task will reward you with 1000 points. Please check the host carefully..."

Hearing the notification sound from the system, Zhang Feng was overjoyed. He didn't expect that the task of starting a farmhouse was finally completed. It's really good to get [-] points. Zhang Feng hurried into his room to check the harvest.

Host: Zhang Feng

Strength 22 (+16+2)

Speed ​​19 (+13)

Reaction 19 (+10+1)

Stamina 18 (+14+1)

Flexibility 16 (+10+2)

Spirit 18 (+11)

(Note: The average level for adults is 10)

Skills Primary hunting skills, primary cooking skills, primary calligraphy and painting skills.

Points 9500 (Note: Points can be used to purchase various products in the system mall, and [-] points can be used for one lucky draw.)
Number of Draws 1
Unfinished tasks:
Side quest——become a millionaire, the mission is for one year, 500 points will be rewarded for completing the mission, a chance to draw a lottery, and [-] points will be deducted if the mission fails.

(Systematic evaluation: The host's combat power is underground, and the lazy cancer has been successfully cured. I hope the host will continue to work hard. It will become a strong, hardworking, and positive new farmer of the era as soon as possible.)
Finally, Zhang Feng checked his remaining points and items.

Points 9500 (Note: Points can be used to purchase various products in the system mall, and [-] points can be used for one lucky draw.)
Number of Draws 1
Possessed items: Rihua Auxin 2 (a bottle has been used.), Yuehua Auxin 1, Enlightenment Liquid 1.

"The system will exchange for two copies of the spiritual enlightenment liquid for me..." Zhang Feng plans to exchange it for the two puppies and the mynah at home. Since one was already drawn in the last lottery draw, it is good to exchange for two more.

"Okay, host, please wait a moment..."

"The spiritual enlightenment liquid has been stored in the system, the host please check it with confidence..." A few seconds later, the two copies of the spiritual enlightenment liquid were exchanged.

Zhang Feng put all three copies of Spiritual Enlightenment together, and then looked at the system mall to see if there was anything else that needed to be exchanged. Anyway, with so many points left, he couldn't give birth.

Then Zhang Feng clicked on the system mall to see if the items in the mall had been updated:

150 points for a serving of Enlightenment
1000 points for primary brewing skills
Primary skills education card 1000 points
Zhang Feng found that three more items were added to the mall, all of which were new items that appeared in the last lottery draw.

"The system exchanged three copies of Yuehua growth hormone for me." Zhang Feng recently secretly took a large amount of Yuehua growth hormone for his family. The bottle of Yuehua growth hormone he got before was almost used up.

So Zhang Feng exchanged three bottles again. Anyway, this thing is not expensive. One bottle only costs 100 points. The health of the family is important.

"Host, please wait a moment..."

"The item has been exchanged successfully, the host please pay attention to check it." The system is extremely efficient, and in the blink of an eye, the item that Zhang Feng wanted to exchange was successfully exchanged and stored in the system.

Then Zhang Feng thought about it, and exchanged two bottles of Rihua growth hormone again. This kind of thing is very good for vegetables and fruits at home. Anyway, I need to use it at any time, so I just exchanged a few more bottles for future preparation. So Zhang Feng spent one hundred points again.

"Elementary brewing skills...?" Zhang Feng wondered whether to exchange it.

"Change, the system will exchange for me the basic wine-making skills..." Zhang Feng finally decided to exchange it with the idea of ​​having too many skills without overwhelming him. Anyway, 1000 points are not many, and after the exchange, it becomes his own knowledge. This is true. There are more things in there than a bunch of illusory points.

"Okay, host, please pay attention to receiving..."

As soon as the system finished speaking, a huge torrent of memories rushed into Zhang Feng's mind. Countless wine making knowledge was quickly absorbed by Zhang Feng. These memories were firmly engraved in Zhang Feng's mind, and eventually became Zhang Feng's memory. part.

About two or three minutes later, the skill instillation was finally completed, Zhang Feng also slowly opened his eyes, and suddenly felt that he was a superb brewing master, as if he had decades of brewing experience, and these experiences were deeply recorded in his In his mind, there is no stagnation at all.

Just now, I used 300 points to exchange for two copies of Enlightenment Liquid, 300 points for three parts of Yuehua Auxin, and 100 points for two copies of Sun Blossom Auxin, and finally added 1000 points for the exchange of primary brewing skills. Spent 1700 points.

Finally, Zhang Feng checked his remaining points, skills and items.

Points: 7800 (Note: Points can be used to purchase various products in the system mall, and one hundred points can be used for one lucky draw.)
Number of draws: 1
Skills: primary hunting skills, primary cooking skills, primary calligraphy and painting skills, primary brewing skills.

Possessed items: Rihua Auxin 4 (a bottle has been used.), Yuehua Auxin 3, Enlightenment Liquid 3.

After turning off the system, Zhang Feng went downstairs.

At this time, the girls were all sitting in the yard, chattering and sharing the beautiful photos they took recently under the shade of trees, especially Zhang Xi and Chen Qian, when they saw the sea of ​​butterflies and flowers and the spectacle of Phoenix in Zhang Lin's phone, they kept going. Exclaimed, envious.

"Brother, I'm hungry, can you make us some cold noodles?" Seeing Zhang Feng coming out, the little girl quickly said to him coquettishly.

"You greedy cat, you just know how to eat..." Zhang Feng scratched the little girl's nose and said with a doting smile.

"Hmm... um, how are you, big brother..."

"Okay, okay, let me do it for you..." Zhang Feng shook his head helplessly and agreed.

"Hee hee, big brother is going to make cold noodles, please raise your hand if you want to eat??" The little girl shouted happily.

"Cold noodles? I want to eat too..."

"And me...and me..." Facing Zhang Feng's food, everyone had completely lost their self-control and became captives of the food, raising their hands one after another.

The weather is very hot today, just right for cold noodles.

Although Zhang Feng hadn't done it before, there are still a lot of cold noodle recipes in his elementary cooking skills.

However, the cold noodles Zhang Feng makes are simpler. First, boil the water, put the noodles down, and then remove the noodles after they are cooked, then cool them down with cold water, and finally remove them again.

As for the seasoning, I already have it at home. Zhang Feng just made a large pot of chili sauce not long ago. It was originally prepared for the little girls and let them eat it in school.

The chili made by Zhang Feng is not simple. He has put a lot of effort into it and put a lot of good things in it, including not only pork, beef, peanuts, peppercorns, and amomum, which are not only rich in nutrition, but also taste surprisingly good. According to the little girl, It's no better than Lao Ganma.

Then Zhang Feng cut a plate of shredded cucumbers, filled a bowl of homemade pickles, and my little sister’s favorite crispy fried fish. With these small dishes, everyone can cook whatever they want, and put special chili on it Sauce, then this bowl of cold noodles will be even more delicious.

"Yeah, it's delicious, it tastes really good..." The little greedy cat is like a reincarnation of a starving ghost, not paying attention to the image of eating, and stuffing it into its mouth.

"Well, this cold noodle doesn't look like much, but it tastes really good..." Chen Qian took a sip, then said with bright eyes.

Everyone was full of praise for Zhang Feng's cold noodles, and they didn't hesitate to praise them. Everyone ate with great relish, and quickly wiped out all the cold noodles in the bowl.

After eating the cold noodles, Zhang Feng quietly came to the backyard, ready to give the two puppies and the little starling the Qiling liquid.

As soon as Zhang Feng thought, a bottle of Enlightenment Liquid appeared in Zhang Feng's hand immediately. Looking at the Enlightenment Liquid, which was only the size of a common cold capsule, Zhang Feng was very curious. Just a few drops of colorless liquid can really have such a miraculous effect ?
"Xiao Hei, come and open your mouth..." Zhang Feng opened the puppy's mouth, and immediately stuffed the enlightening liquid into Xiao Hei's mouth. According to the introduction of the system, the packaging of the enlightening liquid is the same as that of capsules. They are all absorbed directly, so Zhang Feng doesn't have to worry about wasting them.

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu who swallowed the spirit-enlightening liquid. .

Soon, the two puppies fell asleep on their stomachs after drinking the enlightening liquid. Zhang Feng saw that there was nothing unusual about the two puppies, so he continued to feed the little starling.

The little bird's mouth is not as big as the puppy's, so this time Zhang Feng can only pour the liquid medicine into the little mynah's mouth drop by drop. Fortunately, the little mynah is still cooperative, and Zhang Feng quickly Successfully completed the task.

After drinking the spirit-enlightening liquid, the little starling also fell asleep in the cage. According to the introduction of the system, after drinking the spirit-enlightening liquid, the animals should sleep for at least one to three hours. During this time, they digest and absorb the spirit-enlightening liquid and receive the medicine. Liquid modification.

(End of this chapter)

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